Notts campaign against ID cards steps up a gear
Gulliver | 08.10.2005 15:26 | Bio-technology | Repression | Technology
This Saturday the Notts NO2ID group ran its first stall in the Market Square to inform people of the true implications of the Government's proposed scheme. There was a good level of interest form passing shoppers, despite the distractions of the lively NAIL campaigners. Importantly, many people approached us because although they had heard about the ID card idea they knew little about it. So, while we got many signatures on the petitions, we are sure many more will come back to sign up when they have read our leaflets.
If you have not got the facts on ID cards, and more importantly the national ID database follow the links below. We don't want you to have sleepless nights but ....
We will be having local planning meetings so watch Notts Indymedia for dates and don't forget the G8/NO2ID benefit night at the Sumac Centre on 28th October (see events listing for details)
If you have not got the facts on ID cards, and more importantly the national ID database follow the links below. We don't want you to have sleepless nights but ....
We will be having local planning meetings so watch Notts Indymedia for dates and don't forget the G8/NO2ID benefit night at the Sumac Centre on 28th October (see events listing for details)