UK Repression Newswire Archive
Free Mohammed Hamid. Paintballing is not a crime!
20-10-2010 03:34

Demonstrate against Britain's racist immigration laws Tuesday 26 October • 5-6pm
19-10-2010 19:38
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!Tuesday 26 October • 5-6pm
outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre
Old Street London, EC1V 9BR
(called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! All welcome)
Radical Workers Bloc on Anti Cut March
18-10-2010 21:29
Radical Workers BlocBirmingham Wed 20th October & London 23rd October
Action to defend the right to strike
18-10-2010 21:00
01 November · 10:00 - 13:00
Trafalgar Square, SW1
London, United Kingdom
Announcing the new J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog
18-10-2010 15:28

eye on 7/7 Inquests that are taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice
under the auspices of Lady Justice Hallett. The Inquests are expected to
last at least five months and will see the release of evidence that has
previously been kept from public scrutiny.
Solidarity/Scary Science demos
18-10-2010 14:51
Please take note of the following.Prisoner list for October 2010
17-10-2010 23:20

Short doc on Greece and migration
17-10-2010 14:56
October 2010It's the first time that an EU country has seen its treatment of refugees described as a humanitarian crisis by the UNHCR. This report gets to the heart of the escalating tensions in Greece.
New York Times defends US government's right "to assassinate anyone it pleases"
16-10-2010 17:52

The open reactionaries like the Wall Street Journal and Fox News display their bloodlust unashamedly. The “liberals” like the Times prefer a dose of hypocritical moralizing and legalistic quibbling. The consequences for humanity are the same.
Jimmy Mubenga posters in South London
15-10-2010 21:20
Because of the current practical media blackout and misinformation surrounding the events aboard BA Flight 77 where Jimmy Mubenga was murdered, anti deportation activists have taken it upon themselves to inform people about these tragic and disgusting events."Taking on EDO with Octogenarian Quaker John and the New Kids on the Black Bloc
15-10-2010 17:30
***Slideshow from "Hammertime" EDO/ITT Brighton
Group 4 Murder Angolan Migrant during Deportation
14-10-2010 23:45
An Angolan man was suffocated to death by three G4S guards who were forcibly deporting him back to Angola, they used handcuffs and 'restraint' techniques which involved putting pressure on his back and pushing his head into his lap.Police Station Squatted In London
14-10-2010 01:48

What follows is a communique' from the occupied to the occupiers:
Ratcliffe on Trial
13-10-2010 19:10
21 climate change activists face a Crown Court trial for defending the future of our planet. Their crime: Planning to shut down the UK’s third largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions.The Unimaginable: My Night of Violence at the Hands of the Belgian Police.
13-10-2010 10:37
Democracy in Europe is under threat of a police force that feels entitled to police thoughts and use violence, while being fully confident that it can act with impunity. Marianne Maeckelbergh, assistant professor at Leiden University went through a horrowing first hand experience.Singled Out And Suppressed At Birmigham Anti-Tory March
13-10-2010 08:39

Radical and active? You’re in need of police re-education!
12-10-2010 22:05
Imagine a knock on your door late one night by two non-uniformed police offers. They explain that someone, somewhere has mentioned your “extremist opinions” and they are worried you might “act on them,” whatever that means. They won’t tell you who informed them, but they appear to know an awful lot about what you think. They advise you to come with them for some kind of re-education programme and imply there may be dire consequences if you don’t. Is this some kind of Orwellian nightmare? No. Welcome to 21st century Britain and the Channel Project, part of the government's counter-terrorism Prevent strategy.Oppose the English Defence League London rally on October 24th
12-10-2010 11:37
The English Defence League are a racist & Islamophobic organnisation with links to the BNP, Combat 18, Blood & Honour, National Front & UKIP. They have rioted in Newcastle, Dudley, Bolton, Bradford & Leicester. The EDL have been arrested on bombing charges, have placec pigs heads on mosques, pulled off womens hijabs etc. They say they are against extremism but are against all Muslims.Anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch has been transferred
11-10-2010 09:41
First released by the International Red Aid