Statewatch News Online 12th Jan 04
sw | 13.01.2004 15:45 | Repression | Technology | London
Statewatch News online, 12 January 2004
1. UK: Extradition legislation slipped through
parliament over Christmas holiday
- controversial UK-US treaty ratified;
- use of Statutory Instrument "an abuse of
democracy" - shadow Home Secretary;
- UK Extradition Act 2003 given full effect, see:
2. UK Civil Contingencies Bill published -
Britain's "Patriot Act" (Text of bill and
- controversial clause on human rights dropped but
overall powers remain as great a danger to
democracy as ever;
- powers to ban protests and travel unchanged;
- powers to control or withdraw e-mails and
websites services added, see:
3. USA to use EU PNR data for CAPPS II testing
despite assurances that agreement would not cover
it, see:
4. Italy to retain communications data for five
years, see:
5. Flights from France cancelled due to "mistaken
identity" by US security agencies using PNR, see:
6. European Arrest Warrant limps into force:
Report and documentation, see:
7. EU issues updated list of "terrorist
organisations and persons": Lists and
documentation, see:
8. UK: Committee of senior parliamentarians calls
for “Britain's Guantanamo Bay” to be scrapped as
"a matter of urgency", see:
The Statewatch website during the year 2003 had
471,696 visitor sessions and 2,141,960 "hits" -
this compares with 305,195 user sessions with
1,174,803 "hits" in 2002. Over 5,000 people are
now on our e-mail list and get regular updates - a
Happy New Year to all our users!
"News in brief":
9. British Computer Society, the professional body
for the UK IT industry has joined the critics of
the Government's proposed identity cards [link]
10. USA: Data Debase - The powerful technology
known as data mining and how, in the
government's hands, it could become a civil
libertarian's nightmare, from American Prospect
11. France: France to fingerprint for tourist
visas, Agence France Press, December 17, 2003
Statewatch: Monitoring the state and civil
liberties in Europe
PO Box 1516, London, N16 0EW. UK
tel: +44(0)20-8802-1882; fax: +44(0)20-8880-1727

1. UK: Extradition legislation slipped through
parliament over Christmas holiday
- controversial UK-US treaty ratified;
- use of Statutory Instrument "an abuse of
democracy" - shadow Home Secretary;
- UK Extradition Act 2003 given full effect, see:

2. UK Civil Contingencies Bill published -
Britain's "Patriot Act" (Text of bill and
- controversial clause on human rights dropped but
overall powers remain as great a danger to
democracy as ever;
- powers to ban protests and travel unchanged;
- powers to control or withdraw e-mails and
websites services added, see:

3. USA to use EU PNR data for CAPPS II testing
despite assurances that agreement would not cover
it, see:

4. Italy to retain communications data for five
years, see:

5. Flights from France cancelled due to "mistaken
identity" by US security agencies using PNR, see:

6. European Arrest Warrant limps into force:
Report and documentation, see:

7. EU issues updated list of "terrorist
organisations and persons": Lists and
documentation, see:

8. UK: Committee of senior parliamentarians calls
for “Britain's Guantanamo Bay” to be scrapped as
"a matter of urgency", see:

The Statewatch website during the year 2003 had
471,696 visitor sessions and 2,141,960 "hits" -
this compares with 305,195 user sessions with
1,174,803 "hits" in 2002. Over 5,000 people are
now on our e-mail list and get regular updates - a
Happy New Year to all our users!
"News in brief":

9. British Computer Society, the professional body
for the UK IT industry has joined the critics of
the Government's proposed identity cards [link]
10. USA: Data Debase - The powerful technology
known as data mining and how, in the
government's hands, it could become a civil
libertarian's nightmare, from American Prospect
11. France: France to fingerprint for tourist
visas, Agence France Press, December 17, 2003
Statewatch: Monitoring the state and civil
liberties in Europe
PO Box 1516, London, N16 0EW. UK
tel: +44(0)20-8802-1882; fax: +44(0)20-8880-1727