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London ABC letter writing and christmas card afternoon- this Sunday!

06-12-2012 17:17

1990 strangeways riot - 2012 LDN ABC xmas card
Seasonal solidarity – London ABC letter writing and christmas card afternoon.

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New Years Eve: International Anti-Prison Demos & Actions

06-12-2012 07:46

New-years-eve to the prisons!
Everywhere to the deportation and detention centers!

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Interview With Militant Prisoner John Bowden by From Here On In

05-12-2012 11:11

Recent interview with John Bowden by Bristol-based publication 'From Here On In' to be published in the next issue (

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Bradley Manning's Testimony [Part 1]

04-12-2012 22:34

'Brad on the witness stand' by Clark Stoeckley

Alexa O'Brien has been tweeting a summary of the notes she took while Bradley Manning was giving evidence in court at Fort Meade last Thursday and Friday.

For other court reports see: 1-2 Dec, 30 Nov and 27-29 Nov.

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Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 1 & 2 December

04-12-2012 16:35

Illustration by Clark Stoeckley of MSGT Craig Blenis (self-confessed dick)

Court martial proceedings continued Saturday and Sunday 1 & 2 December at Fort Meade, Maryland where Judge Denise Lind is hearing evidence in a defence motion that Bradley Manning was subjected to unlawful pretrial punishment. The pretrial 'motion' hearing picks up again Wednesday 5 December until Friday 7 Dec.

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Gustavo Rodriguéz - Antagonistic violence

03-12-2012 08:38

Gustavo Rodriguéz Antagonistic violence:

Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments
from an anarchist perspective

An Introductory text for a debate with comrade Gustavo Rodriguez, at the Centre of Anarchist Information (CEDIA), Mexico City, 8th of October 2011

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Bradley Manning takes the stand - More reports from court

02-12-2012 11:54

Courtroom illustration by Clark Stoeckley
Another set of reports and tweets from this week's hearing in which the defence is calling for all charges against Bradley Manning to be dropped on account of the mistreatment he suffered at Quantico Brig until his eventual transfer to Fort Leavenworth in April 2011. These links and quotes are mainly from 30 November, when Brad faced cross examination on his testimony. See also this previous post with links to earlier reports from the hearing.

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Police, army turn terror on Jaffna University students

01-12-2012 20:00

According to reports from Jaffna, the Jaffna University students wearing black bands were staging the protest rally opposite the university main entrance around 11 am when hundreds of police and military personnel attacked them with poles, wires and cables, seriously wounding at least seven of them.

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November 28: Appalling attack and deafening silence

01-12-2012 19:49

On the evening of the November 27 at 06:07 PM (local time), flames were lit in commemoration of Maaveerar Naal 2012 (Martyrs’ Day 2012). It was initiated by the Tamil students from the Jaffna University.Pre-deployed Sri Lankan troops forcibly entered into the Ladies’ Hostel and attacked the students and damaged properties, soon after they realized that the flames were lit inside the Ladies’ Hostel of the Jaffna University. The victims called the University administration to escape from the attack and seek safety. However, following the attack tensions prevailed.

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Victimisation of students forces UCL occupation to withdraw

01-12-2012 12:42

A student occupation at University College London (UCL) has been forced to disband after university management gave notice that they would hold three students liable for £40,000 worth of costs.

The occupation was established in protest at UCL’s plan to open a new campus in Stratford, east London. The development of the campus would require the demolition of the Carpenters’ Estate, and the eviction of hundreds of council tenants from their homes. Robin Wales, the Labour executive mayor of Newham, has defended the plans. Among his many justifications, he has said: “you find people who say it’s their chance to move to Southend.”

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Unfairness committed by Tower Hamlets Council

01-12-2012 12:23

A trendy sounding outfit has been set up by Tower Hamlets Council with an even trendier Anglican Clergyman Giles Fraser put at the top. The plug for the Commission, one of a number by local Councils, claims the object to be "looking at how to improve equality outcomes in their areas."
So is that another hype or is that part of a sinister agenda like making the Rightwing attacks on Society acceptable?

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Bradley Manning takes the stand - Reports from court

30-11-2012 11:19

Courtroom illustration by Clark Stoeckley
Bradley Manning is back in court this week at Fort Meade in Maryland, where he faces 22 charges in connection with the biggest anti-war whistleblowing act in history. This week's pretrial hearing is dealing specifically with the mistreatment Bradley suffered during his detention at Quantico brig in the US and evidence has been heard about his treatment from his arrest in May 2010, his detention in Kuwait and then in Quantico until his move to less punitive conditions at Fort Leavenworth in April 2011. Brad took the witness stand yesterday and will testify again today.

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Prisoners for Peace day on 1st December

30-11-2012 10:25

War Resisters' International urges supporters to contact people imprisoned for their actions for peace, marking 'Prisoners for Peace day' on Saturday, December 1st.

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Two Years of Cablegate as Bradley Manning Testifies for the First Time

30-11-2012 08:54

Yesterday was the second anniversary of the publication of the first Cablegate leaks in newspapers around the world. It was also the day on which Bradley Manning took the stand for the first time in the court martial proceedings against him. In this particular hearing, Bradley Manning's Defence is calling for all charges against him to be dropped on account of his severe and illegal mistreatment in pretrial detention, so in effect it's the US Military that's in the dock this week.

Julian Assange marked the occasion with an article in Huffington Post.

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Italy: Monti’s government “democratic and sober” response to the crisis

29-11-2012 19:39

The demonstrations that took place all over Italy on 14th November as part of a European Day of Action against austerity are already setting the pace of the new management of public order. In Rome in particular it’s been forbidden for months to get anywhere close to the political headquarters during demonstrations, despite the revocation of the decrees introduced last year by the Mayor to turn the whole of the city centre into a red zone.

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Brazil: Neo-Nazi in Congress.

28-11-2012 18:32

law bills of popular initiative
Help us neutralize a neo-Nazi who hides in full Brazilian democracy, Today under the wise leadership of President Dilma Rousseff.

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Twenty-nine Years of Dignified Resistance: An Echo in the Heartbeat of the Peopl

25-11-2012 09:34

17th November 1983 to 17th November 2012
by the
Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group

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UG#594 - Occupy 2.0 (Peer Produced Politics)

25-11-2012 08:56

This week we hear three different perspectives on the ongoing Occupy movement. Firstly, an open letter to the police by occupier Reverend Richard Lang. Then Noam Chomsky on how to broaden Occupy and on its relationship to the US Republicrat kabuki. Finally P2P theorist Michel Bauwens sets Occupy in the context of emerging peer production. We conclude with another reading from chapter 7 of David Graeber's Debt, The First 5000 Years.

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Indymedia cover-up police agent-provocateurs at G20 –

24-11-2012 12:19

Met Police lying about undercover police agent-provocateurs at G20, AND SO ARE INDYMEDIA -

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NUS march - report and pics (#demo2012)

21-11-2012 22:43

at the start of the march there were up to ten thousand students from all over the country - directed on an agreed route to kennington park in south london (hardly the seat of government), barely a thousand made it as far as the rally which then ended in chaos as NUS president liam burns was pelted with eggs as some activists invaded the stage.
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