UK Repression Newswire Archive
How to support Abahlali Shackdwellers after recent muderous attacks
02-10-2009 18:41
Update from Kennedy Road by Abahlali_3 on Thu, 2009-10-01 in Kennedy RoadFriends and comrades, the movement is still under attack in Kennedy Road and the police are still failing to protect us. The settlement is now run by the chairperson of the local ANC branch, Jackson Gumede, and his armed mob. Gumede is asking people to show ANC cards. Senior people in the ANC and the police continue to offer open and public support for the attacks. None of the people that attacked us and destroyed our homes have been arrested. Many of us are still sleeping in the bush and in the streets. There has been another death in hospital. Our members from across 34 settlements in Durban, and some from other settlements as far away as Cape Town, will soon meet in a secret location. We will formulate a plan of action and draft and issue a full and official press statement.
Alfredo Bonanno and another anarchist comrade arrested in Greece
02-10-2009 17:44
Anarchist comrade Alfredo Bonanno was arrested in Trikala, Greece along with a Greek comrade following a robbery in a bank. They appeared before the public prosecutor this morning and we await further news. Here is a report from Athens indymedia.New Deal training fraud
02-10-2009 14:20
If political parties are looking for painless cuts in public spending, New Deal fraudulent training courses should be their top priority.Honduras coup and Brazilian mainstream media (by Latuff)
02-10-2009 11:43

Venezuela: murderers can not make justice. On the exhumations of the Caracazo
01-10-2009 22:05

“End the illegal occupation of Western Sahara” Labour Party Conference urged
01-10-2009 13:59
Free Western Sahara campaigners descended on Brighton for the Labour Party Conference and made sure that this forgotten conflict was at the forefront of people's mindsDemo against Tories and ACPO in Manchester
01-10-2009 12:30
From the miners to the G20... Still not loving Tories! Still not loving police! - Anti police repression demoSunday 4th October, 17.00, Manchester Town Hall
ANC leaders present during recent attacks on Abahlali Shackdwellers
01-10-2009 11:12

Eye-Witness: State of Siege in Honduras
01-10-2009 07:48

Calais migrants hunger strike press release/ final
30-09-2009 19:57
The hunger strike has started today at 12 noon.Out Now! 325 #7 - An Insurgent Anti-Prison Zine of Social War & Anarchy
30-09-2009 08:51
Fresh from the frontlines and hot off the press, the seventh issue of the rebellious and anarchic zine known as ‘325′ is out now. For 5 years this publishing project has existed and thanks are due to all those who have contributed a letter, article, report, stone, barricade, molotov and flame of insight.London Calais Migrant Solidarity Demo
30-09-2009 07:38
In response to the brutal destruction of the 'jungle' migrant camp in Calais by French authorities, around 30 people demonstrated yesterday near the French Embassy in Knightsbridge, London.Stop Deportation Network Benefit, Saturday 3rd October 2009
29-09-2009 19:16
STOP DEPORTATION NETWORK BENEFIT Saturday 3rd October 2009@ rampART, 15 -17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)
Food from 7pm, music starts at 8pm
Suggested donation: £5 waged /£3 unwaged
support the refugees in calais
29-09-2009 13:31
i'm under no illusion about the problems of writing to our MPs & the media but think it is worth doing in this case (as well as doing other things). below is the letter i wrote. you can do it very quickly and for free here www.writetothem.comsquatted art centre in the belly of the beast.
29-09-2009 12:56
This building has been abandoned and left to rot for over 1 year .We took action to battle this unfair fact by occupying this space and turning it into a form of autonomy an active , creative space where people feel free from the monster called capitalism ......... while being completely surrounded by it.
Guinea: Bloody Repression Kills Dozens of anti-Junta Protesters
29-09-2009 02:47

Callout for support in Calais for migrants on hunger strike
28-09-2009 21:13

RBL dithers while BNP donations con-trick is exposed
28-09-2009 20:45
BNP charity offer is no offer