New Deal training fraud
Keith Parkins | 02.10.2009 14:20 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
If political parties are looking for painless cuts in public spending, New Deal fraudulent training courses should be their top priority.
Reading an account of a former inmate of A4E, I thought this would be all too familiar to those who have spent a prison sentence at CDG (Careers Development Group).
I was forced to serve a sentence at CDG two years ago. My experience was that of fraud. Public money being spent on services not provided.
Bullying by CDG staff was widespread. Repeated threats of sanctions, ie benefits stopped for 6 months if you do not do as we say. No facilities for job search, out-of-date newspapers, no local newspapers, complete lack of any trade journals, ancient computers, unlawful monitoring of computer access, blocked Internet access, one telephone for probably 50 or more people, overcrowded, total disregard of data protection and safeguarding of personal data, thieving prevalent, tutors who had not a clue what they were talking about and were lacking in communication skills (shouting and swearing at inmates is not communication), inmates treated as though they were children, poor health and safety, dirty toilets.
Whilst at CDG I was helping inmates use the computers, fill out application forms, draw up CVs, because the staff were so useless.
Skimming was taking place, the first £4 of any travel expense claim was being retained by CDG. This is unlawful. Anyone who has been ripped off in this way should file a claim with their Job Centre.
One of the websites blocked by CDG is Indymedia UK, as the last thing they want is for their inmates to know that others are experiencing the same fraud and abuse and are calling for these bogus training companies to be closed down. Prior to it being blocked, they made it an 'offence' for anyone to look at critical content on Indymedia UK.
A4E has gone one step further and tried (unsuccessfully) to close down websites hosting critical comment.
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After my repeatedly complaining to the Job Centre, I was without warning physically frogmarched out of the CDG building and had false charges laid against me by the liar CDG centre manager.
I am now back on New Deal, another box-ticking waste of time, waste of public funds exercise. Thursday a meeting with Job Centre manager, to be told, CDG is mandatory you will have to go back. If you refuse, we will stop your benefit. No consideration that public money is being wasted, no consideration whether any benefit is to be gained, that one is actually worse of than a trip to the local library. The same mentality that ran the Nazi death camps. If nothing else, party to fraud on the public purse. Job Centre manager was more than ten minutes late for scheduled appointment, but no explanation, no apology. Banging ones head against a brick wall comes to mind.
Asked what benefit I would gain from attending CDG, the Job Centre manager could not say. Neither could the New Deal adviser who was present. Asked what was the success rate, how many people got jobs after attending CDG, they answer was they did not know! But if I was to refuse to attend, my benefits would be stopped.
I have spoken to many who have been to the CDG prison camp in the recent past, including some who have been there three times and being told they will have to go back for yet a fourth time! All have told me without exception the same tale. Bullying still widespread, lack of facilities, a complete waste of time, appalling waste of public money. For anyone who has any professional education or experience, it is even worse as these fraudulent courses are a de-skilling exercise.
No private company would continue wasting money on sending its employees on training courses for which there was no tangible benefit, but when it comes to Job Centre staff it would appear that it is ok to waste millions of pounds of taxpayers' money on scam training courses. A lucrative gravy train for those profiteers who are running these scams training courses, in essence money for old rope, no questions asked.
All political parties are looking for ways to make deep cuts in public spending. One of the first cuts should be the public money being squandered on these scam training courses being run by CDG, A4E, Working Links etc as there is absolutely no benefit to the unemployed, let alone the public. The only beneficiaries are the bloodsucking bastards who are running these courses, who are benefiting from the fact that others are unemployed.
Why is there no fraud investigation? Everyone knows fraud is taking place, the Job Centres know, and yet they are still sending people to what are little more than prison camps for the unemployed.
Contrary to the neo-Labour spin, New Deal is doing nothing to help the unemployed. It is a fraudulent exercise to transfer public money, ie taxpayers' money, to the private sector under the guise of helping the unemployed.
Anyone who is on New Deal should be complaining about this appalling waste of public money. Taxpayers should be incensed that their taxes are being wasted on fraudulent training courses.
It is not just New Deal that is not working. Job Centre Plus is not working either.
If a training course was worth attending, there would be a waiting list. It speaks volumes that it requires these courses to be made mandatory with the loss of benefit if you refuse to attend.
Humiliating and degrading treatment, breach of Human Rights Act?
Government data shows New Deal to be a failure. New Deal inmates know why it is a failure. Why is no one listening? Why no investigation by the National Audit Office? Why no investigation by the Public Accounts Committee? Or has public service in this country become so tainted and corrupted that no one gives a damn?

I was forced to serve a sentence at CDG two years ago. My experience was that of fraud. Public money being spent on services not provided.
Bullying by CDG staff was widespread. Repeated threats of sanctions, ie benefits stopped for 6 months if you do not do as we say. No facilities for job search, out-of-date newspapers, no local newspapers, complete lack of any trade journals, ancient computers, unlawful monitoring of computer access, blocked Internet access, one telephone for probably 50 or more people, overcrowded, total disregard of data protection and safeguarding of personal data, thieving prevalent, tutors who had not a clue what they were talking about and were lacking in communication skills (shouting and swearing at inmates is not communication), inmates treated as though they were children, poor health and safety, dirty toilets.
Whilst at CDG I was helping inmates use the computers, fill out application forms, draw up CVs, because the staff were so useless.
Skimming was taking place, the first £4 of any travel expense claim was being retained by CDG. This is unlawful. Anyone who has been ripped off in this way should file a claim with their Job Centre.

One of the websites blocked by CDG is Indymedia UK, as the last thing they want is for their inmates to know that others are experiencing the same fraud and abuse and are calling for these bogus training companies to be closed down. Prior to it being blocked, they made it an 'offence' for anyone to look at critical content on Indymedia UK.
A4E has gone one step further and tried (unsuccessfully) to close down websites hosting critical comment.

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After my repeatedly complaining to the Job Centre, I was without warning physically frogmarched out of the CDG building and had false charges laid against me by the liar CDG centre manager.
I am now back on New Deal, another box-ticking waste of time, waste of public funds exercise. Thursday a meeting with Job Centre manager, to be told, CDG is mandatory you will have to go back. If you refuse, we will stop your benefit. No consideration that public money is being wasted, no consideration whether any benefit is to be gained, that one is actually worse of than a trip to the local library. The same mentality that ran the Nazi death camps. If nothing else, party to fraud on the public purse. Job Centre manager was more than ten minutes late for scheduled appointment, but no explanation, no apology. Banging ones head against a brick wall comes to mind.
Asked what benefit I would gain from attending CDG, the Job Centre manager could not say. Neither could the New Deal adviser who was present. Asked what was the success rate, how many people got jobs after attending CDG, they answer was they did not know! But if I was to refuse to attend, my benefits would be stopped.
I have spoken to many who have been to the CDG prison camp in the recent past, including some who have been there three times and being told they will have to go back for yet a fourth time! All have told me without exception the same tale. Bullying still widespread, lack of facilities, a complete waste of time, appalling waste of public money. For anyone who has any professional education or experience, it is even worse as these fraudulent courses are a de-skilling exercise.
No private company would continue wasting money on sending its employees on training courses for which there was no tangible benefit, but when it comes to Job Centre staff it would appear that it is ok to waste millions of pounds of taxpayers' money on scam training courses. A lucrative gravy train for those profiteers who are running these scams training courses, in essence money for old rope, no questions asked.
All political parties are looking for ways to make deep cuts in public spending. One of the first cuts should be the public money being squandered on these scam training courses being run by CDG, A4E, Working Links etc as there is absolutely no benefit to the unemployed, let alone the public. The only beneficiaries are the bloodsucking bastards who are running these courses, who are benefiting from the fact that others are unemployed.
Why is there no fraud investigation? Everyone knows fraud is taking place, the Job Centres know, and yet they are still sending people to what are little more than prison camps for the unemployed.
Contrary to the neo-Labour spin, New Deal is doing nothing to help the unemployed. It is a fraudulent exercise to transfer public money, ie taxpayers' money, to the private sector under the guise of helping the unemployed.
Anyone who is on New Deal should be complaining about this appalling waste of public money. Taxpayers should be incensed that their taxes are being wasted on fraudulent training courses.
It is not just New Deal that is not working. Job Centre Plus is not working either.

If a training course was worth attending, there would be a waiting list. It speaks volumes that it requires these courses to be made mandatory with the loss of benefit if you refuse to attend.
Humiliating and degrading treatment, breach of Human Rights Act?
Government data shows New Deal to be a failure. New Deal inmates know why it is a failure. Why is no one listening? Why no investigation by the National Audit Office? Why no investigation by the Public Accounts Committee? Or has public service in this country become so tainted and corrupted that no one gives a damn?

Keith Parkins
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