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BNP fascists using online radio to target young voters

Antifacist gamer | 28.09.2009 09:09 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression

The BNP are being promoted on online gaming radio show!

Europes largest gaming radio station has been supporting facism.
The Sunday evening show on Fragfm has been regularly spouting anti-semitic rhetoric and pro-BNP comments from the presenters as well as from callers.

There have been complaints and ‘DJ Heretic’ has apparently been suspended over his anti-semitic rants, however Gill Burg, a self confessed BNP supporter is still allowed to carry on as normal with his 21.00-23.00 Sunday slot. This cannot be allowed to continue as his subtle attempts at bringing the working class over to the BNP are more dangerous than the more overt attacks.

Please share this with your local antifacists.


Antifacist gamer
