UK Repression Newswire Archive
Short Interview Soudabeh Heidari, Camp Ashraf Hunger Striker.
25-09-2009 12:10

Soudabeh Heidari, aged 19.
Academy Schools; The Sinister Programming of Children
25-09-2009 11:26
Something nasty is at work in education. Billed as a radical NuLabour rethinking of how to educate children, 47 schools are to be run as privately sponsored Academies with international corporations such as weapons giant Vosper-Thornycroft.Full article | 1 addition | 12 comments
Antifa Statement on Police Informant Matthew Gibbons
25-09-2009 08:17

Today your Freedom is being signed away
25-09-2009 01:10
Today at the UN, New York, States are signing a treaty which excludes core obligations and the right to development which will result in people becoming far more dependent on the State/Corporations and also result in discrimination against the poor. Many States are following these policies. However with these rights excluded it will be harder to discern the difference between terrorists and 'freedom fighters'. It is now known the rights to fight for.Metropolitan Police Service apologises for unlawful arrest
25-09-2009 01:04

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G20 Pittsburgh Today: Black Bloc, Tear Gas, Cops Etc
24-09-2009 22:44

Protest at Border Agency offices in Derby
24-09-2009 07:22
As part of a growing number of solidarity actions with the oppression of migrants in Calais there will be a demonstration on Monday morning at the Border Agency offices in Derby.Honduras coup (by Latuff)
24-09-2009 01:20

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Protest in Cardiff Against the destruction of the Jungle
23-09-2009 19:08

Goriletti (by Latuff)
23-09-2009 16:49

Pittsburg G20 protests beset by cop hassle before main events
23-09-2009 16:43
Pittsburgh plays host this week to the G-20 summit, a gathering of leaders of the world's largest national economies and the European Union. And, as with many past international summits, protest groups are embroiled in legal battles over their ability to voice opposition to international political and corporate elites.UK Mass Rally Against Mandatory Vaccinations October 3rd
23-09-2009 15:16
Info on mass rally against mandatory vaccination, London, Oct 3rd.The One-Sided War on the Streets of Honduras
23-09-2009 13:53
“We will continue the struggle for democracy,” said Zelaya, as the crowd voiced their desire for a new constitution. “This time I won’t be caught napping,” joked Zelaya, referring to the episode on June 28, when the military accosted him in his pajamas.Later, when the lights were cut, there were fears the authorities might storm the gates at any moment, and side arms were handed out to security guards. The lights soon returned courtesy of the compound’s generator (and gas supplied by La Resistencia). The expected attack didn’t come until dawn, when police launched tear gas shells into the courtyard, and forcibly occupied neighboring buildings."
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Solidarity protest outside Brighton UK Borders Agency
23-09-2009 13:09

Midlands BNP Officers speak at German Neo Nazi Rally
23-09-2009 10:33

Mike Bell, secretary of the party’s West Midlands region, attended the Germany National Democratic Party’s Fest der Völker (Festival of Nations) in Pössneck, Thüringen, with three other BNP activists.
They included Dave and Nina Brown from Nottinghamshire, who were taking time out from campaigning for a Broxtowe District Council by-election on 24 September, where Mr Brown was the BNP candidate.
Protest in Scotland Against Clearances of Migrant Camps in Calais
23-09-2009 08:42

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Calais update
23-09-2009 08:27
Last night activists stayed in different squats and 'jungles' around Calais ahead of the ongoing raids.Honduran coup leader Roberto Micheletti (by Latuff)
23-09-2009 00:56

Save Romell Broom / Romell Broom: a different man
22-09-2009 23:43