UK Repression Newswire Archive
Help! Lives are in danger!
24-12-2010 14:21
Afghan and Iranianwomen and children seekingasylum in Greece beingbattered and assaultedby the elite units of the Greek police, right outside The Ministry of Citizen Protection. Asylum seekers, outside The United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Greece, have—once more—sewn their lips!Police came for me at 5am
23-12-2010 14:04
On the 17/12/10 (Last friday) The police came to my house with a warrant for my arrest. They came like the stasi in the night, getting me out of bed at 5am in the morning.They had a warrant for my arrest, with the charge of Affray and Conspiracy to affray.
Protest 2010: Into the Spectacle
22-12-2010 15:59
The use of agent provocateurs at the London Student Demonstrations 2010, and the key photo ops that came out of it. The Hammer Gang, and others, not only attacked innocent demonstrators with hammers, but lead 1] right-wing newspaper photo-ops 2] a campaign of entrapment. Time to fight back!Support Julian Assange
21-12-2010 17:27
I am a mainstream media journalist and I am increasingly disaffected with my work - I support WikiLeaks because it is helping to reinvigorate real journalismThis rage is the only future we have! Thoughts on 14th December protests in Ital
20-12-2010 19:43
In the last few days I’ve read, listened to and watched a lot of stuff about the student protests in Italy, and especially the huge demonstrations of 14th December, when Rome was set on fire by thousands of beautiful, angry youth. With few exceptions, the Italian media have been doing what they do best: Attacking, twisting, distorting, diminishing, LYING. No surprise there. I can’t see a reason why the Videocrat and his court would like to have angry people on the streets, unless it was the new generation of Black Shirts they’ve been breeding during the last few years. There have been attacks from other sides too, unfortunately. Roberto Saviano, the writer of the bestseller “Gomorrah” (you’ll have heard of the movie!), wrote a letter to the “left wing” newspaper La Repubblica, in which he attacked the students using the same old refrain we already know: The police’ violence was horrible, but it was the violent protesters’ fault. A few black sheep ruined the whole peaceful movement, and so on…How THEY Plan to Break Manning to Get Assange! How WE plan to Stop THEM
20-12-2010 08:08
In truth, over the last 7 months the anti-war movement has failed itsmost significant political prisoner. We are 10 years into this war,
we should have learnt something about nonviolent resistance and the
culture of solidarity that throughout human history has sustained such
UN Peace Corps should enter into the territory of Belarussia
20-12-2010 00:14
Polish Liberals appeal to elected officials of European democrating nations to stop supporting Mr. Lukashenko terror.Using Aktivix VPN service from Microsoft Windows
19-12-2010 14:23

4 minutes to freedom
UG#530 - Exploiting Human Resources (20th Century Control Hierarchies)
19-12-2010 11:25

VIDEO: Police arrest peaceful protesters
18-12-2010 22:36
"We are peaceful, what are you?!"URGENT ACTION NEEDED to support arrested anti-cuts protesters
18-12-2010 21:43
Stop Political Policing! Fight The Cuts!A neo-primitivist analysis of civilization
18-12-2010 17:44
Here we take a look at the past, present and potential future of civilization for your entertainment and education.Full article | 1 addition | 53 comments
The Case "Simon Brenner"- German undercover agent
18-12-2010 13:56

On Sunday the 12th of December 2010 a undercover agent working for the Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Baden-Württemberg was uncovered in Heidelberg, Germany. His aim was to make contact with the Antifa scene via open left structures and to gather information about individuals as well as group structures to be presented directly to the LKA and the local state security division.
General Fuckwittage
17-12-2010 21:07

"Yeah" agreed Shaz, "that guy's buried himself in his own fuckwittage."
A couple of years ago the former director of the FBI Louis Freeh, attacked Britain's MI5 for its "long and painful history" in British Occupied Ireland. He told the Wall Street Journal that the spy agency's operations in Occupied Ireland had been decades of "secrecy and non-transparency" and he argued vehemently against any such agency being established in the States.
Geographies of the Kettle: Containment, Spectacle & Counter-Strategy
17-12-2010 19:28
The last few weeks of student-led protests against the ideologically blunt and financially reckless Tory-Liberal Democrat cuts and the massively short-sighted, brutal and regressive cuts to third level education in particular may well have marked something of a turning point in modern British history. They have won back the power of political protest that was seemingly lost after the defeat of the anti-war marches in 2003.Dark Nights #9 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter / Dec 2010
17-12-2010 17:10

Audio from Screening "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo"
16-12-2010 21:54

The Emperor Wears No Clothes
16-12-2010 12:53
We are writing this statement in support of democracy.Since Sunday, November 28th, WikiLeaks and five major newspapers from around the world (The Guardian, The New York Times, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, El Pais) have been publishing redacted versions of leaked US Diplomatic Cables in an ongoing story that has become known as "Cablegate." The identity of the original leaker is - as yet - unconfirmed
WE’VE GOT THE RAGE ! General Strike in Greece
16-12-2010 09:16
Nationwide report from the General Strike in Greece, December 15th 2010New anti-police tactic direct from Athens: Fire extinguishers!
16-12-2010 00:09
As was pointed out tonight on the excellent Occupied London blog from Greece, 'One of the most empowering elements of today’s demonstration was peoples’ sheer anger and their willingness to fight back at the police repression and to defend their right to be on the streets. New tactics, including the incredibly successful use of fire extinguishers in keeping police away from demonstrator blocks, is surely a legacy for the struggles to come'.