UK Repression Newswire Archive
Why Are the FBI Cultivating Their Own "Homegrown Terrorists"?
15-12-2010 23:43
The FBI caught another homegrown terrorist this week, except like many recent plots the agency has “uncovered,” the attack was a plant, a plan concocted by the FBI itself. It’s the latest in a growing number of terrorism plots that the FBI stirs up by infiltrating communities and helping to devise attack plans. The practice raises serious questions about the government’s implementation of it’s ongoing war on terror.Solidarity from the South Pacific with UK climate justice activists
15-12-2010 22:58
Climate Camp Aotearoa sends a message of solidarity across the globe to the 20 climate justice activists found guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass in the UK. The activists were among 114 people arrested in a dawn raid on Easter Monday last year against activists who planned not only to stop carbon emissions from the Ratcliffe coal power station but to be part of a much wider movement for global social justice.Prisons for rent
15-12-2010 20:17
As the coalition government announced its plans to 'reform' the prison and rehabilitation services, private companies were greasing their palms for fat contracts in the new market. Meanwhile, private security giant G4S has been preparing to build new custody cells that it will rent (literally) to the police.The day after…update on student protests
15-12-2010 18:47

The mother of all demonstrations-central London 29th April 2011
15-12-2010 18:39
Everyone to the streets of London on the new bank holiday!The Inevitability Of Brutality
15-12-2010 15:17

WikiLeaks reveals the dirty diplomacy of climate change
15-12-2010 15:14
As the proceedings of the climate change summit concluded last weekend in Cancun, Mexico, recently released secret diplomatic cables cast renewed light on the shadowy nature of international climate change negotiations.Anonymous brings down swedish prosecutor's website
15-12-2010 14:23
Following the news that swedish prosecutors will appeal bail, Julian Assange was remanded just 2 hours after being granted bail on the condition he surrender his passport, submit to an electronic tag, follow a curfew and not try to buy international travel tickets.14/12/2010: An account of today's protests in Italy
14-12-2010 22:02
It’s difficult to make out a clear picture of what’s been happening today, when Italian websites and blogs are still being inundated with of updates, reports, pictures and videos. While Berlusconi was narrowly winning a vote of confidence in Parliament (314 to 311…3 fucking votes!), thousands of people took to the streets to protest once again against the Gelmini reform and the government.Italy: Demos, blockades and riots everywhere today
14-12-2010 19:25

Lawyer for Assange: US has empanelled secret grand jury against WikiLeaks leader
14-12-2010 17:01
As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was preparing to appear today before a London court to appeal a judge’s denial of bail, his attorney Mark Stephens warned that Sweden had instigated legal proceedings in order to hand Assange over to the US authorities.Statement from the defendants
14-12-2010 15:23
As the UN climate talks finish in Cancun, and fail once again to come up with any legally binding framework to reduce emissions, the British legal system is still upholding business as usual. This can’t continue. Burning coal has no future.
We are twenty of the 114 who were targets of the biggest pre-emptive arrest in UK history, as part of the increasing drive to stifle real action on climate change. We planned not only to stop carbon emissions from Ratcliffe but to be part of a much wider movement for global social justice. Dealing with climate change means looking at its root causes and we need to question why the profits of corporations such as e.on are being prioritised over people on the front line of our changing climate and the protection of our children’s futures.
In the 3 weeks we’ve been on trial over 17,000 people have died from the effects of climate change, species have continued to disappear and a few energy CEOs have continued to line their pockets. It’s the poorest and most vulnerable communities, those least responsible for this crisis, who are being hit the hardest.
Taking action on climate change is not an act of moral righteousness, but of self-defence. History is full of ordinary people who have acted to protect their fundamental rights and we need a strong movement of people doing just that. We want to reiterate our support for everyone fighting for climate justice.
Activists found guilty in Ratcliffe coal climate trial
14-12-2010 14:14
Twenty climate activists who planned to shut down one of Britain’s most polluting power stations for a week were found guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass today.Utterly disgraceful and disgusting BBC interview of Jody McIntyre
14-12-2010 14:07
The BBC News interviews Jody McIntyre, the man who was pulled from his wheelchair at the last fees demo.Update from EDO blockade
14-12-2010 13:27
The blockade action at EDO/ITT in Brighton today went off rather differently than usual....Support for students is very strong
14-12-2010 13:20
The old control of the media is not enough to get hegemonic control of society in the context of the new student risings.How to hide your identity
14-12-2010 12:29

The Empire Has No Clothes
14-12-2010 02:27
The UN reviews (or does it?) the human rights record of the United States.The MET's published photos. Advice for those identified.
13-12-2010 16:28

If you or one of your mates is one of them, you’ll be worried and unsure about what to do. Before you do anything, read this first.
On violence against the police
13-12-2010 16:03

The condemnations are as predictable as they are boring. The public-school educated Sun hacks, who write like some coked up parodies of proletarian semi-literacy, refer to “louts” and “hooligans”. The Daily Mail complains about someone urinating against Churchill’s statue, and the Telegraph is dismayed that Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were “attacked”. Probably by a “baying mob”. Meanwhile, someone in a moustache on The Guardian talks about how, no doubt, this will provide a “distraction” from the “real issues”, whose repetition ad nauseam presumably has some intrinsic value for the solemn liberal contingent.