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Guns and Butter: Tyranny Abroad, Police State at Home

Chris | 09.03.2007 00:35 | Repression | Terror War | Sheffield | World

Guns and Butter radio show recorded on 7th March 2007: Interview with attorney and President of the US Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner. Michael Ratner has led the center in its aggressive legal fight against the post - 9/11 violations of civil liberties by the Bush administration.

Guns and Butter: Tyranny Abroad, Police State at Home - mp3 10M

Michael Ratner is at the forefront of the legal fight against the 'Global War on Terror', he considers that "this country is sinking into a police state".

Michael Ratner was part of a small group of lawyers that first took on representation of the Guantanamo detainees in January 2001, a case that went to the supreme court where a major victory was won in June 2004. Attack on lawyers; Military Commissions Act; designation of unlawful enemy combatant; torture; writ of habeas corpus; preventive detention; round-ups.

The Center for Constitutional Rights:

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