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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Basic daily rights under threat for 20,000+ UK citizens!

18-12-2011 14:28

How would you feel if it was the case that you, or your loved ones, had the most fundamental aspects of your lives constrained and controlled? Do you take for granted the minutiae of freedom in your life? Over 21, 000 people are confronting the terrifying reality of losing such freedoms. Including myself. We have to call on our allies to support the campaign to make the coalition government rethink their attack on us. If this funding is stopped we risk living in worse conditions and with less freedoms than convicted criminals.

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Kristallnacht in Palestine

17-12-2011 23:43

Virtually daily, Israeli security forces attack, kill, or injure Palestinian civilians with impunity. They also destroy their property by bombing, shelling, bulldozing and uprooting it. At the same time, Israeli authorities wink and nod, occasionally decry, yet do nothing to deter extremist settler crimes against Palestinian civilians. Most often, they're given license to terrorize, vandalize and commit physical violence with impunity. Rarely ever is anyone held accountable. The same holds for its own security forces, no matter how outrageous their crimes.

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Three more jailed for Facebook comments on UK summer riots

17-12-2011 21:36

Two teenagers from Dundee, Scotland, and a 22-year-old man from Kidderminster, Worcestershire, in England, were imprisoned for years for statements posted on the social media site Facebook at the time of riots in English cities last summer.

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Free Food! Free Bradley Manning! Cardiff action

17-12-2011 20:36

Cardiff Anarchist Black Cross and WISE Up for Bradley Manning organised a Free food! Free Bradley Manning! stall in Cardiff city centre this afternoon. The banners were also hung over a busy road into Cardiff this morning.

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Germany: Oury Jalloh demonstration

17-12-2011 16:54

In Berlin a demonstration was held in order to remember the victims of nazi violence. The solidarity group of Oury Jalloh therefor published a call. Oury Jalloh was a refugee in the city of Dessau, who was burnt alive in a death cell of the local police headquater. The trial against one of the murderers is supposed to come to an end in early 2012. Adequate reactions to the court decision will be announced.
Here the translation of the call for the demonstration.

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TSG force entry to Social Centre on Peckham Road, London

16-12-2011 20:32

News is coming in from the crew at the Peckham Social Centre that a raid has just happened there. Tooled up riot police broke their way in to the space without a warrant or court papers to attempt to justify the action and no reason has yet been given.

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Solidarity with Bradley Manning in Wrexham

16-12-2011 11:53

Today, on the first day of Bradley Manning's pre-trial hearing, supporters put up two banners at the busy Plas Coch roundabout in Wrexham, Wales, during the morning rush hour: ‘FREE BRADLEY MANNING’ and ‘END THE WARS!’ Bradley Manning’s mother is from Pembrokeshire and still lives in Wales along with other of his relatives. There will be solidarity actions taking place in Cardiff over the weekend:

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Calais: Squat Demolitions

14-12-2011 22:53

Calais squats are bulldozed whilst people are still sleeping inside...

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After the verdict, a poem!

14-12-2011 16:42

Poem performed on steps of court by a PROTESTER found NOT GUILTY OF VIOLENT DISORDER ON DEC 9TH 2010. Jury only took forty mins to clear him.

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Daily Mail bribed police officers

14-12-2011 16:03

Mark Covell in San Martino Hospital (five days after the raid on Diaz)
Recently, an investigation dating back to the Genoa G8 summit during July 2001 has concluded that the Daily Mail reporter bribed three Italian police officers to gain access to one of the G8 Diaz school victims.

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Greece: attempted escape from Korydallos Prison by anarchists of the CCF

13-12-2011 20:39

Greece: attempted escape from Korydallos Prison by anarchists of the CCF

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Police faked evidence and used dum-dum bullets to kill Mark Duggan

12-12-2011 22:39

Soon after Met Police PC Simon Harwood beat Ian Tomlinson to death at the G20 protest, the IPCC lied to the world, pretending that no CCTV cameras had overlooked the scene of Tomlinson's murder. Now the Met and IPCC are lying about the murder of Mark Duggan. A particularly grotesque aspect of Mark Duggan's murder is that police shot Duggan with dum-dum bullets, as used by far-right serial killer Anders Breivik. Dum-dum bullets are banned by The Hague Convention, with soldiers who use dum-dum bullets being tried as WAR CRIMINALS...

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Phone Blockade of Constant and Co

12-12-2011 19:23

A phone, and fax blockade of the offices of notorious Balliff company Constant & Co. aimed at disrupting their activities in facilitating homelessness and state sponsered racism.

01234 340091 (Bedford)
01908 374374 (Bletchley)

If you want to also be inventive the fax numbers are:
01234 301299
01908 374374

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The US Air Force’s New Mind Control Wing

10-12-2011 23:47

USAF "Human Effectiveness Directorate" logo
The use of RF Directed Energy Weapons is roughly similar to other ‘electroshock’ weapons. Just as the cattle prod-like ‘taser’ has been widely adopted in American law enforcement to temporarily disable (or permanently kill) those targeted, pulsed microwave directed energy weapons have been covertly adopted by the US military for remote incapacitation of human targets, such as political dissidents. More properly classified as weapons of electronic warfare--a type of information war--RFDEW are used for the “jamming” of “enemy information systems,” which also happen to be human brains.

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Greece - Athens: clashes during December 6th demo - photos from night

09-12-2011 20:12

Greece - Athens: clashes during December 6th demo - photos from night

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My evening with the London Met Police Commissioner

09-12-2011 15:51

Met Police Commissioner Hogan-Howe

My first experience of "Total Policing" was being herded like cattle in a rolling kettle through the streets of London. When the opportunity presented itself last Wednesday to ask questions to the man who brought it to London, new Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe, I couldn't resist.

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Birmingham students occupy corridor outside VC office in response to injunction

09-12-2011 12:10

The following is a statement of response to Occupy Birmingham’s press release in support for protesting Birmingham University Students.

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Occupy SF Bradley Manning Plaza camp attacked by cops

09-12-2011 07:15

The SFPD is concerned about public health and safety. That’s why they have to hit the public with clubs. The OccupySF encampment was raided and completely destroyed by SFPD late last night and Justin Herman Plaza, now being called Bradley Manning Plaza was left empty except for a city sign which read “park closed for renovations” and the occasional pile of horse crap left by one of our proud mounted public servants. 85 arrests were made and all the tents and equipment were confiscated. They were cited with “illegal camping.”
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