Occupy SF Bradley Manning Plaza camp attacked by cops
reposter | 09.12.2011 07:15 | Occupy Everywhere | Free Spaces | Policing | Repression | World
The SFPD is concerned about public health and safety. That’s why they have to hit the public with clubs. The OccupySF encampment was raided and completely destroyed by SFPD late last night and Justin Herman Plaza, now being called Bradley Manning Plaza was left empty except for a city sign which read “park closed for renovations” and the occasional pile of horse crap left by one of our proud mounted public servants. 85 arrests were made and all the tents and equipment were confiscated. They were cited with “illegal camping.”
*Report from 8 December*
At 1pm today protesters gathered outside the Federal Reserve to plan their response. The Plaza was completely blocked off by around 50 riot police and 6 mounted officers so protesters blocked off Market Street near the Federal Reserve two blocks from the Plaza.
Around 6pm hundreds of Occupants marched back to the Plaza and retook it where they began their evening general assembly. The first tent was pitched immediately, but at 6:30 the general assembly was interrupted by police orders to disburse. Police gave the Occupants 5 minutes to leave the Plaza or face arrest. Around three dozen Occupants remained in the Plaza surrounded by officers in riot gear while hundreds of protesters locked arms and completely surrounded the Plaza, including the police, from the outside.
* Officer 1213 was way too happy. He was even dancing in place a little. It made me think he was getting stoned at home before he was called in.
* Officer 2257 was dozing off where he stood. He probably should have turned in. I’m sure a lot of his equipment is not safe to operate drowsy.
* Officer 2197 walked up and down the line telling officers “If they do not do what you tell them, strike them.”
* But best of all was Officer Schwab 2099 who literally told us we live in a benevolent dictatorship as a justification to truncate freedom of assembly. Points for honesty.
An Occupant named Chris Jones was positioned between the police perimeter and the Occupant perimeter holding a sign which read “Warning! Beware! Bill 1867=George Orwell’s 1984” a reference to the National Defense Authorization Act. After being pushed away multiple times one cop told him he could sit there, then another grabbed him from behind, dragged him down some steps with another Occupant and roughed both of them up. I got front row footage of the whole thing. I was even close enough to grab his sign.
He lay flat, face down, visibly writhing in pain for 30 minutes. Protesters called for medical assistance but police turned the ambulance away. There was even a registered nurse on site, but police would not allow her near him. Finally the San Francisco Fire Department pushed into the Plaza and took him away on a gurney. Now he’s at San Francisco General Hospital receiving medical attention.
The standoff continued for an hour or so when suddenly the police just broke the perimeter and left the Plaza without explanation. The protesters rejoined the Occupants and the general assembly continued. The cops on the other hand went to Taco Bell.
The next protest is scheduled for 9am tomorrow morning at 850 Bryant were those arrested are being arraigned.

At 1pm today protesters gathered outside the Federal Reserve to plan their response. The Plaza was completely blocked off by around 50 riot police and 6 mounted officers so protesters blocked off Market Street near the Federal Reserve two blocks from the Plaza.
Around 6pm hundreds of Occupants marched back to the Plaza and retook it where they began their evening general assembly. The first tent was pitched immediately, but at 6:30 the general assembly was interrupted by police orders to disburse. Police gave the Occupants 5 minutes to leave the Plaza or face arrest. Around three dozen Occupants remained in the Plaza surrounded by officers in riot gear while hundreds of protesters locked arms and completely surrounded the Plaza, including the police, from the outside.
* Officer 1213 was way too happy. He was even dancing in place a little. It made me think he was getting stoned at home before he was called in.
* Officer 2257 was dozing off where he stood. He probably should have turned in. I’m sure a lot of his equipment is not safe to operate drowsy.
* Officer 2197 walked up and down the line telling officers “If they do not do what you tell them, strike them.”
* But best of all was Officer Schwab 2099 who literally told us we live in a benevolent dictatorship as a justification to truncate freedom of assembly. Points for honesty.
An Occupant named Chris Jones was positioned between the police perimeter and the Occupant perimeter holding a sign which read “Warning! Beware! Bill 1867=George Orwell’s 1984” a reference to the National Defense Authorization Act. After being pushed away multiple times one cop told him he could sit there, then another grabbed him from behind, dragged him down some steps with another Occupant and roughed both of them up. I got front row footage of the whole thing. I was even close enough to grab his sign.
He lay flat, face down, visibly writhing in pain for 30 minutes. Protesters called for medical assistance but police turned the ambulance away. There was even a registered nurse on site, but police would not allow her near him. Finally the San Francisco Fire Department pushed into the Plaza and took him away on a gurney. Now he’s at San Francisco General Hospital receiving medical attention.
The standoff continued for an hour or so when suddenly the police just broke the perimeter and left the Plaza without explanation. The protesters rejoined the Occupants and the general assembly continued. The cops on the other hand went to Taco Bell.
The next protest is scheduled for 9am tomorrow morning at 850 Bryant were those arrested are being arraigned.