The US Air Force’s New Mind Control Wing
Peter Quistgard | 10.12.2011 23:47 | Guantánamo | Repression | Technology | Terror War | Cambridge | World
The use of RF Directed Energy Weapons is roughly similar to other ‘electroshock’ weapons. Just as the cattle prod-like ‘taser’ has been widely adopted in American law enforcement to temporarily disable (or permanently kill) those targeted, pulsed microwave directed energy weapons have been covertly adopted by the US military for remote incapacitation of human targets, such as political dissidents. More properly classified as weapons of electronic warfare--a type of information war--RFDEW are used for the “jamming” of “enemy information systems,” which also happen to be human brains.
‘You come out of the block. You see a fire coming out of the chimneys. You smell this terrible smell – that of flesh as it burns. And someone says, “This is not a factory. This is where they are burning your family.” And you say, “You are mad...”
--Auschwitz survivor Lily Ebert
The US Air Force’s New Mind Control Wing
Tools for Peak Performance?
Or covert ‘behavior modification’ through torture?
It would seem that full spectrum dominance of corporate media wasn’t enough for the USA. There’s a new sort of electromagnetic targeting going on with covert Directed Energy Weapons.
Weapons R&D that’s Good for You
To take at face value the PR material put out by the Pentagon (never a good idea), you might think that the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWP, est. 1997) RF Division conducts a lot of bioeffects research aimed at optimizing pilot performance and the like. Though you wouldn’t normally associate weapons research with such things, you would be forgiven for believing it after seeing on the various websites, fact sheets and other official literature, and even in the research documentation itself, the numerous references to “centers of excellence,” “human effectiveness” and “human-centered” work, etc. For example:
...”advances in biotechnology, biobehavior, and neuroscience are used to enhance and extend the human performance of our Airmen.” [Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Factsheet, AFD-090324-032, Biosciences and Performance Div.]
In this context, it’s easy to forget that the Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate is all about fielding and employing weapons to immediately incapacitate targeted personnel or materiel,” according to the same AFRL literature. So why the contradictory approach? Or has the reader stepped into a minefield of disinformation?
The predominant focus on performance enhancement in the literature (in relation to ‘Human Effectiveness’) is grounded in past Air Force research lab work concerned with the bioeffects of things like the influence of G-force on jet pilots; claims of research for purposes of meeting safety guidelines are bolstered by the weapons’ sub-lethal nature--by design they aim for effects that minimize the risk of fatality.
But positive uses of bioeffects research that are very often hinted at are ethical and legal worlds away from the kinds of darkly exotic military research that’s been conducted for much more than a decade now under the cover story of “human effectiveness” or safety, which has necessarily filtered into research descriptions themselves.
Other reviewers have also noted a ‘semantic strategy’ in the “tendency of the military to refer to ‘non-lethal’ weapons not as weapons but as ‘capabilities’ or ‘technologies’, which extends to individual types of weapons. This ... is largely for policy and public relations effect in gaining acceptance of new weapons or even prohibited weapons.” [Davison, N. and Lewer, N. (2005) Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP) Research Report No. 7. Bradford: University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, p. 37]
The spin is consistent with the secrecy found to be practiced, for example in the classification of what are normally public documents surrounding a 2002 evaluation report by the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council on Non-Lethal Weapons R&D.
But available research and contract documentation as well as earlier, FOIA-obtained (Freedom of Information Act) declassified material concerning radio frequency directed energy weapons (RFDEW) in particular belie the pervasive pretense, revealing an altogether different story:
“Disruption of neural control, ...convulsions, ...seizure induction, ...working memory loss, ... radiation induced fatigue, sleep induction, ...disorientation, ...power required to heat a human, ...difficulty breathing, ...risk of cataracts, ...foreshortening of time perception, ...blocking of executive functioning, ...incapacitation.” [--from “Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons” USAINSCOM, Fort Meade, 1998]
Other human bioeffects sought for the new RF weapons have included remote behavioral influence, EEG entrainment (induced brain wave frequency), or how human brain response to certain RF stimuli may mimic schizophrenia.
Mainstreaming Mengele
It’s clear from mad science like this, revealed in available RFDE weapons research and development documentation, that it’s all about ways to remotely manipulate human physiology in order to degrade the human effectiveness or performance of targeted individuals, not to improve it. Indeed, this is what the HED (Human Effectiveness Directorate) logo suggests. In this sense, the Air Force’s “human effectiveness” is better understood as a double entendre, with the positive meaning just smoke in the eyes and the real meaning more at “effectiveness on humans” (of the weapons).
A 2005 AFRL document no longer available on the web gave a straight up description of the actual negative nature of the human effects-based research:
This research effort is very broad, seeking to investigate incapacitating effects that can be induced through interfering with the human senses of hearing, vision, touch and smell. It will also address the effects of electrical current on various physiological systems including the central nervous system, neuromuscular interface, and endocrine system. Perhaps most profoundly some research will seek to investigate suppressive effects on the central nervous system through, for example, influencing neurotransmitter function. --Director of the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD)
[Air Force Research Laboratory (2005) Research in support of the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of the Human Effectiveness Directorate. Broad Agency Announcement Number: BAA 05-05 HE. Brooks AFB, TX: Air Force Research Laboratory;]
Think lab frog tap dancing to electrical shocks.
Dancing around Humanitarian Law
Apart from “performance”, the Mengele-like studies are also cloaked in terms suggesting defensive purposes. But if the aim of research like this were truly to protect from exposure, and not to inflict such nefarious if non-lethal effects, surely a more effective route would be to work towards an explicit ban of these weapons and on the electromagnetic manipulation of human physiology, as already called for in a resolution of the European Parliament [Jan. 28, 1999, A4-0005/99], rather than establishing a new military infrastructure to operate them, as has been done in the US.
Instead, US-led NATO for its part has called for ‘vigilance’ among members against legal restrictions on the use of NLWs. [NATO Research and Technology Organisation (2004) Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations, RTO-TR-SAS-040. Brussels: NATO, RTO, Studies, Analysis and Simulation Panel (SAS), Chapter 5, p. 4.]
The JNLWD itself has already been accused (by campaigners) of violating the Chemical Weapons Convention in its chemical non-lethal weapons research and development. [see]
Institutionalized Torture in Military Operations
But this is not only about research. The technology and weaponry to inflict the studied RF bioeffects is not only under development but has already been patented, fielded and is operational, integrated into the day-to-day functioning of the US Air Force’s “Human Performance” wing. Military radar and microwaves are being trained on tracked (and surveyed) individuals through the operations of the JNLWP divisions, as their very existence and budgets suggest. The true nature of their operations are veiled because they constitute torture, which is illegal under the Conventional Weapons Convention, the Convention Against Torture, Geneva Convention and the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Hence the secrecy and the need for cover stories to avoid legal problems. (This may also explain why some of the AFRL’s research does not originate with the Pentagon but with the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice, which may avoid contravening international treaties in some cases.)
The Guantanamo Precedent
The Guantanamo detention camp has become a standing symbol of the fact that the US has abrogated the rule of law in favor of rule by force. It has more or less openly embraced torture as an element of its “non-lethal” arsenal, with the camp’s physical and psychological torture of kidnapped inmates including simulated drownings, forced injections and medication, sensory deprivation or saturation--to name a few--and multiple alleged suicides of the victims.
Six out of the eight current US Republican presidential candidates have endorsed the use of torture. As of this writing, the US Senate had passed a bill (2012 National Defense Authorization Act) legalizing the arbitrary military detention and torture of US citizens explicitly (effectively domesticating the 2006 Military Commissions Act.) Already the executive has assumed and exercised the extra-legal right to assassinate American citizens, including juveniles. As the smoke from the 9/11 coup dissipates to reveal the outlines of a new police state, it should be getting clearer now for the American people who the camps are really for.
Surely it shouldn’t surprise that the US is a human rights violator, despite its loud and righteous hypocritical posturing (as a liberator)--coming as it does from the media mouth of this grizzled old slaver, chronic perpetrator of serial genocides, still on the march, towards its fourth illegal war of aggression in the space of a decade--a prolonged blitz the likes of which the world has not seen since the days of the Nazis, a close relation [see Edwin Black’s 'War on the Weak'].
Rather than an anomaly, systematic torture has gone hand-in-hand with systematic economic exploitation. But in changing times that challenge future US hegemony--American capitalism’s endgame--the mask has come off together with the gloves.
Still, the ‘technical problems’ of international humanitarian law remain.
RF Directed Energy Weapons--
the Military’s Invisible ‘Taser’ for Dissidents
The use of RF Directed Energy Weapons is roughly similar to other ‘electroshock’ weapons. Just as the cattle prod-like ‘taser’ has been widely adopted in American law enforcement to temporarily disable (or permanently kill) those targeted, pulsed microwave directed energy weapons have been covertly adopted by the US military for remote incapacitation of human targets. Although loosely analogous to the police taser, an important exception is that the lower voltage microwave directed energy may be applied to the targeted person, such as a political dissident, invisibly and continually over the long-term. More properly classified as weapons of electronic warfare--a type of information war--RFDEW are used for the “jamming” of “enemy information systems” which also happen to be human brains.
Coming Shift to a Medical Pretext ?
Former history professor Newt Gingrich, an old Rockefeller hand since his days canvassing the South for the presidential campaign of Nelson Rockefeller, was an early proponent of non-lethal weapons [see following article]. During a recent 2012 presidential debate appearance, Gingrich made a pitch for neuroscience studies, signaling a possible shift in justifying wider research at the federal level, in the name [only] of Autism and Alzheimers, which he cited [as if Republicans were suddenly keen to address the long neglected problem of mental illness in the US].
The current JNLW program, its secrecy and its awkward pretexts recall the infamous Nixon-Ford era Special Virus Cancer Program (overseen by another Rockefeller hand, Henry Kissinger), in which the AIDS virus was ‘discovered’ following R&D by scientists working in association with the US Army bioweapons lab to ‘search for the cancer virus’ in the ‘war on cancer’.
Endnote: History has shown us that forms of political organization that are an anathema to universal human nature and its aspirations, upon which international law is based, are destined only for ignominy, in the dustbin of history.
From where the impetus?
...Nonlethal weapons have not received the priority they merit at the Pentagon. This report makes a persuasive case for changing that, said [Rockefeller] Council [on Foreign Relations (CFR)] President Richard N. Haass., Feb 2004***
It was under the pretext of health and safety that victims young and old were gassed in the Nazi death camps, where they were told they were to undergo disinfection, in the gas chambers. --Len Horowitz***
Among the various Rockefeller-funded Medical Institutes involved in the Nazi medical experiments in WWII was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Psychiatry.
AFB-Air Force Base
AFRL-Air Force Research Lab
DOD-Department of Defense
JNLWD-Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate
JNLWP-Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program
PR-Public Relations
R&D-Research and Development
RF-radio frequency
RFDEW-Radiofrequency Directed Energy Weapons
WPAFB-Wright Patterson Air Force Base
--Peter Quistgard
--Auschwitz survivor Lily Ebert

The US Air Force’s New Mind Control Wing
Tools for Peak Performance?
Or covert ‘behavior modification’ through torture?
It would seem that full spectrum dominance of corporate media wasn’t enough for the USA. There’s a new sort of electromagnetic targeting going on with covert Directed Energy Weapons.
Weapons R&D that’s Good for You
To take at face value the PR material put out by the Pentagon (never a good idea), you might think that the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWP, est. 1997) RF Division conducts a lot of bioeffects research aimed at optimizing pilot performance and the like. Though you wouldn’t normally associate weapons research with such things, you would be forgiven for believing it after seeing on the various websites, fact sheets and other official literature, and even in the research documentation itself, the numerous references to “centers of excellence,” “human effectiveness” and “human-centered” work, etc. For example:
...”advances in biotechnology, biobehavior, and neuroscience are used to enhance and extend the human performance of our Airmen.” [Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Factsheet, AFD-090324-032, Biosciences and Performance Div.]
In this context, it’s easy to forget that the Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate is all about fielding and employing weapons to immediately incapacitate targeted personnel or materiel,” according to the same AFRL literature. So why the contradictory approach? Or has the reader stepped into a minefield of disinformation?
The predominant focus on performance enhancement in the literature (in relation to ‘Human Effectiveness’) is grounded in past Air Force research lab work concerned with the bioeffects of things like the influence of G-force on jet pilots; claims of research for purposes of meeting safety guidelines are bolstered by the weapons’ sub-lethal nature--by design they aim for effects that minimize the risk of fatality.
But positive uses of bioeffects research that are very often hinted at are ethical and legal worlds away from the kinds of darkly exotic military research that’s been conducted for much more than a decade now under the cover story of “human effectiveness” or safety, which has necessarily filtered into research descriptions themselves.
Other reviewers have also noted a ‘semantic strategy’ in the “tendency of the military to refer to ‘non-lethal’ weapons not as weapons but as ‘capabilities’ or ‘technologies’, which extends to individual types of weapons. This ... is largely for policy and public relations effect in gaining acceptance of new weapons or even prohibited weapons.” [Davison, N. and Lewer, N. (2005) Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP) Research Report No. 7. Bradford: University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, p. 37]
The spin is consistent with the secrecy found to be practiced, for example in the classification of what are normally public documents surrounding a 2002 evaluation report by the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council on Non-Lethal Weapons R&D.
But available research and contract documentation as well as earlier, FOIA-obtained (Freedom of Information Act) declassified material concerning radio frequency directed energy weapons (RFDEW) in particular belie the pervasive pretense, revealing an altogether different story:
“Disruption of neural control, ...convulsions, ...seizure induction, ...working memory loss, ... radiation induced fatigue, sleep induction, ...disorientation, ...power required to heat a human, ...difficulty breathing, ...risk of cataracts, ...foreshortening of time perception, ...blocking of executive functioning, ...incapacitation.” [--from “Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons” USAINSCOM, Fort Meade, 1998]
Other human bioeffects sought for the new RF weapons have included remote behavioral influence, EEG entrainment (induced brain wave frequency), or how human brain response to certain RF stimuli may mimic schizophrenia.
Mainstreaming Mengele
It’s clear from mad science like this, revealed in available RFDE weapons research and development documentation, that it’s all about ways to remotely manipulate human physiology in order to degrade the human effectiveness or performance of targeted individuals, not to improve it. Indeed, this is what the HED (Human Effectiveness Directorate) logo suggests. In this sense, the Air Force’s “human effectiveness” is better understood as a double entendre, with the positive meaning just smoke in the eyes and the real meaning more at “effectiveness on humans” (of the weapons).
A 2005 AFRL document no longer available on the web gave a straight up description of the actual negative nature of the human effects-based research:
This research effort is very broad, seeking to investigate incapacitating effects that can be induced through interfering with the human senses of hearing, vision, touch and smell. It will also address the effects of electrical current on various physiological systems including the central nervous system, neuromuscular interface, and endocrine system. Perhaps most profoundly some research will seek to investigate suppressive effects on the central nervous system through, for example, influencing neurotransmitter function. --Director of the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD)
[Air Force Research Laboratory (2005) Research in support of the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of the Human Effectiveness Directorate. Broad Agency Announcement Number: BAA 05-05 HE. Brooks AFB, TX: Air Force Research Laboratory;]
Think lab frog tap dancing to electrical shocks.
Dancing around Humanitarian Law
Apart from “performance”, the Mengele-like studies are also cloaked in terms suggesting defensive purposes. But if the aim of research like this were truly to protect from exposure, and not to inflict such nefarious if non-lethal effects, surely a more effective route would be to work towards an explicit ban of these weapons and on the electromagnetic manipulation of human physiology, as already called for in a resolution of the European Parliament [Jan. 28, 1999, A4-0005/99], rather than establishing a new military infrastructure to operate them, as has been done in the US.
Instead, US-led NATO for its part has called for ‘vigilance’ among members against legal restrictions on the use of NLWs. [NATO Research and Technology Organisation (2004) Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations, RTO-TR-SAS-040. Brussels: NATO, RTO, Studies, Analysis and Simulation Panel (SAS), Chapter 5, p. 4.]
The JNLWD itself has already been accused (by campaigners) of violating the Chemical Weapons Convention in its chemical non-lethal weapons research and development. [see]
Institutionalized Torture in Military Operations
But this is not only about research. The technology and weaponry to inflict the studied RF bioeffects is not only under development but has already been patented, fielded and is operational, integrated into the day-to-day functioning of the US Air Force’s “Human Performance” wing. Military radar and microwaves are being trained on tracked (and surveyed) individuals through the operations of the JNLWP divisions, as their very existence and budgets suggest. The true nature of their operations are veiled because they constitute torture, which is illegal under the Conventional Weapons Convention, the Convention Against Torture, Geneva Convention and the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Hence the secrecy and the need for cover stories to avoid legal problems. (This may also explain why some of the AFRL’s research does not originate with the Pentagon but with the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice, which may avoid contravening international treaties in some cases.)
The Guantanamo Precedent
The Guantanamo detention camp has become a standing symbol of the fact that the US has abrogated the rule of law in favor of rule by force. It has more or less openly embraced torture as an element of its “non-lethal” arsenal, with the camp’s physical and psychological torture of kidnapped inmates including simulated drownings, forced injections and medication, sensory deprivation or saturation--to name a few--and multiple alleged suicides of the victims.
Six out of the eight current US Republican presidential candidates have endorsed the use of torture. As of this writing, the US Senate had passed a bill (2012 National Defense Authorization Act) legalizing the arbitrary military detention and torture of US citizens explicitly (effectively domesticating the 2006 Military Commissions Act.) Already the executive has assumed and exercised the extra-legal right to assassinate American citizens, including juveniles. As the smoke from the 9/11 coup dissipates to reveal the outlines of a new police state, it should be getting clearer now for the American people who the camps are really for.
Surely it shouldn’t surprise that the US is a human rights violator, despite its loud and righteous hypocritical posturing (as a liberator)--coming as it does from the media mouth of this grizzled old slaver, chronic perpetrator of serial genocides, still on the march, towards its fourth illegal war of aggression in the space of a decade--a prolonged blitz the likes of which the world has not seen since the days of the Nazis, a close relation [see Edwin Black’s 'War on the Weak'].
Rather than an anomaly, systematic torture has gone hand-in-hand with systematic economic exploitation. But in changing times that challenge future US hegemony--American capitalism’s endgame--the mask has come off together with the gloves.
Still, the ‘technical problems’ of international humanitarian law remain.
RF Directed Energy Weapons--
the Military’s Invisible ‘Taser’ for Dissidents
The use of RF Directed Energy Weapons is roughly similar to other ‘electroshock’ weapons. Just as the cattle prod-like ‘taser’ has been widely adopted in American law enforcement to temporarily disable (or permanently kill) those targeted, pulsed microwave directed energy weapons have been covertly adopted by the US military for remote incapacitation of human targets. Although loosely analogous to the police taser, an important exception is that the lower voltage microwave directed energy may be applied to the targeted person, such as a political dissident, invisibly and continually over the long-term. More properly classified as weapons of electronic warfare--a type of information war--RFDEW are used for the “jamming” of “enemy information systems” which also happen to be human brains.
Coming Shift to a Medical Pretext ?
Former history professor Newt Gingrich, an old Rockefeller hand since his days canvassing the South for the presidential campaign of Nelson Rockefeller, was an early proponent of non-lethal weapons [see following article]. During a recent 2012 presidential debate appearance, Gingrich made a pitch for neuroscience studies, signaling a possible shift in justifying wider research at the federal level, in the name [only] of Autism and Alzheimers, which he cited [as if Republicans were suddenly keen to address the long neglected problem of mental illness in the US].
The current JNLW program, its secrecy and its awkward pretexts recall the infamous Nixon-Ford era Special Virus Cancer Program (overseen by another Rockefeller hand, Henry Kissinger), in which the AIDS virus was ‘discovered’ following R&D by scientists working in association with the US Army bioweapons lab to ‘search for the cancer virus’ in the ‘war on cancer’.
Endnote: History has shown us that forms of political organization that are an anathema to universal human nature and its aspirations, upon which international law is based, are destined only for ignominy, in the dustbin of history.
From where the impetus?
...Nonlethal weapons have not received the priority they merit at the Pentagon. This report makes a persuasive case for changing that, said [Rockefeller] Council [on Foreign Relations (CFR)] President Richard N. Haass., Feb 2004

It was under the pretext of health and safety that victims young and old were gassed in the Nazi death camps, where they were told they were to undergo disinfection, in the gas chambers. --Len Horowitz***
Among the various Rockefeller-funded Medical Institutes involved in the Nazi medical experiments in WWII was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Psychiatry.
AFB-Air Force Base
AFRL-Air Force Research Lab
DOD-Department of Defense
JNLWD-Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate
JNLWP-Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program
PR-Public Relations
R&D-Research and Development
RF-radio frequency
RFDEW-Radiofrequency Directed Energy Weapons
WPAFB-Wright Patterson Air Force Base
--Peter Quistgard
Peter Quistgard
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