UK Repression Newswire Archive
Youngster of 14 years old shot in the head by the police in Portugal
06-01-2009 13:19
... one more youngster killed by the police, one more victim of the mercenaries of the state!!!Fancy resisting an ID & Repression conference in London 26/27 March?
06-01-2009 00:33
Security Document World 2009 Conference and Exhibition - Queen Elizabeth II conference centre London 26-27 MarchPrivacy fears over new powers for police to hack your PC
05-01-2009 22:34
Tarnac 9 and the State repression to come?
05-01-2009 15:38
The Guardian newspaper published on Saturday a feature on the arrests of nine individuals now known as the Tarnac 9. It's sister paper The Observer followed this up with a pretty awful story titled 'France braced for 'rebirth of violent left'. Interesting in the story is the supposed thesis that the State reckons (or pretends to reckon) that a new wave of militant struggles is about to sweep Europe.The Times: Police set to step up hacking of home PCs
05-01-2009 13:55
Just when you thought the attacks on privacy couldn't get worse... If you still need a reason to switch to Linux then read the following extracts from a Sunday Times article:Demo at Communications House Tuesday 6 Januanry 1-2pm
05-01-2009 10:24
DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BRITAIN ’S RACIST IMMIGRATION LAWSShow solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrants
TUESDAY 6 January 1-2pm
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR (nearest tube – Old Street )
Greek Riot Police shot with Kalashnikov automatic weapons in Athens
05-01-2009 08:45
Reports have come in that a 21 year old riot police man in Exarchia, Athens has been serious injured by bullets from a Kalashnikov gun.Cluster bombs, Depleted Uranium and White Phosphorus being used in Gaza
04-01-2009 22:16

Gaza support actions in Southampton
04-01-2009 17:48
If you live in or near Southampton then there are Actions planned over the coming week.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Pictures from London Gaza march and demonstration Sat Jan 3
04-01-2009 16:31

Has Brown declared parts of London No-Go zones?
04-01-2009 11:57
Transport for London has cctv camera live feed from buses, tubes and streets. Who is controlling them?An Appeal To The Court of Public Opinon
04-01-2009 11:13
04-01-2009 03:25
Condemn and protest the Wall Street-Bush-Zionist megaterrorist border-occupation and invasion of Gaza and the atrocities against civilians!Full article | 2 additions | 28 comments
police brutality
04-01-2009 00:17
police brutality once more in londonPalestine Solidarity-Oaxacan Libertarians Arrested
03-01-2009 22:04
Anarchists and libertarians arrested as they march in solidarity with Gaza. Solidarity actions needed urgently.Indiscriminate police brutality at Anti-Israel Protests
03-01-2009 21:34
A demonstration that began non-violantly and in high spirits became the scene of chaos and violence as police unleashed indiscriminate violence and brutality against demonstrators in what appears to be a coordinated attack in a tunnel away from public view. Unknown numbers of protestors arrested and numerous injuries including one case requiring hostpital treatment.VIDEO: Multiple Israeli air strike on Rafah border with Egypt
03-01-2009 21:20
The e-mail message below from Rafah includes links to two files of videos of the carnage earlier today.Brighton Demonstration Against Slaughter in Gaza
03-01-2009 20:44

Housing association leaves elderly couple to freeze to death
03-01-2009 11:58
Pavilion Housing Association left a couple in their nineties to freeze to death.Israel's War Crimes and "Change we can believe in"
03-01-2009 10:58