UK Repression Newswire Archive
Tony Blair Will Make Britain Look Like It Lost To The Nazis
26-05-2006 18:36
It's time to confront the evil before us, the threat it poses, and start using the "F" word, calling it by its true name.ASBO sentences given to DSEI protestors.
26-05-2006 13:54
Indefinite ASBO 's were just one of the sentences given to DSEI protestors at Snaresbrook Crown Court on the 24th May 2006.A country staiined with blood and injustice. Sri Lanka
26-05-2006 12:12

BUSH & BLAIR: Things have not gone as planned?
26-05-2006 11:00
Nobel Prize Pinter: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back!"Basra Explodes
25-05-2006 23:26
The architects of this illegal war have gotten exactly what they wanted, Iraq in chaos, Arabs/Muslims suffering.Iran Letter The Media Ignored/Neo-Fascists Planted Iran "Badge" Propaganda
25-05-2006 23:24
The media is well aware that Bush/PNAC don't care about any current issue emanating from Iran. They want a war, plain and simple. Why cover such issues, which would only hilight their hypocrisy ... ?Zionism is at the root of all of this Madness.
Zionist Architects of Iraq Crime Wanted Civil War All Along
25-05-2006 23:20
As if the leaked documents detailing PNAC's US/UK's plans for "Divide & Rule" weren't enough, we now find that the Zionist Extremists behind this agenda of Fascism and Aggression designed the plan.It's time to start talking about who the real Terrorists are, who poses the credible Threat to us all ...
Sheffield Palestine Protest Photos
25-05-2006 22:18

Brian Haw and the Death of Democracy
25-05-2006 14:03
I meant to post this yesterday...OutRage!:Tatchell defies Moscow gay ban...
25-05-2006 13:09
OutRage! and Human Rights campaigner Peter Tatchell goes to Russia to defy the ban on Moscow gay Pride event and IDAHO conference.Religious and far right groups threaten violent reponses...
June 4th, 2006 International Day of Solidarity with the Daechuri Villagers
25-05-2006 12:27
Sunday, June 4th, 2006In Korea, there will be demonstrations held in solidarity with the villagers of Daechuri and Doduri, who are being evicted to make way for the expansion of US military base, Camp Humphreys.
Democracy’s Last Stand – Dawn Raid
25-05-2006 01:36
3am phone calls, crazed rants of cops and oppression and Oscar Beard jumps a taxi into democracy's last stand.HELP STOP ILLEGAL EVICTION THURS 25thMAY URGENT
24-05-2006 18:42
HACKNEY LANDLORD HIRE PRIVATE SECURITY FOR ILLEGAL: EVICTION. 25/05/06 HELP, PHOTOGRAPHERS, ACTIVISTS. By Law they must wait for court bailiffs. When they were told they laughed saying they did'nt care. The case was in court today (24/5/06). Over 15 people will be homeless.London Critical Mass in Court
24-05-2006 15:42
article from the bbcA London cyclist is to launch a high court challenge against police claims that a long-running monthly cycle ride through London is unlawful.

9/11 and Homeland Security
24-05-2006 09:47
The people who don't know the truth don't want to hear and those who do know are too afaraid to speakLabour attacks right to protest. Activist arrested violently on Palestine march.
24-05-2006 09:27
Britain’s Labour government is clamping down on the right to protest. Under the guise of ‘fighting terrorism’ the government it is creating the legal framework to stop demonstrations against war, racism and poverty.Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
New G8 Genoa Diaz footage shown.
24-05-2006 01:11

Neighbours from Hell In Britain release abusive neighbour survey
23-05-2006 23:18
Neighbours From Hell. What they are, what they do. A survey of 10,000 plus victims of NFH carried out by the only volnuntary body that offers practical advice to victim shows what they do to their victimsParliament Square Peace Campaign
23-05-2006 22:54
Gathering in solidarity with Brian Haw at 11am Wednesday in Parliament Square with all the bells and whistles to greet Tony Bliar.Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts:
23-05-2006 21:34