UK Repression Newswire Archive
The Revolution IS being televised - Chavez Coup film now widely available
23-05-2006 20:41
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised-By Kim Bartley and Donnacha O'Briain"A unique document about political muscle and an extraordinary portrait of the man The Wall Street Journal credits with making Venezuela "Washington's biggest Latin American headache after the old standby, Cuba."BNP attempts to regain lost cred in Barking and Dagenham
23-05-2006 19:06

Israel's UN ambassador slams Qatar, praises Bolton
23-05-2006 17:02
And this is precisely the problem. Until the US begins an infinitely more even-handed approach to Middle Eastern policy, we will have failed not only every country in the region, but ourselves as well.A "humanitarian organization" would not support Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid, nor would it support calls for a long-planned Act of Aggression. Sadly, B'Nai Brith has become nothing more than another "Jewish" organization led by Zionists, acting on Israel's behalf, instead of that of everyday Jews.
Immigration Minister Tony McNulty Sacked
23-05-2006 08:46
Tony McNulty - the Minister for Immigration - has been sacked, he joins Charles Clarke, both were dismissed because their conduct was seen as not conducive to the 'Government's' public good.World Council of Churches slams Israel
23-05-2006 05:13
The Council has simply reinforced what countless groups - and the UN - have stated for years now. Now that we understand who's responsible, perhaps we can begin acting accordingly, and end this War once and for all.Majority of Americans Support Real 9/11 Investigation
23-05-2006 05:04
So much for the Plant's incessant, desperate claims that 911 Truth has no support ... A People knows when it's been lied to, especially when they've witnessed a pattern of deceit first-hand, one which demonstrates the utter contempt the Criminal Regime in DC holds the average American in, the Regime which remains Suspect Number One.Easily Dispensable: Iraq's Children
23-05-2006 04:54
The impact on Iraq's children, of allowing the world's largest military to be controlled by a small group of Psychopathic, Profiteering, Megalomaniacal, Extremist whack-jobs.(
This is the greatest threat facing the world today, and nobody can match the sheer Terror they've unleashed.
UN Panel Calls for Bush Administration to Close Guantanamo Bay Military Prison
23-05-2006 03:25

Brain Haw demo police moving in NOW!
23-05-2006 01:56
20 police and FIT squads arrived. Vans, lorries blocking Parliament Square.Official response to Aboriginal child sexual abuse in Australia:
22-05-2006 21:44

I killed over 200 innocent people!
22-05-2006 21:01

Meeting: Colombia: Social Movements resist repression, corporate take-over
22-05-2006 17:16

Public Meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 8 June
Function Room, Spital Hill Plaza, 68 Spital Hill, S3
(near Burngreave Green)
with Jorge Aramburo, Arcenides Candelo & Maria Valencia from Proceso de Comunidades Negras (Black Communities Process)
Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign Emergency Vigil
22-05-2006 10:42
Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign are calling an emergency protest: -Thursday 25th May; 4.30 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Venue: Sheffield Town Hall steps
Wall Street moves to European Headquarters
22-05-2006 10:37
The Great Money Game: Castling is a special move in the chess game, consisting of moving the king two squares towards a rook, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed. The King in this case being Wall Street, doing the Euro-next rocade.COLOMBIA: Rural protest brutally attacked by government forces in SW Colombia
22-05-2006 09:56
ELF Prisoner benefit, 27/5/06, in Nottingham
21-05-2006 16:52
A night of info about the latest US crackdown on radical green activists is planned, for sat 27th May, at the Sumac in Nottingham. Entertainments will follow."Dangerous Quakers" & Bowing to the Police State
21-05-2006 03:26

Atomic Energy & ID Cards
21-05-2006 01:46