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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Duterte offers cabinet posts to Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines

24-05-2016 11:59

On Sunday (17 May 2016), Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines president-elect, announced that his administration, which is due to take office on June 30, would restore capital punishment and issue shoot-to-kill orders to the police and military.

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#ALERTA #ANTIFA: #TORY #NAZI #APOLOGIST @slatukip @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

22-05-2016 12:13

COVENTRY TORY VOTERS, you have a nazi apologist in your midst, Mark Philip Taylor, the extreme anti-immigrant ex-UKIP chairman loathes humanitarian antifascist protestors more than EDL fascists, using words like "extreme lefties" to tarnish a peaceful UAF counter-protest, (whose participants come from all walks of life not just left-wingers), whilst not condemning the EDL as the neo-nazi scum they are. Welcomed with open arms into the Tory party whilst not renouncing his racism, unmoved by the swastikas daubed on street signs all across Coventry before the EDL's visit, instead of mentioning this, he ranted on about the presence of the EDL in town, tweeting a vile slur against the UAF calling them them violent. "They have folks who go beyond peaceful protest", he posted maliciously about the UAF, whilst turning a blind eye to the hundreds of EDL members jailed over the past eight years for a vast catalogue of violent crimes including GBH, rape, child sex abuse and murder. From the Philip Davies school of social Conservatism, Taylor is a an old-school local Conservative Party activist who openly supports Nigel Farage's Rivers of Blood MkII speech, blaming the EDL (and the UAF)'s visit to Coventry upon immigration.

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ALERTA #ANTIFA: #EDL #COVENTRY SWASTIKA @slatukip @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

21-05-2016 15:55

Nazi Scum - Fuck Off!
THE numbers might have dramatically fallen, but let's not forget the EDL are still a national socialist org at heart, and before their Coventry goosestep, several swastikas were painted throughout the district, on street signs and historic landmarks, despite Coventry being a city almost destroyed by the EDL's idol Adolf Hitler. Once a nazi, always a nazi, EDLers really are despicable fascist scumbags who must always be opposed until every last member has hung up their jackboots......

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BREXIT WORKHOUSE @slatukip #ANTIFA @siegfails @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

10-05-2016 16:17

WELCOME TO THE WORKHOUSE, merry Brexiteers. Your sadomasochistic, self-oppressive and ill-thought out wishes about to come true, prepare to turn back the clock to the Victorian times that the Daily Mail made you long for, the pseudo-halcyon days of a quaint but patriotic that never really existed. From the chilling moment a perma-drunken Nigel Farage goosesteps onto the BBC news studio arm in arm with Ian Duncan Smith and Boris Johnson, and celebrates the final and lasting destruction of Britain's poor, indoctrinated working class Sun, Express and Mail turkeys will have lastingly voted for Christmas. Punchdrunk on jingoism, xenophobia and racial hostility, you might feel inclined to join the permanently inebriated Farage and pop open a bottle or three to celebrate the Brexit Reich, thinking you have long since become upwardly mobile ever since completing that self-satisfying little survey about class status in the Mail on Sunday, however, unfortunately for you, earning just over minimum wage, with bills to pay, does not make you upper class.

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North Korea: Kim Jong Un issues temporary ban on weddings and funerals for 'secu

08-05-2016 03:33

All weddings and funerals have been cancelled for this week in North Korea as Kim Jong-Un prepares to lavishly celebrate his official coronation as leader.

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ALERTA #ANTIFA: #BRADFORD #UKIP NAZI @dave4wibsey @2ferdi7 @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

07-05-2016 15:24

Alderson - Racist BNP Employment Advisor
IAN ALDERSON, a leading Bradford UKIP committee member and a senior employment advisor with ethnic minority skills and advice group QED Bradford (set up by Mohammed Ali OBE), and a youth and community organiser for the Church of England-funded youth scheme for Eccleshill, has tweeted to serial bigot Katie Hopkins a racial slur aimed at Bradford's Muslim population, using a "goat" analogy (goats a common theme for the often obscene fabrications of the British far right). On Facebook, Alderson is a supporter of neo-Nazi BNP-offshoot "Lionheart GB" and the English Defence League (EDL) anti-Muslim page "Proud To Be Kaffir", alongside plenty of other rightwing pages, including the libellous anti-Labour far right Facebook page "Labour Party Exposed", which calls Labour Party members "traitors and paedophiles". This story is extremely worrying, for Alderson is a trusted senior youth, community and employment worker in Bradford, who helps co-ordinate projects with Bradford Council. The Church of England will also be extremely unhappy to discover Alderson also wants the meagre British budget of 0.7% foreign aid to cease, so starving and wartorn people around the globe will not access life-saving facilities and emergency aid. Very #unchristian!


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Philippines: The Duterte Phenomenon and our attitude towards it

07-05-2016 07:46

Like it or not, Rodrigo Duterte has been leading the presidential polls in successive surveys.

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#ALERTA #ANTIFA: #BLUEHAND #SNUFF #PORN @slatukip @misscheeky666 @dubdanu @JLRFB

05-05-2016 13:53

ONLINE neo-Nazi cult #BLUEHAND have begun tweeting racist snuff porn, including photos of beheaded children and babies, including, self-defeatingly, tagging in Twitter support in the self-defence of banned pub singer from Liverpool, "Les" Seavor, who threatened to violently assault female Twitter users. Posting such pictures is against UK law, so most of the #Bluehand Snuff Porn gang are American patriotic "soccer moms", who believe the First Amendment will stop them from being arrested, much like American "freedom of speech" regulations permit the sharing of paedophilia photographs. If the law won't stop racists posting pictures of beheaded Muslims including babies on Twitter, because American laws are an absolute ass, Twitter has a moral obligation to ban such individuals who post such vile pictures of dead bodies online, including dead Muslim kids, the evil neo-nazi scum!

Anybody who posts a picture of a beheaded baby (or adult) on social media, is an absolute disgrace to humanity. The mere fact that self-declared voters of Donald Trump think it is perfectly acceptable to share snuff porn, should serve as a warning to anybody who thinks the comparison between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is not legitimate.

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Freedom for our comrade arrested on the 13A in Barcelona

04-05-2016 18:45

A call to Solidarity with our comrade arrested last 13 of April in Barcelona. We must stop the extradition.

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#ALERTA #ANTIFA: #BLUEHAND #NAZI AGENDA @slatukip @misscheeky666 @dubdanu @JLRFB

01-05-2016 16:47

Like all fascist organisations, the fledgling neo-nazi #bluehand organisation which never really got off the ground, led by an ageing racist James Bond fantasist, harbour absolutely vile views little different from Adolf Hitler himself. While #bluehand do their utmost to keep their hatred of Jewish people secret, posting occasional meaningless pro-Israel tweets to keep up a flimsy pretence, their Islamophobia is just as toxic as anything an anti-Semite can muster. In their own words, they want to "get rid of Muslims"...... (says Catriona Bryant, #bluehand)

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#ALERTA #ANTIFA: TONI BUGLE @slatukip @dubdanu @katpuff76 @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

30-04-2016 17:16

IF there's one thing worse than an out-and-out fascist, it's a downright lying fascist, a member of a far right group who vigorously denies to this day, they were a member, and yet, a simple Twitter history search reveals the full extent of their far right involvement. Toni Bugle, founder of anti-Muslim pressure group MARIAS, and now English Democrats PCC candidate, likes to pretend she was never involved with the EDL, and yet, just three years ago was tweeting loud and proud as an EDL member. Furthermore, Toni Bugle dangerously involved her eighteen year old daughter in the violent marches, and also, encouraged her mother suffering from arthritis to take part, despite of the risks, during the EDL's most violent phase before Tommy Robinson left. Last but not least, as a potential "crime commissioner", Bugle planned to incite a police public order offence by encouraging her disabled mother to illegally march past a mosque in the wake of terror attacks..... Hardly the sign of a law abiding PCC candidate.

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URGENT #ANTIFA CALL OUT @slatukip @bikeyjezmo @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

29-04-2016 15:58

HITLER-loving toerag Jenna Louca is organising a fascist invasion of Burton-on-Trent on Sunday 8th of May 2016 by the EDL-offshoot she now leads: - the Staffordshire Casual Infidels, primed to chant racist abuse and threaten Asian and black passers-by, as you would expect from such an objectionable gang of hardcore white supremacist thugs. Jenna's notorious twitter hate account @angelstaffs was recently banned because of her sickening racist content, screenshots captured by anti-fascist exposing website EDL News, expressing a desire to see refugee children suffering harm. Her latest account is unsurprisingly named in tribute of her late German fascist dictator idol:

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#ALERTA #ANTIFA: LES SEAVOR @dubdanu @slatukip @siegfails @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

28-04-2016 15:40

YOU cannot get much viler than the homophobe from Merseyside, who makes no attempt to hide his location and life from the internet, his home address readily accessible on and many other websites, handy for when the cops come calling, swinging a pair of handcuffs ready for use. Seavor is a talentless failed pub singer who apparently suffered a clout to the head, some years back, with a full whisky bottle while attempting to sing Elvis - Blue Suede Shoes. Anyone wanting to take the piss out of Seavor need only logon to talent auditioning site and pretend they are an agent looking for a semi-professional singer, and Les will send you hilarious recordings of his appalling voice.

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The Netherlands: Person arrested on suspicion of spreading Anarchist Wallpaper

26-04-2016 23:35

Last Sunday night (April 24th) one person was arrested in The Hague (Netherlands) on suspicion of pasting the Anarchist Wallpaper. He is being charged with instigation against authority, inciting violence and pasting of a poster. On Thursday the person who got arrested will be brought in front of the examining judge, who will decide whether to release him or transfer him to preventive detention.

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21-04-2016 14:35

UK FAMILIES AND PEOPLE INITIATIVE: Ask the Secretary of State for Justice Rt Hon Michael Gove MP and Home Secretary Rt Hon Theresa May MP to investigate and put a stop to the serious organised crime of Fraud on the Court with a public scrutiny via a Public Inquiry.

The Public Enquiry is to establish people’s right according to the Protection from Eviction and Harassment Act 1977 and investigate fraud on the public purse and on the individual perpetrated against the Fraud Act 2006.

Fraud on the Court involves serious organised criminal activities such as:

1 – Court’s proceedings created without payment of the court’s fee to start fraudulent claims

2 – Production of fake warrants and bogus court’s orders obtained in full abuse of court’s process

3 – Unlawful evictions and dispossession of families’ homes and assets often conducted using violence by private debt collector companies against innocent victims

4 – Refusal and failure by the police to record and investigate crime reports claiming that theft is a ‘civil matter’. Hence, there is no investigation into the scam by police or independent bodies leading to a fundamental breach of Human Rights for the victims left deprived of homes with all personal belongings and assets. This happens without protection and with no redress in full violation of the Tort (and interference with Goods) Act 1977.

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Basque Leader in Westminister (OTEGI IN LONDON)

21-04-2016 01:16

Challenges and Lessons from the unconventional peace process in the Basque Country
25 April 2016
Committee Room 10

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Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte’s One-Man Revolution and the CPP

19-04-2016 09:55

Jose Maria Sison & Rodrigo Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte’s authoritarian vision is no way forward for the Philippines.

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#ANTIFA #NEWS: PATHETIC #PEGIDA #SCAM @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB

17-04-2016 15:52

Whilst everyone else in the British far right movement gets their heads down, and quietly gets on with it, when jailed, Stephen Yaxley Lennon made an almighty song and a dance of the remote possibility of jail looming, whilst brainwashed little Tommyites emptied their pockets for their money-grabbing Fuhrer. Tommy Robinson is a crybaby, coward and charlatan intent upon playing the martyr at each and every juncture, however in the eyes of the sub-intelligent Pegida faithful, he is God, Julius Caesar and Superman all rolled into one. Not a single penny of the Free Tommeh Tit Fund was returned to donors. Once Tommy was found innocent, his emboldened cheerleaders "Team Tommy" berated everybody not paying up, well aware that Tommy needs far more quids available, to keep on dealing cocaine.

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Philippines: Police shoot hungry protesters

13-04-2016 11:46

On April 1, police opened fire on indigenous and rural poor protesters who were blocking the highway into Kidapawan in the landlocked province of Cotabato on the island of Mindanao, killing three protesters and injuring at least 116.

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Philippines: Fast-track legislation to end hunger

12-04-2016 08:04

Akbayan party-list today reiterated its call for the enactment of urgent reforms to address and stave off incidence of hunger across the country.
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