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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Torture Evidence Appeal Hearing: Tuesday 30 November, Court of Appeal, London, 1

29-11-2010 16:26

In 2008, Rangzieb Ahmed from Rochdale was sentenced to life in prison for directing acts of terrorism and was ordered to serve a minimum of ten years. In late June this year, he was given leave to appeal his convictions following allegations that he had been tortured in Pakistan with the complicity of the UK intelligence services.

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Biggest abuse of power & terrorist legislation in UK to date - Operation Bohan

29-11-2010 01:24

13 December City of Westminster Magistrates
For the first time all reporting restrictions will be removed and the case will be heard in a public court.

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Stay Out Of The Kettle Poster

29-11-2010 01:05

If you see the cops kettling, shout and tell everyone!
Stay Out Of The Kettle poster

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I Punched Somebody lol - Copper Caught boasting

28-11-2010 21:17

Laughing boy here can be heard gloating about punching someone in this video. (1)

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Wikileaks under mass distributed Denial of Service Attack

28-11-2010 17:36

Wikileaks announced today at 17.00 that the Wikileaks website is under a sustained and distributed Denial of Service Attack.

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Creative Workshop No.1 How To Make a Kettle Busting Reinforced Banner

28-11-2010 13:02

Kettle busting banners
Step - by - step guide to making a kettle busting banner!
As used successfully by our Italian cousins!

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A brief history of “kettling” and why The Police Riot.

28-11-2010 05:13

Following the events of the least few weeks we need to take time to re read:

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How To Break The Kettle: An Illustrated Scientific Guide

28-11-2010 00:34

Fig 1
Wedges are really a kind of inclined plane. A wedge is two inclined planes back to back against each other. The mechanical advantage you get from a wedge depends on how thick it is. A thick short wedge will split things apart faster, but you'll have to use more force. A thin long wedge will be easier to drive in, but it will take longer to split something. Today we have many different uses for wedges.

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A brief history of "kettling"

27-11-2010 20:56

The politics and practicalities of policing tactics on major domonstrations

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first they came for FITwatch, then

27-11-2010 15:49

Cops making proposals to be able more easily to shut down sites they don't like, without oversight.

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Proof police did not abandon van for fear of safety

27-11-2010 13:44

Here is a video(unfortunately from Sky News) that shows the police had abandoned the van in the middle of a peaceful crowd.

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London, 27 November: Thessaloniki Solidarity Campaign Benefit, DJs, projections

27-11-2010 13:17

Thessaloniki Solidarity Campaign Benefit

Venue to be confirmed, call info-line on the night after 7pm, 07572 626 859... "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", a benefit in an autonomous occupied London venue. Dub, bass, reggae, hip hop, techno, noise, electronica, bar and projections :: Megabitch, Dub Mark, DJ Deadlybuzz, Walid & Krank, Prisce de Cockroach; Ryan Jordan, Tonesucker, Ed Kelly, Litter Shitter

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Wikileaks: UK issues DA-Notice as US briefs allies on fresh leak

27-11-2010 09:24

Governments, organisations and media across the world have been put on alert as whistleblowing site Wikileaks looks set to release millions of diplomantic communications. Emily Butselaar reports

As Wikileaks prepares to expose [1] a huge cache of classified diplomatic communications, the US has warned allies that new revelations may lead to public embarrassment. The cables are expected to expose sensitive foreign policy issues including corruption allegations against foreign governments and leaders, and clandestine US support for terrorism. The leak is expected to contain seven times more data than the infamous Iraq War Diaries released earlier this year.

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End of Week Ratcliffe Trial Update

26-11-2010 15:26

Update following the first week of the month long trial at Nottingham Crown Court.

Hello All!

Well, we've got to the end of the first week of the month long trial. The Prosecution wrapped up their case yesterday afternoon, and on Monday Morning the defence begins.

Firstly a massive thank you to everyone! Whether you've been out there spreading these blogs around the internet, or chopping vegetables for the defendants at the Sumac Centre, your help is greatly appreciated by all.

If you are wanting to help in other ways, pleae do check out the page on our website with some ideas as to what you can do.  Donations are gratefully appreciated at this time.

While the Prosecution's case this week was rather dull and tedious at times as she read through every single digit of every single phone number found in the evidence, it did make clear just how sophisticated the plans to shut down Ratlciffe on Soar coal-fired power station were. Not only were they designed to be effective in stopping emissions, but they also placed the safety of participants and workers as a top priority. The jury have the seen the detailed safety briefings all partipants were equipped with, and witnessed the comprehensive set of safety equipment given out to participants with everything from gas detectors to ear defenders.

So what's coming next?

Having admitted that they did indeed plan to shut down Ratcliffe on Soar power station, the defendants will now explain that they were acting out of necessity to prevent carbon dioxide emissions that would cause catastrophic climate change.

Monday will see the first defendant give evidence, followed by expert witness and NASA scientist Jim Hansen.

Ed Rees QC, defending, set the tone the defence will take when he said:

"You're not going to hear about forlorn looking polar bears floating on dwindling ice sheets. This case, if anything, is about getting real."

Court begins 10am Monday. Supporters very welcome.


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A new era of policing protest?

26-11-2010 13:02

Cop say Day X marked an end to protest as we know it. I think not...

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Guantánamo: NOW is the time to take action

26-11-2010 11:29

As the illegal detention camp at Guantanamo Bay rapidly approaches its 9th birthday and President Obama approaches the first anniversary of his broken promise to close it, the war crimes conviction of child soldier Omar Khadr, the British government’s cover up of its collusion in torture through an out-of-court settlement and other recent events show that justice is not only elusive but non-existent at Guantánamo Bay.

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Anti repression demos 10th December

26-11-2010 09:45

Demonstrations so far organised for Human Rights Day 10th December 2010

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University Security Attempt to Evict Student Occupation at Sheffield

25-11-2010 13:26

BREAKING NEWS on the current situation of the student occupation at Sheffield University. Security attempt to forcefully evict protesters, when this fails they set off fire alarms to force legal evacuation of the building.

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Police entrapment on student demo in London 24.11.10

25-11-2010 12:02

Letter sent to the Guardian about the policing of the student protest in London

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Sometimes to lose is in fact to WIN

25-11-2010 09:38

Lets change tactics
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