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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Kurds from Turkey at Iran's border to support General Strike against execution

16-05-2010 09:35

Here is a clip of how a demonstration of a few hundred Kurdish people from Turkey marched to the Turkey/Iran border trying to cross over to join the strike in the Kurdish province in Iran yesterday 13 May.

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Polish veganarchist arrested in Holland

16-05-2010 09:00

Renata Zelazna is a Polish anarchist and vegan that has been studying and living in Holland. She is also spent some time living in Brighton, UK.

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Guerilla Gardening in Parliament Square.

15-05-2010 17:16

Somr earlier gardening
A Garden was established this afternoon on the Green in front of the Houses of Parliament.

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Freedom of Movement for all: Transnational action Paris and Berlin

15-05-2010 15:29

Hundreds take to the streets in Paris and Berlin in protest against state repression and in response to Fortress Europe. Freedom of movement for all!

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It's a very expensive cop - police overtime bill hits £400 million

15-05-2010 10:51

The overtime bill for the police has reached an unprecedented £400m as independent research reveals the true cost of keeping bobbies on the beat and criticises the current price we pay for the police. It also recommends a fundamental rethink in the role and purpose of the police.

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Censorship during the election campaign.

15-05-2010 07:24

I was curious as to why large public demonstrations, such as May 1st in Parliament Square, were not reported by the mainstream media.

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World wide outrage and anger against Islamic regime of Iran

14-05-2010 15:15

[2010-05-10] Farzad Kamangar: EI Outrage at Iranian Teacher’s Execution
Education International is deeply troubled to hear reports that Iranian teacher trade unionist Farzad Kamangar was among five people who were summarily executed in secret on 9 May.

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The Hate You Hired

14-05-2010 12:44

Once post 9/11 hysteria in the U.S. subsided Americans began to reflect on what happened that day and since. Our collective sense of national pride was renewed helping to make us stronger. We realized how precious our freedoms and liberties were. We became more vigilant over anything that threatened our way of life and culture. In the face of tragedy we pulled together.

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Philippine Democracy: Alive, but is it well?

14-05-2010 11:32

Reflections on the 2010 Campaign.

The 2010 campaign has drawn to a close, and it’s time to distill my experiences after registering hundreds of miles by land, sea, and air crisscrossing the country as a party-list candidate.

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Defend the Right to Protest Israeli War Crimes.

14-05-2010 01:01

Audio Banner
There is disturbing evidence that laws are being used to stifle
political protest; especially when it concerns protest against Israel.
The severity of the sentences passed on demonstrators outside the Israeli
Embassy during the bombing of Gaza is unprecedented. Charges of racist
conduct against demonstrators in Scotland have been rejected by the courts.

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General strike in Kurdistan- In respond to the brutality of islami regime.

13-05-2010 19:15

On Sunday May 9, the Islamic regime of Iran committed another savage crime and executed five political prisoners.

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Amnesty International condemned the executions of four Kurdish Activist

12-05-2010 21:49

Amnesty International today condemned the executions in Iran of four Kurdish political activists and another Iranian man, all convicted of “moharebeh” (enmity against God)”. The four Kurds – Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Holi - along with Mehdi Eslamian, were hanged on Sunday, 9 May at Evin prison in Tehran.

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Practical info for Paris No Borders Action

12-05-2010 00:06

The Paris No Borders Mass Action for Freedom of Movement is fast approaching.
English callout and previous info here:

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Athens protests and situation commentary

11-05-2010 22:02

A view of whats going down in Athens

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Athens: death of a (riot) dog.

11-05-2010 19:50

A well known anarchist activist (of the canine kind), known as 'S@ns Papiers' , sadly passed away after dying of natural causes, following childbirth. She was founder of a group known as the Bl@ck Dogs, co-members were her puppies.

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Britain’s Hung Politics: The Death Throes of Parliamentary Democracy

11-05-2010 15:06

Clegg, Cameron and Brown marking the Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 2010
Despite the seeming ongoing ambiguity in the wake of the British national elections, one thing is clear: the spectrum of British polity has now officially shrunk to a meaningless, narrow band of monochrome politics, where the majority of citizens have no choice or influence on any important areas of policy. Democracy is being expropriated from the electorate.

Not on the agenda of discussions to form the next British government are issues such as shifting the burden of taxation on to the wealthy so as to fund badly needed public services and job creation; or bringing the financial oligarchy under democratic control by nationalising banks; or immediate cessation of British involvement with the US and other NATO forces in criminal wars being waged in three foreign countries – Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

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There are to be more evictions in Zapatista areas; they warn that they will defe

10-05-2010 19:18

“We love the Earth; we work it, care for it, and protect it. For this reason, we are ready to defend it all costs.”

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Bombs made in fareham and Derbyshire used to supress dissent in Greece

09-05-2010 19:24

Grenades made by the Chemring group ( used in recent protests in Athens and Thessaloniki, not just tear gas used, also some kind of fragmentation grenade, and noise grenades made by Chemring scum (

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The Kurdish Teacher trade unionists and 4 other activist been executed by Isalmi

09-05-2010 18:20

Despite campaign and efforts by International Trade Union Confederation and other progressive groups which were published here

Islamic regime showed its brutality against humanity and complete lack of respect for international obligations.

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Public Meeting: Defend the right to protest against Israeli war crimes

08-05-2010 21:40

Thur 13 May 2010, 7.30pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James St. S1 2EW (near Anglican cathedral)

Talk arranged by Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) with Mick Napier, chair of Scottish PSC, Joanne Gilmore of University of Manchester Department of Law and Yasmin Ali, Gaza Demonstration Support Group.
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