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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Joint Enterprise! - Jordan Towers is innocent

25-03-2010 14:13

Justice for Jordan Towers
On the 19th May 2007 Jordan Towers was out walking the streets with two of his friends they were on their way to meet some girls. They found themselves on a street in the Pennywell area of Sunderland. Whilst walking down the street he noticed a man in a house standing at the bedroom window. One of his friends exchange words with this man and the three of them continued to walk past the house. Several seconds later the man was behind them, chasing them. Jordan ran to the corner of the street and watched what he thought was a fight taking place. His two friends and the man were fighting.

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Gaza Protestors Sentencing Under Scrutiny.

25-03-2010 13:12

A number of the Gaza protestors have achieved victory in recent cases.

The first appeal was heard today and the Appeal Judges took 15 minutes to rule that the defendant should not be serving a custodial sentence! The defendant is now back at home with family.

One defendant who appeared in court yesterday was found not guilty on the grounds that the prosecution withdrew their evidence as they believed it would not help result in a conviction!

The first two cases of defendants pleading not guilty were heard last week and resulted in a not guilty verdict.

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Smellie admits to enraging crowd

25-03-2010 10:56

Smellie admits to enraging crowd before assaulting Nicola Fisher with a club

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English Defence League MI5 & Special Branch Ploy? Olympics Emergency Measures?

24-03-2010 22:51

There are a number of articles and blogs claiming that the English Defence League [EDL] are a state founded and state funded trap. People from the left and right wing are saying that the something about EDL doesn't add up. Many are saying [probably rightly] that they are a front for MI5 and Special Branch. If that's the case do Muslims, mosques and others have the right to prosecute MI5 for racism?

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Police admit G20 Raids on convergence centre illegal.

24-03-2010 21:09

The Metropolitan Police have been forced to admit that the raid on the G20 convergence centre last April 2009 were illegal.

They have been forced to pay compensation to the falsely arrested but still refuse to apologise.

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Our right to protest: Support the London-Gaza Protesters at court, Fri. 26 March

24-03-2010 15:49

Many thousands of us came out to demonstrate against Israeli war crimes committed against the people of Gaza in January 2009.

Following these protests in front of the Israeli Embassy in London, 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.

The next hearing is scheduled for the 26th March, at 9.30 at Isleworth Crown Court. It is important that as many people as possible come out to show that they support the young people and recognise the unfairness of these convictions and will not stand for it.

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Mel Broughtons conviction overturned but he will have a third trial

24-03-2010 15:24

the trial wll be the third over the same allegation!

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Sodexo's Lake side Cafe targeted

24-03-2010 12:41

On Sunday night the doors of Sodexo's Lakeside Cafe were locked and windows covered with graffiti. Sodexo are amongst those who profiteer from the boarder regime and industrial prison complex.

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Sanctuary for Ali Hili - Action alert: Iraqi LGBT need your help

24-03-2010 10:24

The UK government through its Border Agency has decided not to give priority to the asylum application of Iraqi, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) leader Ali Hili, in exile in London. The application has been outstanding for nearly three years and while it is outstanding, Ali cannot travel.

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Their crime was to be black at the wrong time in the US

24-03-2010 01:35

Robert King with Anita Roddick, Aug. 2002
As a new film charts the story of the Angola 3, wrongly imprisoned in America’s most notorious penitentiary for 37 years, the documentary’s producer and Big Issue co-founder Gordon Roddick tells of the campaign, started by his late wife Anita, to reverse the injustice

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EDL Planning Deadly Race Riots

24-03-2010 01:17

The media and the riot police in Bolton portrayed the so-called "English Defence League" as friendly, happy-go-lucky "treehuggers", but the ugly truth shone through later Saturday evening when a gang of chanting EDL thugs gathered in a pub on Oldham Road, Middleton, intent on violence.

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EDL Planning Deadly Race Riots

24-03-2010 00:28

The media and the riot police in Bolton portrayed the so-called "English Defence League" as friendly, happy-go-lucky "treehuggers", but the ugly truth shone through later Saturday evening when a gang of chanting EDL thugs gathered in a pub on Oldham Road, Middleton intent on violence.

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Why is there popular protest in Venezuela?

23-03-2010 21:34

* For the benefit of those who find themselves surprised or disconcerted by the generalised decline of conditions in Venezuela, as well as the increase in popular struggle (2,893 street demonstrations between October 2008-September 2009; compared with 1,763 in the same period in 2007-08) – either because they are unaware of the situation here, they are based abroad, or because they always accept the official version of events – we expound below on some factors which contribute to social conflicts here.

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Deportation of Patrick Mitonga Masengo

23-03-2010 19:11

Please stop the removal of Patrick Mitonga Masengo to DR Congo.
he is pictured here taking part in a Congolese Protest in Manchester on 13th March, against just this sort of happening.
He was arrested on March 19th 2010.

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Police Monitoring and Legal Observation Training

23-03-2010 17:06

Are you worried about abuse of police powers at protests and in your community?
Ever moaned about an ever increasing police state but haven't known what to do?
Come to the Network for Police Monitoring training and start holding them to account for their actions.

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Support Gaza protesters at Court - 9:30, 26th March, Isleworth

23-03-2010 12:18

Many thousands of us came out to demonstrate against Israeli war crimes committed against the people of Gaza in January 2009. Motivated by images of violent death and destruction, and a desire to express solidarity with the people of Gaza, adults and children spontaneously gathered at the Israeli Embassy in London to demand justice.

Following these protests 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.

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Abahlali: "We have a message... We will march"

23-03-2010 11:52

We have been evicted, forcibly removed, beaten, slandered, publicly threatened with death, arrested, jailed, tortured and driven from our homes. Some of us have lost everything that we ever owned in this world. But we will not give up. We will not be turned against each other. We will work and work and work to unite the poor against the politicians and the rich. The problem in this society is the deep political disempowerment of the poor and we will solve this problem by organising ourselves to build our political power. Struggle is hard and it is dangerous. But struggle is the only way to defend our humanity and the humanity of our children. We have a deep responsibility to continue with this struggle until we achieve real equality and a fair sharing of this world.

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Police Stop Strawberry Fair

23-03-2010 11:13

Not enough rules for the cops

The annual Cambridge Strawberry fair has been cancelled for this year, after police appealed the decision by councillors to grant it a licence to run in 2010.

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(G20) Met Police to pay compensation after illegal raid.

23-03-2010 10:54

Met Police raid 'over the top, unnecessary and disproportionate'.

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Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime

23-03-2010 08:32

Since 1991, the U.S. has released the radioactive atomicity equivalent of at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs into the global atmosphere.

The U.S. has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU "conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear weapons.

DU is the Trojan Horse of nuclear war – it keeps giving and keeps killing. There is no way to clean it up, and no way to turn it off because it continues to decay into other radioactive isotopes in over 20 steps.
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