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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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New presidential directive gives Bush dictatorial power

22-05-2007 11:30

The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, George W. Bush can become what is best described as "a dictator":

This directive, completely unnoticed by the media, and given no scrutiny by Congress, literally gives the White House unprecedented dictatorial power over the government and the country, bypassing the US Congress and obliterating the separation of powers. The directive also placed the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”.

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CRTICAL MASS - friday - may be the biggest ever?

22-05-2007 07:55

police have won a high court appeal. it means that 'organisers' of the critical mass bike ride have to inform the police ahead of time and negotiate a fixed route. since there are really no organisers, the mass will have difficulty complying. it is simply a get-together of cyclists to go for an unorganised but synchronistic ride. a large turn-out will complicate the enforcement of this repressive decision.

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NYPD surveillance during RNC in NYC 2004

21-05-2007 17:10

statement of one of the groups surveillanced before and during the Republican National Convention in NYC USA in 2004

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By their Commission and Omissions you will Know Them

21-05-2007 13:16

We thank National Security correspondent to the Australian Broadcasting Commission (‘our’ ABC) Leigh Sales, for revealing her flagrant bias in relation to the David Hicks case. We were almost tempted to read her book, “Detainee 002 …”, until today’s extremely revealing report.

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London G8 meeting notes

21-05-2007 11:37

On Thurs 17th May we had a G8 preparation meeting in London. Here be the notes therefrom.

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AIR GUANTANAMO comes to London

21-05-2007 07:43

The Save Omar Campaign (Brighton) will be joining the LGC at its weekly demo outside the US Embassy and performing their street theatre piece "Air Guantanamo!"

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Australia: Police-state measures for APEC summit in Sydney

21-05-2007 06:55

Wider assault on basic democratic rights
The APEC operation is part of a wider assault on basic democratic rights under the guise of combatting terrorism. Since 2002, the federal and state governments have combined to impose a raft of measures that would have been previously unimaginable, such as detention without trial, the outlawing of selected political groups, semi-secret trials and far-reaching sedition laws.

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Brown Ordered to prioritise Iraq

20-05-2007 18:09

Peace campaigners have called on Chancellor Gordon Brown to see sense and make ending the British occupation of Iraq “the first task of his premiership.”

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Tony Bliar: "Reconcile" This!

20-05-2007 15:16

On what was his last visit to Iraq, British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced on the 19/5/2007, that he had "no regrets about removing Saddam," in a staged visit that was used to promote “reconciliation“ inside of the war torn country.

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Hicks has Landed

20-05-2007 06:52

Hicks has landed, the Eagle is moulting, the Roo has been shot, the Emu has impaled itself on a boundary fence and local mass media outlets are falling over themselves to toe the propaganda line. The first hysterical element of local reporting is the strained phraseology in use by servile journos, “convicted terrorism supporter … confessed terrorism supporter … Australian Qaeda supporter”, etc. Few media outlets seem to have any idea of the implications of the word “convicted”, which implies the result of a legitimate, legal process; a process that was clearly denied David Hicks. History will record it thus as the Truth is widely known!

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Kansas: FEMA and the State Control of Grieving Communities

20-05-2007 05:24

It has become clear through natural and "un-natural" disasters alike
that communities must care for themselves and other communities in time of need. The federal and state governments are not going to aid those who need it, they are going to "secure" and "manage". Non-profits and NGO's, while well intentioned and staffed by dedicated workers, do not utilize the organizing models needed when disaster strikes.

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Australia: Mr David Hicks's plane touches down in Adelaide

20-05-2007 02:12

Additional implemented punishment
"I might've wanted to make it perhaps better known the level of concern that the Government had and the way in which we were continuously making representations to the United States to bring the process of dealing with him forward," he said. [Scoff, Scoff, Scoff, ah! bullshit!]

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No Borders Nottingham 'National Day of Action on Asylum Rights'

19-05-2007 22:46

In response to a call out by the 'No Borders' group, folks gathered in the Market Square on Saturday afternoon.

A stall was arranged, leaflets handed out, questions answered ........

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Report: May 17 demo at US Embassy for Mumia Abu-Jamal

19-05-2007 21:48


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London 15 June: Muslim Demo against British Oppression

19-05-2007 21:08

Attached is the flyer for a protest planned for 15th June 2007, 2:30pm - 5pm at 10 Downing Street.

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massive police operation to stop art exhibition

19-05-2007 21:06

Has London gone anti-arts and culture?
The Metropolitan Police launch major operation against an art exhibition.

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National Day of Action for Asylum Seekers in Nottingham

19-05-2007 17:40

No Borders Nottingham held up its end of a National Day of Action for Refugees with a stall in the Market Square accompanied by the No Borders banner, today sharing the Square with the Farmers’ Market and a City Council awareness day for Fostering of children.

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Report: National Day of Action for Refugees

19-05-2007 17:00

Today, around 150 people marched for asylum seekers' rights and against deportations.

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Presidential Candidate: Immigrants Beaten Coast to Coast

19-05-2007 14:34

On a day when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton spent the evening in rallies with thousands of immigrants, to make amends for the terrible beatings that hundreds of immigrants and reporters received at the Los Angeles May Day rallies, President Bush, along with key Democrats and Republicans, took their tern beating up 12 million immigrants coast to coast.

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Where is the Panchem Lama

19-05-2007 09:34

Where is the Panchen Lama
The Panchen Lama is the worlds youngest political prisoner. He was kidnapped at the age of 6 by the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1995 and has never been seen or heard since. He is now 18 years old.

On 17th May 2007 a candel lit vigil was held for the release of The Panchen Lama in Mc Leod Ganj, Dharamsala, the home of the Dali Lama and Tibetan community in exile.

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