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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Maydy 2006: Eye witness on the Autonomous Block March

04-05-2006 02:42

Written record of the days events with the Autonoumous Block.

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film of a mayday socpa challenge

03-05-2006 21:45

on mayday police mounted a huge operation to control 10 brave protestors who entered the socpa zone armed with just one blank banner. this is a short comic film of the event.

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World Press Freedom Day 3 May

03-05-2006 21:01

Throughout the world, 3 May serves as an occasion to inform the public of violations of the right to freedom of expression and as a reminder that many journalists brave death or jail to bring people their daily news.

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Freedom for Bahar Kimyongür - No Extradition to Turkey No European Collaboration

03-05-2006 19:54

Bahar Kimyongür, spokesman of the DHKC Information Bureau in Brussels and one of the defendants in the “DHKC-trial” in Belgian Brugge, was arrested in Holland in the night from 27th to 28th of April, after the Dutch police stopped him in a car together with another person, approximately 40 kilometres from Amsterdam.

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Judge Doubts Moussaoui's Claims About 9/11

03-05-2006 17:52

The judge knows that a "confession", gained after years of detention, does not make up for the lack of actual evidence against the man, and that supports the Government's Conspiracy Theory.

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Join the 5th International Conference against Disapperances

03-05-2006 16:37

ICAD has been struggling against disappearances of the opposition by the government or governments for the last 10 years. As part of this Struggle 4 conferences (Turkey 1996, Colombia 1997, Philippines 1999 and Germany 2002) have been organised.

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Protesters back Mapuche hunger strikers

03-05-2006 16:30

Protest outside the Chilean embassy in London
from tomorrow's (2006-5-4) morning star

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Steven Colbert: The Real Issue Is The Media's Utter Failure

03-05-2006 16:16

Steve Colbert did not make any jokes about George W. Bush. He simply told the truth about Bush. The joke however was on the so called “journalists” of this nation. The target of Mr. Colbert’s comedy routine was our media, not George W. Bush.

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The country that wouldn't grow up

03-05-2006 16:08

Current debates within Israel and the world Jewish community about the harmful effects of militant Zionist Extremism show that this relatively young nation may be coming into its own, and finally addressing the faults of its past.

If this trend continues, we could actually see Zionist rule replaced with a truly representative form of Government, which would place peace, and the welfare of ordinary Israelis, ahead of what this narrow, supremacist ideology regards as "winning".

There is hope for the young state yet.

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Daily audio round up of today's events in Palestine 3rd May 2006

03-05-2006 15:01

Daily audio report from IMEMC in occupied Bethlehem of todays events in Palestine

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Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and li

03-05-2006 11:25

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that try to make impracticable his candidacy.

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EU policy chief Solana denies American proof too: CIA's Torture Charter Flights

03-05-2006 09:14

New York Times: "When the Central Intelligence Agency wants to grab a suspected member of Al Qaeda overseas and deliver him to interrogators in another country, an Aero Contractors plane often does the job."

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More4 video report on hunger strike and beatings

02-05-2006 23:03

More4s report on the April 8 demonstration, the following hunger strike and Amos Onokare, who was beaten for talking to the Guardian newspaper.

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Public meeting to expose Leeds as a city of asylum shame

02-05-2006 18:54

Campaigners working to support destitute asylum seekers in Leeds and fight their deportation are holding a public meeting tomorrow night at Leeds Metropolitan University (Wednesday 3 May) to expose the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers in Leeds and across the UK.

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Police Victory Party

02-05-2006 14:49

On May Day in London, Space Hijackers staged a 'Police Victory Party' in the centre of the city at Bank.

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Peace in the Park Parade

02-05-2006 14:15

On Saturday 3rd June the general cemetary hosts the 4th Peace in the Park festival, but it would be a pity to just have just one little island of peace in the city, so we would like to have a Parade of Peace and Understanding, going from the centre and moving through Sheffield to the festival.

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Video - Naked Protests 1999

02-05-2006 13:18

'Freedom to be Yourself' campaign from 1999.

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02-05-2006 11:44

Video Mysterious Security Guard.
A quick impression of Mayday in London.

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May Day

02-05-2006 10:51

sambistas in the streets
May Day march in Manchester

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Autonomous Bloc penned in again at Mayday rally.

01-05-2006 19:14

Bloc at the start
Police today used common law powers of "preventing a breach of the peace" to exclude the wholly peaceful autonomous bloc from entering Trafalgar Square. Their attempts to spark a confrontation however - including confiscating their sound system - failed.
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