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Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and li

Emilio de Lima | 03.05.2006 11:25 | Repression | World

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that try to make impracticable his candidacy.

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that try to make impracticable his candidacy.

The candidate of the PMDB to the Presidency, Anthony Garotinho, that initiated sunday (30/04), for indeterminate time, a strike of hunger in protest against what it called persecution, the liars campaign, that trie to destroy his image as administrator, public personality and to make ridiculous his Christian and ethical position.

All the joints in this direction are sponsored by the financial system, the banks and the great media, led for the Organizations Globo (Globe) and for the Magazine "Veja" (See!), with the incentive of Lula's government. He already lost 700 grams. Garotinho divulged in this monday (01/05), new notices to the press. You can see see below complete of divulged notes the sunday and this monday. The decision of Garotinho was announced to the press, in an uprising made in the headquarters of the regional directory of the PMDB of Rio de Janeiro.

He was by the side of governor Rosinha Garotinho and militant of the party. Soon after the uprising, Garotinho started the hunger strike, in the proper headquarters of the PMDB and will be followed by a medical team. The former-governor only will suspend the protest under two conditions:

1) until an international supervision in the Brazilian politician-electoral process is instituted, assuring the equality of treatment to all the candidates, with accompaniment of national institutions that traditionally defend the democracy;

2) that the communication vehicles that make calumnies yield space the same so that the population can know the truth of the facts.


To the Brazilian Nation and the citizens of the whole world.

Since the day where my name started to become an option of millions of Brazilians against the neoliberal model that comes destroying the Brazilian Nation Brazilian, I come suffering to a liar campaign, trying to destroy my image as administrator, public personality and trying to make ridiculous my Christian and ethical position.

The financial system, the banks and the great media, led for the Organizations Globe and the magazine - with the sponsorship of the government Lula - lie and they do not give the right to counsel to me. They use the lie as a political weapon . Everything with only one objective: to hinder that I become the candidate to the presidence of the republic and breaches with this economic model that, throughout years, has brought unemployment, hunger and misery for millions of Brazilians.

A system that destroys Brazilians, humiliating the Armed Forces, delivering our patrimony to foreign greed e, over all, lowering our ethical, moral values and love to Brazil.

Where it is my patrimony? In more than twenty years of public life, the only one that I possess is the house that I inherited of my parents in the city where I was born. The love that I have for the Brazilian people is the true reason of as much hatred against me.

They lie, lie, lie. It does not have in these news articles no interest in informing the population. And yes in calumniating and confusing the public opinion to few days of the definition of my candidacy to the President of the Republic.

In a lack of respect with its readers, Veja, in its last edition, went at the nonsense to affirm that I had rented airplane of a dealer. When, in the truth, it was leased an air taxi company, that operates the aircraft for decision of the judicial trustee assigned by the Federal Justice of the Mato Grosso.

Let us agree, all this persecution does not happen by chance. Strategy is about coward to hinder my candidacy. I have so far supported the blows lowest and the infamies cruelest of the representatives of these groups. But everything has limit. They will not destroy my honor and my dedicated life to the Brazilian people with its lies. In contrast, I offer my sacrifice so that the Brazilian people knows the truth face of its explorers.

Dust this, as protest form, beginning, from this moment, a HUNGER STRIKE as last resource in defense of the truth that has been conjured of the Brazilian people. And until:
a) Either instituted an international supervision in the Brazilian politician-electoral process, assuring the equality of treatment to all the candidates; with accompaniment of national institutions that traditionally defend the democracy;
b) That the communication vehicles that in calumniate them yield space the same so that the population can know the truth of the facts.

My fight will not cease ahead the greed and the hatred of the enemies of the people. I count on God, the conjuncts of all and the force of the Brazilian people to face this moment. Rio De Janeiro, 30 of April of 2006.
Anthony Garotinho


To the Brazilian People and the peoples of all the Earth.
First, I thank to the innumerable manifestations of support and affection that I have received from all the parts of Brazil. In special, the visit of my friend Carlos Lessa, who, to the side of other patriots, helped to write our program of government. Here it is the reason of this implacable persecution of that I am victim. The powerful ones, commanded for the financial system, do not admit at least the democrats defend a free Nation.

They try to silence me for, in the truth, to eliminate the ideas of a man that fights for the end of the dictatorship of the banks, of the exculpatory economic model, the interests that enslave the Brazilian people. To be silent, at last, who guard commitment with national sovereignty e, thus, if places clearly in firm way and in defense of the popular interests.
The solidarity of Frei Dom Cappio Luiz also sensetized me , who recently used the same resource to face the powerful ones in the fight for the preservation of the river San Francisco. Now it has little telephoned me to guarantee that he is praying for me. I am also thankful the innumerable shepherds who had been praying here and bringing me words of comfort.

One more time, the GLOBE manipulates and has lied. It says that I decided for the hunger strike not to answer to the attacks and the faded lies that it has published. In contrast, I am ready to aclarar all the facts, to contradict all the accusations, to give to all the clarifications in a strengthen-limit in search of the truth. I make a challenge to the Globe: we want space the same, has the same detached, the same time in the TV, radios and periodicals to show as the people has been manipulated in its good faith for the Organizations Globe - a company the service of the financial capital and on salary of the Government Lula.

They give me the space and I will show all the documents.It brings me uncontrollable repulses the old cunning of the GLOBE in its intention to destroy reputations. It is always thus: seven pages to the calumnies and seven lines to the defense. They had pursued Leonel Brizola with the blow of the PROCONSULT and throughout all its life politics. But he died clean.

I reaffirm, I did not make nothing outlaw. I do not have nothing to hide. As I have said yesterday, my only patrimony, in more than 20 years of public life, is the house that I inherited of my parents. It is not the case of the Organizations Globe, that much has to hide of the population. It constructed its empire supporting the military dictatorship and of it receiving canals from radio and TV in all Brazil.

False moralist! Search defect in the others, but hides of the public opinion that answers the processes for having acquired its canal of TV in São Paulo using a false power of attorney. It is everything in Justice, but the Globe nothing speaks.

Why the silence of the Globe in the scandal of the Banestado, that involved deviated billions of Brazil of irregular form? I have not to show to the country on this Organization, that finds that all the Brazilians must bend over it. Not I will bend over to the Organizations Globe and nor to the interests of the financial capital the one that it serves.

I will not yield to the pressures of the GLOBE, that tries of all the forms to hinder my candidacy to the Presidency of the Republic launching against me lies to influence the PMDB.

Also I will not keep silent against the programming of this sender, who contributed for the degradation of the family and the Brazilian society. I go until the end... I today sent documents to the Organizations of the American States, telling what has been occurring in the Brazilian electoral process: alliance of Lula with the Globe. The same Globe that embezzled the result of a debate to choose Collor to take care of its interests. The same Globe that choosed Enrique Cardoso to sell Brazil to the greed of the international capital. The same Globe that wants, now, that Lula remains in the government so that it continues making businesses that favor to it, as it occurred in the case of the purchase of the actions of the NET through the BNDES. I love Brazil. I love the Brazilian people and I have given to test of this during all my life. Therefore, I cannot silence seeing me to be prepared an election of marked letters in order to keep the privileges of the powerful ones. Therefore, I reaffirm the necessity of that either given to all the candidates the same space and treatment, and that the politica and electoral process of the biggest nation of South America either followed by exempt international and national analysts, who prevent the manipulation of our people. I know that it is difficult some to ahead understand my sacrifice of the shame that took account of the politics of my country. But they will not destroy my honor. I will fight, to fight and to fight to be the candidate of the PMDB. For, elect, finallize the process of destruction of the Brazilian Nation that the neoliberal ones have been making for decades. And to provide to the Brazilians a peace and justice government.

Emilio de Lima
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