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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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International Day of Action Against the Arms Trade – Brighton

22-03-2005 00:13

Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM were visited today by a Citizens Inspections Agency (CIA) team who demanded access to their weapons manufacturing facility. EDO MBM manufactures release mechanisms for the Paveway series of bombs as well as other military hardware. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the American EDO Corp, and have a multi-million pound contract with the UK MoD related to the Paveway bomb.

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Blunkett - Your Crimes Are Not Forgotten

22-03-2005 00:04

Prisoner Paul Sullivan addresses the former home secretary

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21-03-2005 22:42

America 'vigils' while it destroys the World. From Vermont, THE VIGIL STATE. "Over 10 million candles sold!'

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Uganda Fedayin Storm British Embassy

21-03-2005 21:33

Uganda War criminal
The crowd of several hundreds, calling themselves Concerned Patriots, condemned remarks by a British minister who recently questioned Uganda’s commitment to democracy and Irish rock star and aid campaigner Bob Geldof who accused President Museveni of wanting to rule for life.

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21-03-2005 18:49

Poem about American liberal Yuppies vigiling for Peace while their lifestyles are causing the wars and injustices (and Bush administrations) that are destroying the World.
This is from Vermont--The Vigi State, Home of the TRULY Ugly American.

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Scottish Taxpayers Subsidising Prison Slavery

21-03-2005 15:15

Just like the Prison Service in England and Wales, the Scottish Prison Service (SPS), are not only pimping out prison slave labour to greedy private companies, they are actually, also like the Prison Service in England and Wales, subsidising their profits.

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Report with photos of the Glasgow anti-war demo on Saturday March 19th 2005.

20-03-2005 21:54

Crowd gathering in Royal Exchange Square.
This is a 1,140 word report with 10 photos of the Glasgow demonstration on the International Day of action against the occupation of Iraq.

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"Visibility Policing" on March 19th Anti-War Demo in London

20-03-2005 15:08

Line at Piccadilly Circus 1 (police, barriers, vans)
Quite a few people I spoke to on the large anti-war protest on Saturday March 19th 05, remarked on the style of policing deployed for the march.

While they were not criticising the actions of any police officers, they were keen to point out that there was an increased level of close policing along the route and the increased use of police vans to create road block barriers, both en route and at Trafalger square, where the march ended.

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Are the Central London webcams being censored?

19-03-2005 13:41

In 2003 it was suggested that London webcams covering the Anti-War March were being censored by the police.

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Boycott Thwaites Beer

19-03-2005 12:53

When Craig Murray wanted to rent property to stand against Jack Straw, he was told "Thwaites has decided it will not let me rent any of its property in Blackburn. Its directors feel it would not be in the company's interests to allow its premises to be used to campaign against Jack Straw. "

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"Pagan" Celebration Turns Into Street Fights Against Iranian Regime

19-03-2005 10:57

L ast Tuesday , 15th March, violent clashes rocked the main Iranian cities as brutal militiamen attacked Iranians who transformed the already hardly tolerated celebration of the traditional "Tchahr Shanbe Souri" (Fire Fiest) into protest action and show of "un-Islamic" joy.

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Fuck America

19-03-2005 05:45

Can you believe the arrogance of such lame dicks when they are hiding behind big guns, one on one, a bitch slap and he'd look like he got attacked by a pretzel!

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Bonjour Tristesse - the story of Jean Seberg's destruction by COINTELPRO.

19-03-2005 00:41

Jean in `Bonjour Tristesse` with David Niven and Deborah Kerr. Made in 1958.
This is a 3,800 word article with photos and declassified documents showing the smearing of 1960's actress and activist Jean Seberg by the FBI's COINTELPRO (COunter INTELligence PROgramme).

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Towards a new COINTELPRO?

18-03-2005 23:44

J Edgar Hoover, FBI Director under 8 Presidents from 1924 to 1972.
This is a 1,700 word article with 3 photos showing the dangerous erosion of our civil liberties as a result of the Patriot Act and Homeland Security in the USA and the Prevention of Terrorism Bill in Britain.

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G8: Derby M17 Picture Collection

18-03-2005 15:11

Masks and placards in Derby Main Square
A few snaps from the over policed G8 protests in Derby on March 17th - when marches in the centre of town had been banned by the government and exclusion zones set up in the surrounding villages. 12 cyclists were arrested in the morning - has anyone got any pictures of this or the critical mass protest?

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Bailed away from G8 meetings

18-03-2005 12:28

Two people who stand accussed of minor offences relating to Section 14 of the Public Order Act have been granted conditional bail that prevents them from going with 200 metres of a G8 meetings!

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Support Comunidad de Paz San José de Apartadó on the 8th anniversary 23 March

18-03-2005 10:41

Comunidad de Paz San Jose de Apartado
Solidarity with Colombian Peace Comunities

Support the Comunidad de Paz San José de Apartadó on their 8th anniversary on 23 March

Out of the horrors and suffering of displacement in Colombia, eight years ago - on 23 March, 1997 - was born a new hope. War Resisters' International sends greetings to the Comunidad de Paz San José de Apartadó as it celebrates its eighth anniversary.

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Open Letter to STWC from Political Association of Iranian Refugees

18-03-2005 10:12

Iranian refugee group criticises STWC for refusing to give platform to voices equally critical of US imperialism and the stutus quo in Iran.
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