UK Repression Newswire Archive
Derby arrested released on bail
18-03-2005 10:11
10 cyclists arrested on the Critical Mass bike ride yesterday morning were released on bail last night, pending further investigation and consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.21 April EUROPEAN DAY OF CITIZEN ACTION FOR JUST AND EFFECTIVE DRUG POLICIES
18-03-2005 09:13
18-03-2005 01:56
Every year, dam-affected populations demonstrate, in March, to celebrate the International Day of Action Against Dams, for Rivers, Water and Life, the 14 of March. In 2005, MAB’s day of action is being target of a series of aggressions and political arrests.Organisers respond to inaccuracies in 'Colombian Vice President Receives...'
18-03-2005 01:28
As President of the BUIAS, I would like to set the record straight on several inaccurate comments in the article 'Colombian Vice President receives a Bristol welcome'Guatemala massacres in the 1980s: My soul will not die!
18-03-2005 01:13
Guatemala has seen over 36 years of military dictatorship, initiated and supported by the US with technical advisors, equipment and funding, and 250 000 civilians, particularly children and women, were massacred by the paramilitaries during the civil war. Thousands of clandestine mass graves are still all over the country.1996 the peace accords were signed, before only the armed struggle was an alternative to oppose the military dictatorship.
Today atrocities are still not talked about, the paramilitary forces and the intellectual authors of massacres not convicted nor do they stand in court, and many mass graves have not yet been exhuminated.
Jesus Tecu Osorio is one of the few human rights activists in Guatemala who has been able to give evidence against and the only one to thereby convict three paramilitary perpetrators of some of their crimes - linking them directly to at least one of the five massacres occuring to his community during 1981 and 1982.
He spoke at an event hosted by Amnesty International in Edinburgh, on Thursday, 17th of march 2005.
Derby G8 M17 Police
17-03-2005 18:50

Abuse of police powers in Derby
17-03-2005 18:09
Police in Derby this afternoon made around a dozen arrests during a critical mass bike ride in the city center. The arrests were made using section 14 of the public order act which is supposed to be used in relation to public assembles and allows police to limit numbers and restrict the location and duration of an assemble. Further more, offences under sections 14 are minor offences only punishable by a fine and not an “arrestable offence” under Section 24 of PACE. The police are increasingly abusing their powers in relation to section 12 and 14 of the public order act and charges are frequently dropped and many people have successfully sued the police for compensation in relation to unlawful detention.CIA JACKALS & WORLD BANK WOLFOWITZ
17-03-2005 18:01
Video: 'Jackals' are C.I.A.-sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If that doesn't work, they perform assassinations. or try to.Confessions of an economic 'hit man'.
British Press Awards demo goes well
17-03-2005 13:01
A 7 strong tactical response unit of Notes from the Borderland mounted an enjoyably provocative counter strike against the capitalist media at the annual 'newspaper oscars', the British Press Awards, at London Hilton Park Lane on evening of Tuesday 15th March - thanks to all who assisted. Our campaign against Journocops continues.Death Penalty Film
17-03-2005 12:59
Hello,My name is Dave Maass; I'm a grad student in documentary film at the University of Manchester (UK). I've recently completed a film on death penalty defense investigator Mary Durand (AZ) and I was hoping you'd watch it and give me some feedback.
Police and the G8 - then and now
17-03-2005 11:50
It's almost four years on since the 2001 G8 converence....Ex Brit Ambassador joins fight against NWO - stands against Straw man
17-03-2005 11:19
Ex Ambassador to Uzbekistan uncovers lies by Straw and MI6 - intends to defeat him on his own patch at election time (yeah, right!)(US) "brand" - My Lai, Nicola, and the psychosis of genocide
17-03-2005 08:59

The concept of brand is the problem.
Viewing a nationality as a product goes to the core of the basic problem issue of a psyche that believes that ownership and marketing is all.
Ownership of responsibilty is surrendered.........
Posters for M19 -- SAY SOMETHING
17-03-2005 08:12

Remembrance: Rachel Corrie 1979-2003
17-03-2005 04:24

Colombian Vice President Gets A Bristol Welcome
16-03-2005 23:02

SOS: Trade unions in Colombia
16-03-2005 22:58
The director of the department for human rights of the Colombian trade union federation CUT informs the national and international public about the existence of a strange plan. This plan is to murder trade unionists who are critical towards the current negotiations between government and paramilitaries in Colombia.18th of march: Day of the political prisoners 2005 (in Germany)
16-03-2005 21:53

Are Staffordshire police trying to influence the judicial system?
16-03-2005 18:53
Dubious goings on in Staffordshire grave-digging case and high court injunctions.London ISM Presents - Signs of Resistance: Film Night (after the demo, this Sat)
16-03-2005 17:49
Saturday 19th MARCH 6:00 -10:00