Movement of People Affected by Dams- MAB | 18.03.2005 01:56 | Ecology | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Every year, dam-affected populations demonstrate, in March, to celebrate the International Day of Action Against Dams, for Rivers, Water and Life, the 14 of March. In 2005, MAB’s day of action is being target of a series of aggressions and political arrests.
Political arrests and violence against dam-affected populations
Every year, dam-affected populations demonstrate, in March, to celebrate the International Day of Action Against Dams, for Rivers, Water and Life, the 14 of March. In 2005, MAB’s day of action is being target of a series of aggressions and political arrests. Please, see below a brief story of what is occurring:
1 – Violence and Arrests in Minas Gerais
In March 8th, the military policy of the state of Minas Gerais ended, in a violent form, a protest of peasants against the construction of Jurumirim Dam, in the city of Rio Casca. The dam-affected protested during the public hearing that would approve the construction of the dam. The police had spanked about 35 small farmers, including 11 women and children. Six people identified as leader of MAB had been arrested, being set free in the following morning. Among the prisoners, was the Priest Antonio Claret Fernandes. According to coordination of MAB in Minas Gerais, nowadays is very easy to build dams in the State. "To construct dams is simple and easy here: the company chooses the place, the environmental agencies delivers the river, them the company receives loans from the government and the police force takes care of people ".
2 – Army action in Tucuruí
Since 11 of March, the Brazilian Army gave one more demonstration of its disposal to act against the civil population of its own country. The command of 23º Squadron of Cavalry of Forest initiated an operation in Tucuruí Dam, in the State of Pará, to prevent manifestations in the place and to prevent a possible "interruption of the energy production". Tucuruí was built during the military dictatorship and until today, the majority of the 20 thousand affected people waits for compensation. The energy produced in Tucuruí is given with subsidized price for the aluminum industries of the region. The affected population that moved to the borders and islands formed in the lake, did not receive anything, and also does not have electric energy in their houses.
In the operation, the army classifies social movements clearly as "enemies". Some coordinators of MAB in Pará are threatened of death for denouncing illegal squatters that act in the region. However, the State, instead of protecting popular leaderships, repress them and does very little to restrict the action of big farmers. Despite the movement of the army, the dam-affected are not intimidated and had initiated mobilization in the region in 15 of March. About two thousand people had occupied part of the dam and they are camped in the place.
3 – Political Prisoners in Campos Novos / SC
In the night of 12 of March, the military policy of Santa Catarina initiated actions to arrest 10 small farmers affected by the Campos Novos Dam. The policemen with weapons in hand had invaded the houses of some families, threatening to arrest the women of the peasants if they did not present themselves. Until now, they are imprisoned: Edio Grasse, small farmer of the city of Celso Ramos; Carlos da Silva, Leodato Vicente (70 years old) and João Vilmar de Oliveira, small farmers of the city of Campos Novos; Dorneles Vicente and Aurélio Dutra, of the city of Anita Garibaldi. In the operation, the peasants had not been informed of the reason of the arrest. A child of only seven years was taken together with his father to the police station.
The justification given by the judge Adriana Lisboa, who allowed the arrests was the guarantee of public order. Also 16 vehicles of the peasants had been apprehended, under the accusation that they would be used to carry militants from MAB to their protest.
We ask everybody to send letters and messages asking for freedom for our political prisoners and the end of violence against the dam-affected people. Please send messages to the following addresses:
Adriana Lisboa – Judge of the city of Campos Novos –SC
Address: Praça Lauro Muller, 121 Centro - 89620-000 Campos Novos –SC
Phone: (55-49) 551 0400/ 0402
Fax: (55-49) 551 0407
Ronaldo José Benedet – Public Security Secretary of Santa Catarina
Address: Rua Esteves Júnior, 80 centro – Florianópolis SC - 88015-530.
Phone: (55-48) 251 1112/ 1113
Fax: (55-48) 251 1120
Dilma Roussef – Minister of Mines and Energy
Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco U - 70065-900 Brasília-DF
Phone: (55-61) 319 5041/ 5452/ 5073
Fax: (55-61) 319 5074
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Political arrests and violence against dam-affected populations
Every year, dam-affected populations demonstrate, in March, to celebrate the International Day of Action Against Dams, for Rivers, Water and Life, the 14 of March. In 2005, MAB’s day of action is being target of a series of aggressions and political arrests. Please, see below a brief story of what is occurring:
1 – Violence and Arrests in Minas Gerais
In March 8th, the military policy of the state of Minas Gerais ended, in a violent form, a protest of peasants against the construction of Jurumirim Dam, in the city of Rio Casca. The dam-affected protested during the public hearing that would approve the construction of the dam. The police had spanked about 35 small farmers, including 11 women and children. Six people identified as leader of MAB had been arrested, being set free in the following morning. Among the prisoners, was the Priest Antonio Claret Fernandes. According to coordination of MAB in Minas Gerais, nowadays is very easy to build dams in the State. "To construct dams is simple and easy here: the company chooses the place, the environmental agencies delivers the river, them the company receives loans from the government and the police force takes care of people ".
2 – Army action in Tucuruí
Since 11 of March, the Brazilian Army gave one more demonstration of its disposal to act against the civil population of its own country. The command of 23º Squadron of Cavalry of Forest initiated an operation in Tucuruí Dam, in the State of Pará, to prevent manifestations in the place and to prevent a possible "interruption of the energy production". Tucuruí was built during the military dictatorship and until today, the majority of the 20 thousand affected people waits for compensation. The energy produced in Tucuruí is given with subsidized price for the aluminum industries of the region. The affected population that moved to the borders and islands formed in the lake, did not receive anything, and also does not have electric energy in their houses.
In the operation, the army classifies social movements clearly as "enemies". Some coordinators of MAB in Pará are threatened of death for denouncing illegal squatters that act in the region. However, the State, instead of protecting popular leaderships, repress them and does very little to restrict the action of big farmers. Despite the movement of the army, the dam-affected are not intimidated and had initiated mobilization in the region in 15 of March. About two thousand people had occupied part of the dam and they are camped in the place.
3 – Political Prisoners in Campos Novos / SC
In the night of 12 of March, the military policy of Santa Catarina initiated actions to arrest 10 small farmers affected by the Campos Novos Dam. The policemen with weapons in hand had invaded the houses of some families, threatening to arrest the women of the peasants if they did not present themselves. Until now, they are imprisoned: Edio Grasse, small farmer of the city of Celso Ramos; Carlos da Silva, Leodato Vicente (70 years old) and João Vilmar de Oliveira, small farmers of the city of Campos Novos; Dorneles Vicente and Aurélio Dutra, of the city of Anita Garibaldi. In the operation, the peasants had not been informed of the reason of the arrest. A child of only seven years was taken together with his father to the police station.
The justification given by the judge Adriana Lisboa, who allowed the arrests was the guarantee of public order. Also 16 vehicles of the peasants had been apprehended, under the accusation that they would be used to carry militants from MAB to their protest.
We ask everybody to send letters and messages asking for freedom for our political prisoners and the end of violence against the dam-affected people. Please send messages to the following addresses:
Adriana Lisboa – Judge of the city of Campos Novos –SC
Address: Praça Lauro Muller, 121 Centro - 89620-000 Campos Novos –SC
Phone: (55-49) 551 0400/ 0402
Fax: (55-49) 551 0407

Ronaldo José Benedet – Public Security Secretary of Santa Catarina
Address: Rua Esteves Júnior, 80 centro – Florianópolis SC - 88015-530.
Phone: (55-48) 251 1112/ 1113
Fax: (55-48) 251 1120

Dilma Roussef – Minister of Mines and Energy
Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco U - 70065-900 Brasília-DF
Phone: (55-61) 319 5041/ 5452/ 5073
Fax: (55-61) 319 5074

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Movement of People Affected by Dams- MAB
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