UK Repression Newswire Archive
Suspected Animal Rights activists followed and harassed in the North of England
14-12-2006 14:56
Police forces and the government are taking those extra steps, trying to exclude those who voice opposition to animal abuse from society.Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
SOCPA - brian haw - day three
14-12-2006 02:09

Fear not God, Fear the X-tians who take away the young people's house.
14-12-2006 01:07
Mobilisation video:
Help save the house which for more than a hundred years has been instrumental in political organising on the left. From the Youth House to the Father's House - need we say more?
Harvard documents abuses in Ethiopia's Gambella region
13-12-2006 22:15

Media release : David Hicks torture details
13-12-2006 21:12
Media release : David Hicks torture detailsFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Your mission, should you choose to accept it...
13-12-2006 17:41
ID cards, injunctions, CCTV with voice activated alerts, national license plate monitoring, face recognition, directional microphones, network profiling, DNA databases, keylogging, phone taping, bugging and tracking, these are just some of the tools of repression being used against those battling to save the world from total domination and destruction.This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.... 9.. 8.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
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We fought the law and... eh... we won? Fairford coaches appeal victory
13-12-2006 13:25
For what it's worth, the Law Lords have upheld the claim by the fairford coaches passengers that the right to "freedom of expression and lawful assembly" were violated when the filth turned back coaches and forced their return to London during an anti war demonstration at RAF Fairford.Puppet leadership in Western ‘Democracies’
13-12-2006 04:02
Corporate power and rulership in western societies is complete, governments either conform to corporate dictates or are quickly replaced by compliant political alternatives. The management of information via the monopolised mass media and the complete domination of the economy maintain and sustain corporate supremacy. The masses suffer increased subjection (debt slavery) and vulnerability (limited options) as a result of decreased representation by governments. Corporate rule has reduced the real status of the public to servility and subservience, not dissimilar to the ancient Roman model of kept house-slaves. The belief that Roman slaves were constantly maltreated is based on erroneous images (whipped galley-slaves) that Hollywood and the entertainment industry have popularised. Ancient Roman slaves lived in basic but tolerable conditions, similar (in relative terms) to the servile masses of today.Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Save Ungdomshuset!
13-12-2006 02:01
Ungdomshuset, a 24 years old radical social centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, is being evicted to make way for a right-wing homophobic Christian organisation who have illegally purchased the building, after the local government had given it to the social centre following a campaign by the locals.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
SOCPA - day 2 - brian haw court case
13-12-2006 01:17

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help needed to repeal socpa law
13-12-2006 01:15
the serious organised crime and police act bans 'unauthorised' protest near parliament. baroness miller has had the first reading in the house of lords of her bill to repeal it. please help publicise this, and let the bbc know it's an issue that's important to you.Philippines: Charter Change is Arroyo's Cover-up
12-12-2006 23:57

Stomach disease, parasites and civil war - where have all the Federales gone?
12-12-2006 22:28

Cambridge film showing - latin america theme
12-12-2006 18:00
This Sunday (the 17th of December) Cambridge Indymedia will be showing two films documenting recent social struggles in Latin America - "Romper el Cerco (Breaking the Siege)" and "El Gas no se Vende (The Gas is not for Sale)". The showing will be upstairs at the Bun Shop (1 King Street) starting at 7:30 pm.In Oaxaca, Questions Abound About 11/25 Fires By Sean Donahue
12-12-2006 15:57
During the battle for control of Oaxaca on November 25, fires damaged a hotel, comsumed cars, and gutted government offices. Few doubt that protesters armed with molotov cocktails were responsible for some of the blazes. But many Oaxacans are asking questions about who really started the fires that destroyed offices housing key records of the administration of Gov. Ulisses Ruiz.Diggers 350th birthday march and occupation VIDEO
12-12-2006 15:27
April the 3rd, 199911 min video chronicle of the march and occupation of St. George's Hill in Surrey on the 350th birthday of the Diggers occupation of the same area.
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SOCPA - brian haw court case (day 1) - superintendent terry in the dock
12-12-2006 00:14

House of Lords freedom to protest ruling (about Fairford Coaches)
11-12-2006 22:12
At 9.45am on Wednesday 13 December, the House of Lords will rule on the case of 120 anti-war protestors detained by police and prevented from attending a demonstration at RAF Fairford on 22 March 2003, just two days after coalition forces launched their attacks on Iraq.