UK Repression Newswire Archive
Is It Really About Terrorism?
11-12-2006 16:37
For the second time this year, I arrived at Coventry airport on Friday evening to find Special Branch officers at my reception [see first time]. Again, I was the last passenger to leave the airport, having been searched and questioned for over 45 minutes under the Terrorism Act. But it was so obvious this time that it had nothing to do with 'terrorism', but more with my being an activist, or "an anarchist", as they put it.
Emergency Vigil Outside Scottish Parliament Tues 12 Dec
11-12-2006 16:27

Events in Edinburgh to commemorate the disappeared, murdered, tortured and exiled from Chile
Emergency Vigil Outside Scottish Parliament at 5.15pm
Presente! Ahora Y Siempre!! at 9.30pm
Prepare the glasses… The death of Pinochet
11-12-2006 11:11

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Pinochet, Chile’s former US-backed dictator, dead at 91
11-12-2006 10:28
News of the death of Chile’s former military dictator Augusto Pinochet sparked spontaneous demonstrations in Santiago and other Chilean cities Sunday.Thousands poured into the streets or drove in horn-honking caravans to celebrate the death of the 91-year-old retired army general, who came to power in a 1973 CIA-backed coup against the elected government of Socialist Party President Salvador Allende.
Turkey, Istanbul: burning barricades and clashes on the streets
11-12-2006 01:12

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VIDEO - Defending Democracy (Sack Parliament 2006)
11-12-2006 01:05

Police promise pow-wows
10-12-2006 22:41
Following increasingly outrageous treatment by police, the National Union Of Journalists have been raising their concerns. The following article was published in the Freelance....200 Eritreans Protest outside the Eritrean Embassy in London.
10-12-2006 20:41
(London 08-12-04) Nearly two hundred Eritreans gathered together protesting the Human Rights abuse that continues unabated in Eritrea....Originaly posted (along with many photos) on

See also


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Surveillance Camera Players: Ten-Year Report
10-12-2006 03:58

Space Hijackers visit Leipzig, December 2006
10-12-2006 01:05
The Space Hijackers visited the Leipziger Kamera anti-CCTV campaign group in Leipzig, Germany. Here are two short video blogs showing what we got up to.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
NW Feminists: Women are not to blame for rape
09-12-2006 23:30
Saturday, afternoon - Manchester city centre: The North West Feminists took over the city centre with placards, magaphones and info to raise awareness about rape issues.On the Ground: San Cristobal, Chiapas - Dirty Water on a Death Bed
09-12-2006 23:12

09-12-2006 18:28
EVERYTHING4EVERYONE50 lee street E8 (hackney)
SUNDAY 10 OF DECEMBER from 7 p.m.
Whose War on Whose Terror? Reclaiming Our Rights
09-12-2006 18:20
Yesterday, I was fortunate to have been one of the opening plenary speakers at the 'Reclaiming Our Rights' conference at the Human Rights and Social Justice Institute at the London Metropolitan University, organized mainly by the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC). It was an excellent conference bringing together some of the leading dissident organizations involved in political activism against the anti-terror laws. Speakers included people like Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan; Mark Thomas, political comedian and journalist; Gareth Pierce, leading human rights lawyer; Brian Haw, the permanent Parliament Square protestor; among many others.
Stencil Graffiti from San Cristobal de Las Casas
09-12-2006 17:28

Vision of future is boot stamping on face
09-12-2006 14:52
From the film 1984 - humans are the expendable means to maintaining control. War is the means of controlling the economy. Resistance is real.13th DECEMBER decision from the Botswana high courts- action now please
09-12-2006 13:27
we love tribal peoples, they have a place in our earth, so why are they being pushed out of existence and how can we gravitate to a free world for all of us....maintain your freedom of speech and give a call to the people who are questioning this answer, the answer that will have all the peoples a place and some choices for the future...France - Banlieues: inquiry on the dead of Bouna Traoré and Zyed Bucket
09-12-2006 11:38

Asylum seekers protest treatment at detention centres
09-12-2006 10:44
Asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented workers seeking to remain in Britain last week staged a protest in response to their treatment at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow, London.UPRISING RADIO: Mumia Abu-Jamal after 25 years
09-12-2006 05:52
Uprising Radio: 25th anniversary of Mumia’s Arrest
GUEST: Hans Bennett, Philadelphia based photo-journalist who has been documenting the free-Mumia movement. View his new series on Mumia published in the weeks leading up to December 9: