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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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2011 Annual march against custody deaths -

23-10-2011 14:32

A silent procession in memory of people who have died in custody will be held in London on 29th October 2011. The United Families and Friends Campaign, the organiser of the procession, is inviting all to join what will start as a silent procession along Whitehall followed by Noisy Protest at Downing Street.

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Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva

23-10-2011 11:00

A Contribution for the Compas in the Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anarchist Federation

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UG#574 - Occupy Wall Street Special (Hip Hop Audiocollage)

21-10-2011 14:57

A special show this week devoted to Occupy Wall Street. How to make a show of interest both to OWS attendees and to those who know next to nothing about it? Inspired by the popularity of episode 536, we give you an audio collage including live radio interviews with participants and local residents, video soundtracks, historic material and quite a lot of music.

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My further political crimes

21-10-2011 13:40

By the Guild of students Vice president Education (in exile) Edd Bauer.

Article from the defend Birmingham blog on new allegations the guild have levelled against Edd Bauer, including and this is no joke, having other people write letters about his suspension.

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This Exactly How PR works using Oxford

21-10-2011 12:50

Bell Pottinger's role in using Oxford Union to cover up the mass killing of Tamil civilians is up again through an establishment inquiry

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1 protester in Athens dead, pulpit whores blaming the revolutionairies

20-10-2011 16:28

1 'protester' dead of heart stoppage, a syndicalist (PAME-KKE stalinist) builder from Athens. He was guarding the parliament building to try to stop people attacking it! He died of heart failure. No signs of physical injury, unlike many others who attacked and were attacked in attempts to attack, and to defend, the parliament building. Still the stalinist KKE was determined to let the troika vote, and their actions were and will continue to be bloody.

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EGYPT: Imprisoned blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad to be sent to psychiatric hospital

20-10-2011 14:40

Maikel Nabil Sanad
War Resisters' International learned today that a military court ordered on 18 October to send imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad to a psychiatric hospital for examination. According to the information received, the blogger is presently still being held in El Marg prison, and is on hunger strike since 23 August.

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Dale Farm, the reality of Green Belt in Basildon.

19-10-2011 21:51

Dale Farm and industrial Basildon.
This image shows at the bottom the traveller Dale Farm site which has not been extended beyond the perimeter that you see here. The site is pretty much the same now as it was back then, although recent images do appear to show some depopulation. You can also see at the top, large-scale development including a retail park, sports playing field's, and in the top right hand corner, a large industrial park containing factories, businesses and some large international corporations. The rent paid by these businesses and corporations is way and above enough to help find the travellers a place to go. The dividing line between these developments is the A127, a very busy arterial road that runs from London right through to Southend on Sea. It is one of the busiest arterial roads in England.

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The Dale Farm Eviction and the Whiff of Fascism

19-10-2011 13:35

Cops smash their way onto the property at 7 am
Despite courageous resistance by families and a group of activists, Basildon Council are continuing their eviction of Dale Farm residents, backed up by the iron fisted brutality of Essex riot cops. Harrowing and devastating though the episode is for the people being oppressed, it also has dark implications for society as a whole, in the UK and globally.

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Whatever they say squatting will stay! - Squatting in the Netherlands

18-10-2011 22:12

October the 1st 2011 will mark one year since the Kraakverbod made squatting illegal in the Netherlands. However, hundreds of people still squat and will continue to squat.

With squatting in the UK coming under threat, join us to hear 3 squatters from Amsterdam talk in several cities across the UK about squatting before the ban, resistance to the criminalisation and what's been happening since the Kraakverbod became law.

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Occupy Wall Street Marks One Month

18-10-2011 11:18

Clinton & Egyptian-Activists
Is Occupy Wall Street Another Colored Revolution? “Manufacturing Dissent” ... There is a grassroots protest movement unfolding across America, which includes people from all walks of life, from all age groups, conscious of the need for social change and committed to reversing the tide. The grassroots of this movement constitutes a response to the “Wall Street agenda” of financial fraud and manipulation which has served to trigger unemployment and poverty across the land. Does this movement constitute in its present form an instrument of meaningful reform and social change in America? What is the organizational structure of the movement? Who are its main architects? Has the movement or segments within this movement been co-opted? This is an important question, which must be addressed by those who are part of the Occupy Wall Street Movement as well as those who, across America, support real democracy.

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Dale Farm fundraiser at the Sumac

18-10-2011 10:07

A veteran of the battle of the beanfield will introduce films about different traveller cultures and historys, and we'll serve some hearty dinner

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Worldwide Declaration in Support of the Zapatista Support Bases of San Marcos Av

17-10-2011 20:11

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Centre and the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign, New York, have written the following declaration with the goal of collecting signatures of support.

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Thomas Blak Moved

17-10-2011 19:11

Antifascist prisoner Thomas Blak has been transferred.

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Dale Farm appeal rejected, eviction expected soon

17-10-2011 16:18

The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need activists to come down for active resistance and support roles as soon as possible.

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Get to Dale Farm soonest - judicial review appeal app. rejected by court

17-10-2011 16:17

The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need supporters to come down as soon as possible to help resist this eviction. We need people to come willing to engage in civil disobedience as well as support residents and activists in resisting the eviction through non-arrestable roles.

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Neuro/Psychotics & Psychiatrists

17-10-2011 11:09

"Neurotics build castles in the air.
Psychotics live in the castles.
Psychiatrists collect the rent".

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Be ready to come to Dale Farm today

17-10-2011 04:18

This morning, the Dale Farm Community will find out whether they will be allowed to appeal against the High Court's rejection of their application for judicial review.

If this is refused, then eviction could happen at any time. Therefore, all supporters are urged to get to Dale Farm as soon as possible to assist with the eviction resistance.

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Just been watching the BBC...FAIL

16-10-2011 10:13

They were doing a roundup in St. James

Just giving some outside feedback. Sorry its brutally honest, but better that than mincing words. Sort it out!

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Dale Farm: State Repression Increases, as Activists Call for Supplies

15-10-2011 14:13

An update on the Dale farm situation, including information on increased police repression and hostility towards residents and activists, and calls for further supplies to aid the resistance.
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