UK Repression Newswire Archive
DJ Snow is a bent judge and a blithering corrupt idiot
12-04-2008 07:52
what a tangled web they weave when they lie through their f*cking teethDJ Snow - GUTS FOR GARTERS MATE!
Sir Ian Blair - Political Prisoners: Guts For Garters Mate!
12-04-2008 07:42
hell hath no fury as a mother LIONESS roaring in protection of her cubsHome Office Protest Over Forced Deportation of Iraqi Kurds
11-04-2008 18:22

Photographs are copyright, (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
SOCPA - barbara tucker jailed for two weeks
11-04-2008 17:05
yesterday morning barbara tucker was arrested in parliament square for alleged breach of police bailafter being held for about 29 hours, she eventually was brought before district judge snow at horseferry road who sentenced her to two weeks in prison
Asking Wallace Art Collection not to accept Total Blood Money
11-04-2008 15:19

Oaxaca: indigenous, autonomous community radio journalists shot
11-04-2008 11:46
(ARTICLE 19/CENCOS/IFEX) - Two announcers of La Voz que Rompe el Silencio community radio station, which is based in San Juan Copala, Oaxaca state, in southeast Mexico, were shot dead when traveling on the highway connecting Joya del Mamey to Putla de Guerrero, two settlements in Oaxaca. Dead are Felicitas Martinez Sachez, 21, and Teresa Bautista Merino, 24. Four other people were wounded.Wed 16th: Demo in solidarity to the Harmondsworth detainees
11-04-2008 11:31
Althogh many detainees have resumed eating following the repression, some are still on hunger strike. The repression continues, we just had news that another of the hunger strikers has been taken and put in isolation. The detainees want us to demonstrate and make their voice heard.Cannabis Campaigners Complain about Spinning Brains
11-04-2008 09:44

Another TOTAL demo in Chester
11-04-2008 07:52

Campaign for Free Assembly Next Public Meeting Saturday 12th April
11-04-2008 07:29

It’s time we had freedom to publicly assemble in the UK. The Campaign for Free Assembly is a group of individuals campaigning against the existing legislation restricting our freedom to assemble and the continued police repression of protest.
All out on 19 April! Free Mumia now! (Includes new leaflet and endorsers)
11-04-2008 00:35

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
See attached PDF leaflet, contact the PDC for more information and to help build the demonstration, to speak and to endorse the protest. 020 7281 5504

Struggles And Riots Against The High Cost Of Living In West Africa
10-04-2008 22:05

April 9th: Iraq, Fifth Anniversary of “Liberation”
10-04-2008 21:57
Iraqis have had yet another western insult imposed upon them: the fifth anniversary of “liberation” and the shameful, staged toppling of the statue of President Saddam Hussein, the face covered by an American flag, by a US marine. A flag, the world was told, which had been rescued from the Twin Towers. Like the alleged hijacker's passport ( the latter presumably chucked from the 'plane before impact) the flag too, survived an inferno that melted steel. The Pentagon PR machine must have burned a lot of midnight oil dreaming up that rubbish. The statue's fall began the systematic destruction and erasure of the history of Mesopotamia and our humanity, ancient and modern.SOCPA - two arrests at parliament square today
10-04-2008 21:06
police arrested barbara tucker this morning and haven't taken her to court today, instead holding her overnight yet again to appear in the morningcharity sweet was also arrested for an alleged public order offence late this afternoon
Dear DS Sunman ... from Babs Tucker
10-04-2008 06:55
Last night, Babs and the Ninja Ant made a citizens arrest of Mayor Ken Livingstone... the videos will be posted soon...Defend Tibet. Boycott Olympic Games. No Beijing 2008
09-04-2008 22:10
The famous monk Lobsang Jinpa is dead. Long life to Lobsang Jinpa!SIGN NOW PETITION:

Follow SF Olympic Torch Tibet Protests here:
09-04-2008 20:31

For ongoing text-based coverage, please follow the SFTorch twitter account.

and of course here:

LIVE VIDEO (if it works ;)
from Students for a Free Tibet:

from Direct Action to Stop the War:


from Dimension7:

from Students for a Free Tibet:

from Team Tibet:


Two indigenous radio announcers killed and four injured in ambush in Oaxaca
09-04-2008 14:43
Two announcers of the radio station ´´La Voz que Rompe el Silencio`` (the Voice that Breaks the Silence) were assasinated on April 7th whilst travelling by car to the west of the city of Oaxaca according to the civil society organisation Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos (CACTUS - Centre for Community Support Working in Unity).Full article | 5 additions | 3 comments
Harmondsworth: solidarity needed
09-04-2008 13:48
Please write urgently to the Home Secretary and ask others to do the same.N.S.W. Government Medical Officer of HealthQuest Terminated
09-04-2008 12:59
HealthQuest is the N.S.W. Government Medical Office which has been for years accused of serious human rights violations. Activists believe doctors at HealthQuest have 'certified insane' many public service whistleblowers in order to sack them for allegedly being unable to carry out their duties. The most notorious of the HealthQuest doctors was an English G.P., Dr Helia Gapper, who was forced to resign in the late 1990s after negative publicity. It is not known whether she has returned to England and is practising under another name.