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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Zapatista Communities Attacked

14-08-2007 19:41

Following the recent Encuentro at Caracol de Oventic Zapatista communities have faced further violence against them.

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Oaxaca: Catalan Four Released Without Charge, No Reason For Incarceration

14-08-2007 17:39

The Catalan Four arrested, beaten, sexually assaulted and threatened were released last night, Monday 13 August 2007.

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Help free queer refugee Ali Humayun from Sydney's Villawood detention centre.

14-08-2007 13:39

Ali at Villawood
Ali Humayun, a queer refugee locked up in Sydney’s Villawood detention centre, needs your support.

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A lesson for the Camp for Climate Action on FIT

14-08-2007 06:22

I was stopped by the FIT at a G8 protest. It revealed a tactic of the FIT to get real-time inteligence on the protests, by using up front close up harrasment to take messages, written or verbal from their infiltrators.

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A Letter From The Catalan Four: Still Detained In Oaxaca, threatened & beaten!

13-08-2007 20:58

This letter was received from the four Catalan detainees still incarcerated in Mexico DF.
First is the rough English translation, then the original Spanish. At the bottom is a list of authorities you can write to in order to assist in their release.
A previous article asked for no one to demonstrate, but to write to demand release:

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Another deportation 'charter flight' to DR Congo

13-08-2007 12:51

A number of Congolese detainees have now received "removal directions" for Thursday 30th August, stipulating flight number PVT616 and 'Operation Castor'.

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China to Deploy World's Largest People Tracking Network

13-08-2007 12:28

Shenzhen, China: 20,000 surveillance cameras with face recognition; ID cards fitted with radio chips, backed by a database containing minute details of a person's life (religion, ethnicity, police record, medical records, landlord's phone number, travel payments, even small purchases). Officially aimed at fighting crime but will also help the Communist Party retain power. The UK Government's ID card/National Identity Register plans are very similar.

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Are cops being allowed to stay on site?

13-08-2007 11:58

Can someone at camp confirm whether the following article is true

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Climate Camp Sunday afternoon

13-08-2007 06:33

Video Fit team outside footpath centre entrance.
The video and pics shows FIT team and Camp.

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"Do not make political actions for us": Catalan Four

12-08-2007 21:48

The Catalan four arrested and imprisoned in Oaxaca have asked that no one makes protest for them, as they were not doing anything political.

First in Spanish, then the English translation.

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Attack on IWW Solidarity March in Providence, RI-Support Needed!

12-08-2007 21:00

Police break fellow worker, Alex Svoboda's leg
On Saturday, August at 11, 12pm EST, the Providence I.W.W. organized a march on Jackie's Galaxy, which is a restaurant chain that is being supplied by HWH in New York City, a supplier who is notorious for its slave labor conditions of up to 110 hours per week without basic labor rights (minimum wage and overtime).
Roughly 30-40 wobblies and supporters (including Providence and Boston SDSers) were marching towards Jackie's Galaxy in North Providence when the police began following them en mass. They told the marches to move to the sidewalk, while this was initially ignored, the marchers listened to the police and began slowly moving to the sidewalk.
The police then surrounded the marchers in their squad cars and began getting out. With the police in full force, they began attacking the marchers, one fellow worker, Alex Svoboda, was pinned down by the police during her arrest and suffered a broken and dislocated leg and ruptured blood vessel in the knee. These injuries will require at least two surgeries and extensive rehab and even then may not completely repair the damage. Jason, another wob, was arrested in during the police' attack. Ashley, a supporter from Boston, was also severely maced during the attack, suffered chemical burns and required medical treatment.

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FIT Watch at Climate Camp

12-08-2007 18:42

FIT Watch will have an active presence at Climate Camp from Tuesday morning both at Staines Station and the camp itself.

We are also hoping to form a rota of people to stand outside camp trying to prevent FIT from taking photos, and adding to our own database of police photos.

Please help us and get involved – let’s show we will not accept their repressive policing.

We will have a workshop on Tuesday at 4:30pm at the camp to set up a rota. This workshop will also deal with the legalities of dealing with FIT Teams and will discuss how we can resist them in the future.

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The Cheney Affair

11-08-2007 21:02

Now that mainstream media bias is an established fact and recognized as such by the mainstream reading and viewing public, the revelation of Vice President Dick Cheney's total unilateral control over all levels and branches of American government has not only raised eyebrows and concerns of dictatorship, but for those politically astute, begs the question as to why theWashington Post would be the journalistic vehicle to publish the four-part June 24 through June 27 series exposing this reality.

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Undercover Notes From Oaxaca: Cops, lies and videotape

11-08-2007 16:03

It’s been a tough two weeks. From election coverage, police monitoring to murder for timber.

But now, as I should be on a bus out of this hellhole masquerading as a happy tourist resort, but a zone of paranoia for an undercover journalist, I am compelled to get all this down. For one thing, purely to document the situation should I not make it out of here.

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NUJ takes tough line on review of police powers

11-08-2007 08:42

The NUJ has argued strongly in its submission to the current review of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) that there must be no further erosion of the position of journalists.

In its response to the consultation, the union has stressed the importance of the freedom of the press to report and to photograph in their crucial role as the eyes and ears of the public, as recognised in the European Convention on Human Rights.

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Trafford Family Court Demo

10-08-2007 21:18


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Injunction granted against environmental protest at Heathrow Airport

10-08-2007 16:03

The granting of only a limited injunction to the British Airports Authority (BAA) on Monday banning named individuals from Heathrow Airport has been hailed as a victory for free speech. But whilst BAA failed in its original and far more sweeping objectives, its legal action and injunction that was agreed on is still in line with ongoing efforts to criminalise extra-parliamentary protest.

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Death row conviction overturned

10-08-2007 15:24

Kenny Richey
Death row Scot Kenny Richey has had his conviction overturned on appeal for the second time by a US court.

all credits: BBC News -
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