UK Repression Newswire Archive
Britain finally requests release of British residents in Guantanamo
10-08-2007 09:57
On Tuesday 7th Aug, the UK Foreign Office finally agreed it was prepared to request the release of FIVE British residents from Guantanamo Bay, after 5 and a half years of lobbying by their families, friends and campaigners. They include Jamil El-Banna, Shaker Aamer, Binyam Mohamed, Abdennour Sameur and Omar Deghayes.East End campaigner and G Galloway party activist Carole Swords arrested !
09-08-2007 16:40
East End constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow MP George Galloway ‘RESPECT’ party activist and well known campaigner for the protection of public sector provisions in the East End and for a democratic Tower Hamlets Council Carole Swords was arrested in the East End of London outside polling station being used for today’s council by-election for a vacant seat in the Shadwell Ward.Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
Heathrow's Injunction - What it means
09-08-2007 09:19
Everything you needed to know but didn't have a clue what to ask about Heathrow's injunction against protesters. Designed for the lay person, it is essential reading for climate campers.SOCPA - not a good day for freedom of speech
08-08-2007 21:45
the monday edition of 'the independent' claimed 'a good day fro freedom of speech' on its front page. it was far from it.International Action Day in solidarity with Mansour Osanloo and Mahmoud Salehi
08-08-2007 20:30

Mahmoud Salehi, a leader of an independent bakers union in Iran's Kurdistan province, was arrested in the city of Saquez along with 6 other union activists and is now in prison. His life is in grave danger because the authorities will not allow him to receive medical assistance. Mahood suffers from chronic kidney disease, and his health is failing rapidly. He has only one functioning kidney and requires dialysis to prevent the other from shutting down. Without treatment, he will die.
There is a demonstration in front of the Iranian embassy in London on Thursday 9th August at 12:00-3:00 pm.
Immigration Minister 'arrested' for locking up migrants at Campsfield
08-08-2007 20:26

What’s going on in Nairobi ?
08-08-2007 10:45
Repeated offenses against constitutionnal rights and police’s violence against civil society 4 months before the general elections in december 2007.
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Four Internationals arrested and detained in Oaxaca for watching a video
07-08-2007 15:14
Four internationals were arrested on the evening of the election, 5 August, by Federal Police for the crime of watching a video of last year's riots on a television screen set up in the in Zocalo.If you see something, say something
07-08-2007 00:50
Catchy, isn’t it? It’s the theme line of the New York City, Metropolitan Transit Authority’s advertising campaign that has run from 2002 through 2007. It’s a call to keep our eyes open for “terrorists” and to be the eyes of the law wherever we are, as if there weren’t enough eyes and cameras already.The slogan runs on bus panels and posters in subway cars. It often shows an abandoned black bag looking ominously at you with the theme line above it. Sometimes there’s a robot on wheels about to snatch the case for detonation. Ah well, fellas, I do see something here, and I’d like to say something.
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Post election day in Oaxaca
06-08-2007 21:42
Monday 6 August 2007: The election is over and the result found Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) back in power, but only through a coalition with la Alianza con el Verde Ecologista. But those who refused to vote across Oaxaca were nearly 80 percent.Another cover-up of the police killing of Jean Charles de Menezes
06-08-2007 14:44
The second report by the Independent Police Complaints Commission on the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes is yet another sordid episode in the cover-up of the brutal state execution of an innocent man.Child restraint in prisons
06-08-2007 11:52

The War Against Iraqi Women
06-08-2007 09:35
In other words, “Women had to pick up the pieces” because the men were either mentally or physically damaged by the war, with the situation being exasperated by the “drastically worsened economic situation, as victims of the pauperisation of Iraqi society.”The Abu Ghraib Whistleblower's Ordeal
05-08-2007 23:21
The FBI just today raided the offices of the man who blew the whistle on Bush's illegal wiretapping program. Payback seems like standard operating procedure for these criminal Extremists.Immigration detention: unworkable (after Campsfield's latest riots)
05-08-2007 21:26
Locking up innocent people in detention centres - or immigration removal centres (IRCs) as they are now called, is not only cruel, inhumane and degrading: it is unworkable.Hunger strikes and uprisings have been part of life in detention centres since these monstrous institutions first opened, but have dramatically escalated in the past few years as the UK government are detaining increasing numbers of increasingly desperate people.
Shut Down Guantánamo! Weekly Demo, London
05-08-2007 11:40

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German activists arrested under terrorist suspicion
05-08-2007 07:01

Call To All Warriors
04-08-2007 19:33
A Call FromThe Ancient City Of
To Gather All Warriors Of The Earth
To Defend And Sanctify
The Valley of The White Mare
Cuba 2007: Speaking with the Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC)
04-08-2007 16:48
* Interview by the Russian newspaper SITUATION from libertarian collective Autonomous Action regarding the current political picture in the island. A Spanish translation was published in El Libertario #50, Venezuela, 2007. For more info go to: -cuban anarchist website- and of solidarity with Venezuelan anarchists and social movements
04-08-2007 16:44
* The newspaper Tierra y Libertad, mouthpiece of the Iberian Anarchist Federation, published in edition 227 of June 2007 this manifesto of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA; in support of those who in Venezuela today confront the bureaucratic capitalist project of the Chavez government as well as their social democrat and right wing opponents.