Child restraint in prisons
Tippa Naphtali | 06.08.2007 11:52 | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham | Sheffield
The coroner who presided over the inquest into the death of a 15-year-old who died after being restrained in a child jail has warned the justice secretary, Jack Straw, that it would be "wholly unforgivable" if the lessons were delayed by a general review of the use of restraint announced yesterday.
The retired judge, Richard Pollard, who presided over the inquest into the death of Gareth Myatt, the youngest person to die in custody, sent a 17-page letter to Mr Straw yesterday detailing 34 recommendations needed to prevent similar deaths happening in the network of privately-run secure training centres that hold the most persistent teenage offenders in the country. Read full article >,,2129646,00.html
The retired judge, Richard Pollard, who presided over the inquest into the death of Gareth Myatt, the youngest person to die in custody, sent a 17-page letter to Mr Straw yesterday detailing 34 recommendations needed to prevent similar deaths happening in the network of privately-run secure training centres that hold the most persistent teenage offenders in the country. Read full article >

Tippa Naphtali
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