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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Jack Straw lies on Radio Four (again)

12-12-2005 08:53

More lies on "extraordinary rendition"

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Paramilitaries murder 22 peasant farmers in Cesar, northern Colombia

12-12-2005 00:45

MINGA, the Association for the Promotion of Social Alternatives informs national and international public opinion, that paramilitaries currently engaged in so called “peace negotiations” with the Colombian government, detained, tortured and then executed 22 peasant farmers in the villages of La Mas Verde and Nuevo Horizonte, in the municipality of Curumani, Cesar.

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Midnight Mass (a poem for the homeless)

11-12-2005 23:58

Below is a poem that I've written to try to make people a little more aware of the plight of the homeless at this time of year, why, is it only at this time of year thar we feel we should do something to help those less fortunate than ourselves and not for the rest of the year? Guilt or what? You tell me?

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Brian meets Cindy - and the cops came too. (Windows video).

11-12-2005 19:34

A gathering in Parliament Square 11th December 2005.

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11-12-2005 18:51

Vigil for Omar & all British residents illegally detained in Guantanamo
Saturday 17th December, 3pm
Churchill Square, Brighton

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meeting between cindy sheehan and brian haw turns to spontaneous protest in defi

11-12-2005 18:05

cindy sheehan and brian haw
u.s. peace activist cindy sheehan, who lost her son as a soldier in the iraq war, met with brian haw, veteran parliament square protester, this afternoon. the meeting was harassed by officers from charing cross police station (including the ones who illegally arrested brian on friday morning!), and escalated into a full blown noise demo outside downing street in total defiance of the 'serious organised crime and police act' designed to prevent dissent outside parliament buildings. there were no arrests.

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MI6 torture by proxy

11-12-2005 14:26

Get the morrocans to do it.

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EDO noise demo

11-12-2005 14:14

Following Saturday's 300+ march through Brighton Town Centre there will be a noise demo this Tuesday from 4 at EDO's Home Farm Rd bomb factory.

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Interview with Mark Ballard, Green MSP, about Dalkeith Park Bypass

11-12-2005 13:49


Recorded at the Climate Change Demonstration in Edinburgh, 3rd of December 2005.

Interview with Mark Ballard, Green Party, constituency Lothians, Member of Scottish Parliament, about history of Dalkeith Park Bypass Plans, Scottish Executive, Climate Change, Grassroots Resistance.

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Cindy Sheenan supporters threatened with arrest.

11-12-2005 13:03

Cindy Sheenan supporters and well wishers have gathered to meet her in Parliment Square, London, this morning while waiting for her to arrive to meet with Brian Haw they have been threatened with arrest.

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Australians to be hung with piano wire

11-12-2005 03:41

Australia set to train Indonesian terrorists
AFP head General Bung Mikado Kopassus told The Sunday Rage he had made the controversial decision due to past human rights abuses because it "might one day render more young Australian lives in Indonesia for state torture".

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Australian treasurer steps up ideological offensive against welfare recipients

11-12-2005 02:19

THE BIG PICTURE [File Photos] (Rooters)
The treasurer's comment piece was released shortly before the Senate passed the Howard government's "Welfare to Work" Bill on November 6. The new legislation will slash welfare payments for thousands of new claimants, and force single parents and the disabled into low-wage jobs. By driving down the living conditions of some of the most vulnerable members of the community, the government intends to create an enlarged pool of cheap labour available for exploitation.

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ITALIA - battle in Venaus (people win back the valley )

10-12-2005 04:56

no tav!
demonstators against TAV win back the post in Venaus which had been cleared by the police last Wednesday during the night

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TGV Lyon-Turin, 6-8 décembre : colère et rebondissements autour de Venaus

10-12-2005 04:33

Cela fait cinq mois que la "coopérative rouge" CMC essaie de mener à bout l'expropriation de 84 terrains à Venaus (Val de Suse, Italie), afin de commencer les travaux d'une galerie de service de 10 km, prélude au percement d'un tunnel de 53 km, la pièce maîtresse du chantier du TGV Lyon-Turin. A chaque tentative (29 juin, 6 octobre), la mobilisation de la population de la vallée, largement opposée au TGV, l'en a physiquement empêchée. Le 30 novembre, la CMC revient à la charge, mais 5000 personnes l'attendent à nouveau de pied ferme, marquant le début d'une occupation nuit et jour des terrains de Venaus.

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Party to Celebrate the release of the Edo rooftop 3. Brighton

09-12-2005 22:49

A fun packed evening of entertainment.

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Rockin' the Boat: CPT Peace Activists Held Hostage

09-12-2005 22:48

3 of the CPT hostages in Iraq were also in Palistine are known by the ISM and are friends of people within the London activist sean.
This radio article was made by Rockin' the Boat part of Freak Radio.
One thing I aint heard of in the corperate media is that there have been calls from Palistine to free the hostages.

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The Trial of Saddam Hussein

09-12-2005 20:16

Flyer for Bush Trial
This is an expose of the hypocrisy of the trial of Saddam Hussein, a man the West supported for many years, remember Tony Blair and George Bush are guilty of war crimes as well (the use of banned weapons like DU, cluster bombs, excessive force etc)

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Abolish the New Slavery: Protest against the Prison System

09-12-2005 20:09

People across the world will speak out
December 10 is international human rights day, and people across the world will speak out against torture and abuse carried out in US-run prisons in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

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Harold Pinter's Nobel Lecture: "Art, Truth & Politics"

09-12-2005 17:18

"What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed." ~Harold Pinter, 2005 Nobel Laureate, Literature

Note: The below article is available with integrated web links via the blog at the following URL:

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Short Sharp Shots: A Tour of CCTV in Nottingham City Centre

09-12-2005 14:55

Artist and designer Jez Noond has produced a complex map of Nottingham city centre CCTV charting the different networks in use and the extent of coverage, it also reveals where the cameras cannot monitor us: the 'blind spots'.

Thursday 15 December 2005 - 6.00 - 7.00 pm

The artist will lead the tour through the city exploring and explaining the psychogeography of the networks using anecdote, fact and fiction.
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