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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Jaya Sacca's bail hearing

18-07-2005 10:25

Jaya Sacca, the peace activist currently in Lewes prison near Brighton, has a bail hearing this Wednesday at 10 at Lewes Crown Court. There will be a support demo outside the court from 10.

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Portratis from vigil, Russell Square, Sunday 17th July

18-07-2005 10:14

Vigil organised by Stop the War Coalition and The Muslim Associaltion of Britain in memory of the victims of the London bombings and US/UK state terrorism in Iraq and Afganistan as well as Israeli terrorism in Palestine.

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Community Forum on Law Enforcement Violence

18-07-2005 05:27

“Sooner or Later, Somebody’s Gonna Fight Back”
This breakfast forum will include a spiritual dedication, culture presentation, film screening of “Sooner or Later, Somebody’s Gonna Fight Back*,” and panel discussion with family members of victims and survivors of law enforcement violence, law experts, and community organizers. Panel participants include: Jerry Thomas, father of Jenard Thomas; Malcolm Suber, veteran revolutionary fighter against police terror; and Ernest Jones, civil rights & criminal defense attorney.

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real authors of "Is the Reichstag burning?" revealed

18-07-2005 03:53

It is commonly thought than Gianfranco Sanguinetti -- the author of "On Terrorism and the State" (1978) -- also wrote "Il Reichstag Brucia?" ("Is the Reichstag Burning?" 1969), which is a classic situationist denunciation of terrorism executed by the State (in this case, the secret services of Italy). But recently translated materials (see below) indicate that the tract's real author were other situationists: Eduardo Rothe and Paul Cesoni.

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Reviewing Pre-1950 Iraqi History: Part 3

17-07-2005 17:27

Part 3 of a short review of pre-1950 Iraqi history for US and UK anti-war movement activists.

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"Make Borders History" - Noborder Tour of Glasgow, 3rd of July

17-07-2005 14:31

Audio British Aerospace boarded up
Noborder tour of Glasgow on Sunday 3rd of July 2005 in the run up to the G8 in Scotland. Mobilisation via the "Make Borders History" website including Noone is Illegal, Campaign to Welcome Refugees and others.

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More pictures of G8 Faslane Big Blockade from 4th of July

17-07-2005 13:55

local opposition walking to North Gate
Faslane big publicity stunt at the Nuclear Base: at least 20 satelitte dishes of mainstream media were present at the North gate, interviewing MSP Thommy Sheridan or any other MSP.

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British bombs and the 'Zero option'. - take 2

17-07-2005 10:21

During the ten years I worked in the Middle east too, I often heard people speak about the 'Zero option': Palestinians and others that sometimes were trained in - what they thought were 'Jihad camps' - and got hand grenades or bombs with timers to execute attacks. They wrongly thought they needed return tickets too.

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Strathclyde Police Slumber Party

16-07-2005 16:48

[Disclaimer: I have tried to make light of last week's experience in Strathclyde Police cells but this in no way reflects the serious torment I, and my fellow G8 protestor detainees experienced. I wrote the following as my clown whilst actually in the cells and the act of writing was therapeutic for me during an intensely dehumanising experience.]

On the weekend of July 8th through July 11th, I was a very lucky clown as I was invited to the Strathclyde Police Slumber Party!

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Protests to free Mehmet Tarhan (photo)

16-07-2005 10:24

Protest in support of Mehmet Tarhan
Photo and report of protest supporting Gay Turkish conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan

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Mehmet Tarhan: protests in London, NY, Venice

16-07-2005 10:19

Report on protests in support of Mehmet Tarhan, Gay Turkish conscientious objector on the day of his trial.

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The Revolution has begun

16-07-2005 01:23

All that is required is that we bring to an end the last traces of gullible trust which will then get rid of that mass confusion, which is the only thing that has kept the lid on the revolution up to the present time...

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In Times of Terror the Truth takes a Tumble

15-07-2005 21:45

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes”, said Mark Twain. Modern communications help the lie travel even further, although Velcro having replaced lace-ups, the truth is not all that slow anymore in getting ready – mainly thanks to the internet.

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Salma Yaqoob on foreign policy and london bombs

15-07-2005 10:56

Although Respect is not something i support, Yaqoob and Galloway have recently been brave enough to be open about their views in a time when not many people seem to be criticising Blair's lack of political analysis of the london bombs.

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Aust-Gov't Failure Card: Community

14-07-2005 22:40

Since when did Australia own us?
The controversial plan was yesterday raised by Queensland Premier Peter Beattie, who suggested a national ID card to prevent unlawful detention similar to that suffered by Cornelia Rau and Vivian Alvarez.

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G8 protesters accuse cops of torture

14-07-2005 20:14

FOUR G8 protesters may sue police after claims they were psychologically tortured and mistreated while in custody in Glasgow.

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14-07-2005 18:21

Jaya Sacca, a long term peace activist was remanded in Lewes Prison this afternoon (JJULY 14TH) by District Judge Arnold. On Wednesday 13th July he was ‘arrested’ and handcuffed by members of Guardian Security hired by arms dealers EDO MBM. He was ‘detained’ by the security firm for allegedly stepping onto the road which constitutes the ‘no protest zone’. At the time no police were at the scene. Mr Sacca is also alleged to have assaulted one of the security guards when four of them ‘arrested’ him as attempted to leave the area.

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14-07-2005 17:31

At 9 am a march called by different organisations departed from Avenue Juarez “El Llano”. The aim of the march was to give the farewell to the caravan that is heading towards Mexico City to demand freedom for political prisoners...

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Legalized drugging ???

14-07-2005 15:27

Scientists predict brave new world of brain pills.

( All the better to control you all my dears....)

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Bristol Dissent meet/debrief

14-07-2005 15:25

Post-G8 Bristol Dissent meet/debrief - Tue 19 July, 7.30pm, at Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5.

A chance to reflect on what happened, learn lessons, consider what next, and organise for prisoner & defendant support.

Al those genuinely interested are welcome to attend!
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