real authors of "Is the Reichstag burning?" revealed
NOT BORED! | 18.07.2005 03:53 | Repression
It is commonly thought than Gianfranco Sanguinetti -- the author of "On Terrorism and the State" (1978) -- also wrote "Il Reichstag Brucia?" ("Is the Reichstag Burning?" 1969), which is a classic situationist denunciation of terrorism executed by the State (in this case, the secret services of Italy). But recently translated materials (see below) indicate that the tract's real author were other situationists: Eduardo Rothe and Paul Cesoni.
It is commonly thought than Gianfranco Sanguinetti -- the author of "On Terrorism and the State" (1978) -- also wrote "Il Reichstag Brucia?" ("Is the Reichstag Burning?" 1969), which is a classic situationist denunciation of terrorism executed by the State (in this case, the secret services of Italy). But recently translated materials (see below) indicate that the tract's real author were other situationists: Eduardo Rothe and Paul Cesoni.
from Guy Debord
Eduardo Rothe
3 January [19]70
Dear Buenaventura
Thank you for your letters of 17 and 27 December [1969]. I have greatly appreciated your study of "the theme of fire in German romantic thought."[1] I believe that it is exactly what had to be said on this question; bearing in mind one or two limitations that are unfortunately imposed by the conditions of the universal expose. My congratulations to your collaborator.[2]
Concerning the future activity of the Italian situ[ationist]s, we are in agreement with you: all of the friends should now return. Concerning the questions of "defensive coherence" that you raise, I have reminded our friends (who easily agree) that, in this domain, one obviously can not know the exact extent of prudence to observe; and that it is thus necessary to systematically choose to err on the side of being a little too prudent, rather than on the other side. Of course, it is not necessary to drift too far. I find that, in the final analysis, you are right. But exactly because there are several reservations, I suppose that you should take care not to "provoke" these reservations by an ornamental ludic excess added to the same construction, which is obviously very serious.
On the situation of the process in general. The arresting blow [coup d'arret] is truly severe. This isn't an isolated provocation (of the sort that it did not happen "by chance," nor was it the deed of just anyone, nor did it happen at any old moment). It coincided with the renewal -- "general"! -- of the collective [labor] contracts and one tells me that one thousand five hundred man-hunts have begun, not only for Leftist ideologues, but also for the advanced workers who made themselves conspicuous during the most illegal aspects of the wildcat strikes. This is the equivalent of a classic repressive effort to decapitate a revolutionary workers' party that, under the circumstances, still doesn't exist formally (that is to say, which is less well-armed in liaisons and capacities of organized analysis than a consciously constitued party that experienced a period of clandestinity).
I believe that what takes place in January (to be precise, in January-February) will provide us with the decisive specifications on the future of the process. I believe that, if the current arresting blow prolongs its effects -- and, to begin with, it is a recoiling effect, but later this can be a veritable discouragement, with the fall of many people into isolation -- I thus say: prolong its effects for more than several months, one will see the collapse of this moment of the movement. The professor,[3] a little more optimistic than I, says that, if this period lasts longer than a year, we will see these same results. Naturally, in this case, the experience will have formed many revolutionary proletarians, and will have greatly changed the social climate and even the intellectual climate. The current critique would spread itself further, although perhaps in delicate conditions (if, for example the Stal[inist]s participate a bit in power). But the proletarian movement that doesn't fail to return (perhaps quickly) would be another movement, consequently higher than the principal [political] party, but lower than the point reached -- and especially the speed acquired -- in November [1969].
[rest of letter not posted here due to lack of relevance].
Cordially yours,
Colin Decayeux[9]
[1] Allusion to Il Reichstag brucia? (Is the Reichstag Burning?), distributed in Milan, starting 19 December 1969, signed Gli amici dell'Internazionale [The Friends of the International]. [Translator: this text concerns the bombing of the Piazza Fontana in Milan on 12 December 1969. Because this bombing was used as a pretext to round up "the usual suspects," Debord uses a certain amount of code to express his thoughts in this letter to the writer of that tract.]
[2] Puni Cesoni.
[3] Paolo Salvadori.
[9] Accomplice of Francois Villon. Pseudonym employed by Guy Debord with certain comrades. [Translator: it is possible that the salutation "Dear Buenaventura" is an allusion to Buenaventura Durutti, an anarchist much admired by the situationists.]
(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 4, 1969-1972. Footnotes by Alice Debord, except where noted. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! July 2005.)

from Guy Debord
Eduardo Rothe
3 January [19]70
Dear Buenaventura
Thank you for your letters of 17 and 27 December [1969]. I have greatly appreciated your study of "the theme of fire in German romantic thought."[1] I believe that it is exactly what had to be said on this question; bearing in mind one or two limitations that are unfortunately imposed by the conditions of the universal expose. My congratulations to your collaborator.[2]
Concerning the future activity of the Italian situ[ationist]s, we are in agreement with you: all of the friends should now return. Concerning the questions of "defensive coherence" that you raise, I have reminded our friends (who easily agree) that, in this domain, one obviously can not know the exact extent of prudence to observe; and that it is thus necessary to systematically choose to err on the side of being a little too prudent, rather than on the other side. Of course, it is not necessary to drift too far. I find that, in the final analysis, you are right. But exactly because there are several reservations, I suppose that you should take care not to "provoke" these reservations by an ornamental ludic excess added to the same construction, which is obviously very serious.
On the situation of the process in general. The arresting blow [coup d'arret] is truly severe. This isn't an isolated provocation (of the sort that it did not happen "by chance," nor was it the deed of just anyone, nor did it happen at any old moment). It coincided with the renewal -- "general"! -- of the collective [labor] contracts and one tells me that one thousand five hundred man-hunts have begun, not only for Leftist ideologues, but also for the advanced workers who made themselves conspicuous during the most illegal aspects of the wildcat strikes. This is the equivalent of a classic repressive effort to decapitate a revolutionary workers' party that, under the circumstances, still doesn't exist formally (that is to say, which is less well-armed in liaisons and capacities of organized analysis than a consciously constitued party that experienced a period of clandestinity).
I believe that what takes place in January (to be precise, in January-February) will provide us with the decisive specifications on the future of the process. I believe that, if the current arresting blow prolongs its effects -- and, to begin with, it is a recoiling effect, but later this can be a veritable discouragement, with the fall of many people into isolation -- I thus say: prolong its effects for more than several months, one will see the collapse of this moment of the movement. The professor,[3] a little more optimistic than I, says that, if this period lasts longer than a year, we will see these same results. Naturally, in this case, the experience will have formed many revolutionary proletarians, and will have greatly changed the social climate and even the intellectual climate. The current critique would spread itself further, although perhaps in delicate conditions (if, for example the Stal[inist]s participate a bit in power). But the proletarian movement that doesn't fail to return (perhaps quickly) would be another movement, consequently higher than the principal [political] party, but lower than the point reached -- and especially the speed acquired -- in November [1969].
[rest of letter not posted here due to lack of relevance].
Cordially yours,
Colin Decayeux[9]
[1] Allusion to Il Reichstag brucia? (Is the Reichstag Burning?), distributed in Milan, starting 19 December 1969, signed Gli amici dell'Internazionale [The Friends of the International]. [Translator: this text concerns the bombing of the Piazza Fontana in Milan on 12 December 1969. Because this bombing was used as a pretext to round up "the usual suspects," Debord uses a certain amount of code to express his thoughts in this letter to the writer of that tract.]
[2] Puni Cesoni.
[3] Paolo Salvadori.
[9] Accomplice of Francois Villon. Pseudonym employed by Guy Debord with certain comrades. [Translator: it is possible that the salutation "Dear Buenaventura" is an allusion to Buenaventura Durutti, an anarchist much admired by the situationists.]
(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 4, 1969-1972. Footnotes by Alice Debord, except where noted. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! July 2005.)