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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Circle line party part 2

15-10-2004 23:11

More on the Circle line party

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Circle Line Party Report

15-10-2004 22:48

A circle line party was announced for this evening and got prevented by the
police. Returning Partygoers gave indymedia reports:

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Grassroots movements against the Clash of Civilisations

15-10-2004 22:45

Today at the Beyond ESF space at Middlesex University there was a meeting called "Resisting the Clash - Building Networks of Solidarity Against Colonialism in the Middle East and the "Clash of Civilisations". This is part of a tour organised by "Marhaba Europe !"

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Women's day.

15-10-2004 19:26

On Thursday 14 October, at the European Social Forum there was a Women's day, which was organised by Global Women's Strike (See There purpose was to give a voice to women who are normally silenced and marginalised by our society and also by mainstream feminist movements - African women, disabled women, asylum seekers and refugees, prisoners and the mentally ill.

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Justice for the Canary Wharf cleaners!

15-10-2004 18:56

Samba band craziness
Led by the Samba band, a group of protesters turned up at Canary Wharf today to shout their support for a fair wage for the workers in the Canary Wharf buildings. An injunction had been obtained in the days leading up to the protest by the owners of the Canary Wharf complex to prevent the protest taking place. This may have diminished the numbers in attendance but it did not make the issue, or the protest, go away... As a spokesman for the Transport and General Workers Union said before the protest: "Canary Wharf is home to some of the most successful and powerful banks in the world. But it is content to let its contract cleaners be paid poverty wages, no sick pay, 15 days holiday and no pension. This demonstration will allow workers to show their support for Wharf cleaners."

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Is the American election redundant?

15-10-2004 14:59

From a global perspective, the America election, is not a dead heat, it is totally one sided. I am an outside observer, living in Canada; America is and Americans are my long-standing neighbors, old friends and allies. I speak to each American individually, as well as all others as we are all descendents of what ultimately presides.
Most Americans need to get something straight before this election, but your closed media will not likely publish this within its narrow perception.

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Fairford coach kidnap hearing - the pictures

15-10-2004 14:39

Pictures from samba action outside royal courts of justice before second day of Fairford coach kidnap hearing.

for accompanying text

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First pictures from London Rising Tide critical mass

15-10-2004 13:53

Some of the brilliantly inventive costumes
London Rising Tide critical mass theme is London in 2050 when sea levels may be a tad higher than at present.

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MI6 Accused of Using Data Gained by Torture in Uzbek Jails

15-10-2004 10:52

BRITAIN’S ambassador to Uzbekistan has accused MI6 of using information obtained by foreign governments through the use of torture, according to a leaked document published yesterday.

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Rights for Future Generations workshop at ESF Sat 16 Oct 4.30pm

14-10-2004 23:24

Rights for Future Generations workshop at ESF will hight light the short comings of both Left and Right wing politics in ensuring that future generations are not exploited and denied the right to a decent environment by current generations. It argues that the damage we have done to the environment will cause suffering to future generations and that any ideology which considers equality to be improtant is failing unless it extends this equality in equal measure to people in future generations as well as those today.

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Take action against British complicity in the US executions

14-10-2004 22:35

Falsely convicted death row survivors spoke at the Rampart social centre as part of the Rampart centre's involvement in ESF Automomous Spaces on Thursday night. Members of the US group, Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty spoke about the dire need for a Moratorium on executions in the United States. Ray Krone and Williams Nieves were amoungst the activists and spoke with insight and from bitter experience about their treatment at the hands of the very government which 'holds itself up as the example the rest of the world is supposed to follow'.

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Houston TX protest of Ahimsa seizures @ Swiss consulate

14-10-2004 20:44

IN Houston Texas 15 supporters of the Independant Media Center gathered to protest at the Swiss consulate, and after a lengthy process of negotiation with the building security and police, were able to meet with and deliver demands for the end of repression of the IMC network.

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Register for P10K - Palestine

14-10-2004 17:43

O'Keefe & Vanunu
Justice for Palestine

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Sheffield MP to raise questions about IMC disk seizure

14-10-2004 08:55

Sheffield MP, Richard Allen has tabled a Parliamentary question to the Home Office to be answered this Friday. His statement from his web site is below...

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We convict the Intensifying newspapers banning and journalists arresting in Iran

14-10-2004 01:03

Demo aginst Banning
in Iran,Islamic Republic has intensified to menace and detain Iranian journalists in recent weeks.

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We demand attention! ... on the death of Edwin Ndupu in Stein prison, Austria

13-10-2004 20:03

On Sunday, 17th October 2004, a demonstration will take place in Krems/Stein, Austria. Remember: On 19th August 2004, Edwin Ndupu died at Stein prison after an operation by 15 to 20 special security officers in full armor. A more than sceptical expert opinion from the Vienna Medical Jurisprudence said Ndupu died on self-inflicted injuries.

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13-10-2004 19:54

The two prisoners have their clothes cut from their bodies by scissors, without their hand- and foot cuffs being loosened. The naked and chained prisoners have a suppository of unknown kind inserted into their anus...

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The "Days of Penitence": Gaza Sinks in a Sea of Blood

13-10-2004 19:43

Mohammed, a children's aid worker and independent journalist in Rafah, reports on recent events in Jabalya, Gaza.

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Abdullah Muhsin and the Iraqi Working Class.

13-10-2004 19:28

While protesting that they oppose the occupation, the IFTU have gone out of their way to drum up support for Iyad Allawi, subvert British trade union policies against the occupation, and urge trade union delegates to the Labour conference to vote for the prolongation of the occupation (which, comically enough, the person responsible manages to deny despite documentary proof being available to all)... who are the IFTU and what is motivating them?
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