Is the American election redundant?
Richard Nattress | 15.10.2004 14:59 | Analysis | Globalisation | Repression | World
From a global perspective, the America election, is not a dead heat, it is totally one sided. I am an outside observer, living in Canada; America is and Americans are my long-standing neighbors, old friends and allies. I speak to each American individually, as well as all others as we are all descendents of what ultimately presides.
Most Americans need to get something straight before this election, but your closed media will not likely publish this within its narrow perception.
Most Americans need to get something straight before this election, but your closed media will not likely publish this within its narrow perception.
Is the American election redundant?
What is America’s electoral choice? Most say the choice is split, Bush or Kerry. So far, neither is an alternative, just different songs on the same record. Two hopeful kings, spokespersons, or puppets with strings attached. Representatives bidding for or fighting over an already controlled jurisdiction, a franchise, vied, or contended for, by wealth, power, and control, and those who maintain imbalance on behalf of a select group. Simply jockeying for control and access, but you, the citizens, the individuals, by the people, for the people, are each responsible for causing and maintaining the conditions inflicted in this world. You let those powers manipulate what you perceive as democracy, even your exclusive world of reward for concurrence is beginning to dwindle, as the gap between wealth and poverty increases, even there.
If you want democracy to be a world order then you had better begin to understand universal consideration, mutual reciprocation, local through to global consensus and common orientation. Though this seems unlikely by what you exhibit.
Either way, Bush or Kerry, the world sees more of the same coming, but most of the world will not, in fact cannot continue to accept more of the same imbalance. Not when so few benefit, and that is beginning to include most Americans.
Americans and their perceived allies have already begun to experience the repercussions and violence caused by maintaining inequity and imbalance.
Your only presented option was Ralph Nader. I am neither supporting nor denying his validity, yet a more equitable and considerate orientation is simply ignored by Americans in general. The world sees this, as most suffer because of it. You are not divided down the middle but rather most of you are totally askew. Forget about Ralph, you have already, he had to launch a court appeal to be heard in the land of free speech and he is running for president.
So much for freedom of access, and fair play. Who made this decision for each of you? To manipulate or have media preempt alternatives, is assumed only in dictatorships. Who owns and controls media? Who acclaimed the direction to only allow debate between the two hopeful leaders, from competing camps, on the same side? Neither Bush nor Kerry objected to this unfairness, so much for integrity, sportsmanship, chivalry, fair play, equality, or a fair and just god, these are romantic notions to most of you.
Your electoral choice is not split down the middle, no matter the outcome, it is predictable, tort in evidence by established and repeating pattern. The choice, in either case is for Americans to dominate, misappropriate, oppress, manipulate and maintain the friction and violence created by such imbalance. You are only undecided on how you accomplish this. Your ability to accept conflict of interest and anti trust activity is becoming legendary, but most of you look the other way.
The choice to maintain your local security and well being, your all-important global stature, and dominance, is already expressed by the people, but it is not for all people. Jefferson would cringe.
The rest of the world already sees that you are not ready to accept responsibility and that, at least in the eyes of the extremists, makes you each, not only accountable but guilty and expendable. Like the women and children in Vietnam, the British foot soldiers during your revolution, or Jews to Hitler. It is time for us all to step back, see and sense what is happening in this world and evolve to universal consideration and mutual reciprocation. Americans are just the current titleholders, but human civilizations imbalance is the problem, yet the imposition persists.
You are just jostling over who will continue to lead you, but the question is not America’s direction, it is universal orientation, this is the choice you must now make.
American’s talk of freedom, yet impose your global will. You talk of equality yet you, and your allies by compliance, see yourselves, as more equal then all others.
Mr. Bush it is nice you believe in god but wealth rules America. Will it continue to rule Americans?
Your great constitution lies. Is the idea of democracy not founded in universal balance, communal integrity and unconditional equity?
Your agenda is to maintain global dominance and control, not universal
democracy, as the United States of America portrays. America, and in general its allies are substantially idol when it concerns universal ideal.
Only eight percent of the world’s populations have money in their pocket and in a bank. Only twenty five percent of people have clothes on their back, a roof over their head, food to eat and a place to store it. Is this what the world’s police force enforces?
Your leadership race, is not, split down the universal middle. Don’t talk of peace as you impose. The global issue is not a dead heat; rather it is totally one sided. You are an empire without rival, a self-absorbed ignorance, and seem, as a whole, without conscious or remorse, oblivious.
I do not intent to create animosity or reprisal although neither is of consequence or concern to me. You have twice invaded a sovereign country within underlying and hidden agenda, based on falsified information, while sighting fear for each, and the responsibility to protect all. You have interfered with governance globally hiding behind the communist or socialist threat and now resort to spin doctors to justify.
Then told the United Nations, and your supposed allies, that they, without concurrence to you, are redundant. In the process, offhandedly and arbitrarily rejecting the validity of a presiding global justice court system. Simply commandeering that domain as well. Most of you know about the lies and corruption exhibited by each dominant candidate and in their wake you each hold the smoking gun. Again this is not new for dominant nations, but are each of you big enough and strong enough to stand back, see the bigger picture and concede your compliance, while we all concede ours.
You are collectively Hypocracy, not consensual Democracy and it is obvious to the rest of the world, just more tolerated by your allies. Give your heads a shake, grow up, and step back. Take a long look, at what and who, truly runs your government. Most of you know what it does, and how it deceives every one, and consequently, within your concurrence, manipulates the rest of us. Most of you have sold out, most in every wealthy nation, or those who posses unbalanced wealth have.
The world sees each of you, as responsible, and the facts are, you are. You have voted for one or the other yet maintained the abuses caused by your imbalance. Induced by your resistance to the greater equilibrium.
You claim to act through consensus, while ignoring those who reside outside of your exclusive versions of Equality, Life, Liberty and Happiness. Where are mutual concerns, common considerations, and communal enterprises within your exclusive brand of equality, life, liberty and happiness?
To the rest of the world, most of you make up the body of a beast. Because as a so-called democracy, you decided to dominate, exploit and oppress, by conscious choice, under the guise of spreading good faith, sharing the wealth, freedom and on and on and on… The reality is most of the others if born or emigrated to America would do the same. Canada as a nation has been your neighbor, ally and friend, and as such shared in the spoils. So it is time for us all to acknowledge that there are others out there, in global abundance, that suffer at our uneven hand and they are vast in majority.
You are not the free world’s police force, that is an illusion, a persuasion of intentional deception. The rest of the world is beginning to see you as the darkest of forces. An empire without rival, provocation beyond defense, deception before sincerity, shepherd’s in wolves clothing, you each stand as pawns, perceived by the oppressed as co-enforcers, holding the reigns taut.
The choice between Bush and Kerry is redundancy, while alternative ignored.
Canadians and other dominant or fortunate countries are just as guilty, if we stand by our friends, on either side, and let this continue without speaking commonly, cooperatively, communally and equitably. We also tarnish.
Further, Americans, at say 13% of the world’s population, seem to think the future of a place once called Eden, is your choice, and that the rest don’t matter as much to you. I am suggesting that you think that over. America and American’s in fact human civilization in general are a contradiction; an anomaly, which what ultimately lords over all, does not accept or tolerate further. America’s supreme reign, is simply the last in a long line of earthly kingdoms. Yet, in this position, you can each become an example.
Americans are people just like any, many and perhaps most confused and frustrated by the powers that we as individuals and a species have vested in.
Do not recognize any leader, government, religion or form of exchange as a universal representation of what lords over all, even a president is a civil servant.
I speak for what truly and ultimately lords over all, and advise you, and all others to stand down. I am not satisfied with the conditions imposed on this creation, but the question is, are you? If you are satisfied then there is a problem and we all face it and must come of age and evolve or continue to revolve out of control.
I have used a lot of your precious time, guide yourselves within and through mutual accord while you determine mutual orientation, not just with each other but with every level and dimension of universal conception.
Please pass this on.
Richard Nattress
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada.
905 662 7393
What is America’s electoral choice? Most say the choice is split, Bush or Kerry. So far, neither is an alternative, just different songs on the same record. Two hopeful kings, spokespersons, or puppets with strings attached. Representatives bidding for or fighting over an already controlled jurisdiction, a franchise, vied, or contended for, by wealth, power, and control, and those who maintain imbalance on behalf of a select group. Simply jockeying for control and access, but you, the citizens, the individuals, by the people, for the people, are each responsible for causing and maintaining the conditions inflicted in this world. You let those powers manipulate what you perceive as democracy, even your exclusive world of reward for concurrence is beginning to dwindle, as the gap between wealth and poverty increases, even there.
If you want democracy to be a world order then you had better begin to understand universal consideration, mutual reciprocation, local through to global consensus and common orientation. Though this seems unlikely by what you exhibit.
Either way, Bush or Kerry, the world sees more of the same coming, but most of the world will not, in fact cannot continue to accept more of the same imbalance. Not when so few benefit, and that is beginning to include most Americans.
Americans and their perceived allies have already begun to experience the repercussions and violence caused by maintaining inequity and imbalance.
Your only presented option was Ralph Nader. I am neither supporting nor denying his validity, yet a more equitable and considerate orientation is simply ignored by Americans in general. The world sees this, as most suffer because of it. You are not divided down the middle but rather most of you are totally askew. Forget about Ralph, you have already, he had to launch a court appeal to be heard in the land of free speech and he is running for president.
So much for freedom of access, and fair play. Who made this decision for each of you? To manipulate or have media preempt alternatives, is assumed only in dictatorships. Who owns and controls media? Who acclaimed the direction to only allow debate between the two hopeful leaders, from competing camps, on the same side? Neither Bush nor Kerry objected to this unfairness, so much for integrity, sportsmanship, chivalry, fair play, equality, or a fair and just god, these are romantic notions to most of you.
Your electoral choice is not split down the middle, no matter the outcome, it is predictable, tort in evidence by established and repeating pattern. The choice, in either case is for Americans to dominate, misappropriate, oppress, manipulate and maintain the friction and violence created by such imbalance. You are only undecided on how you accomplish this. Your ability to accept conflict of interest and anti trust activity is becoming legendary, but most of you look the other way.
The choice to maintain your local security and well being, your all-important global stature, and dominance, is already expressed by the people, but it is not for all people. Jefferson would cringe.
The rest of the world already sees that you are not ready to accept responsibility and that, at least in the eyes of the extremists, makes you each, not only accountable but guilty and expendable. Like the women and children in Vietnam, the British foot soldiers during your revolution, or Jews to Hitler. It is time for us all to step back, see and sense what is happening in this world and evolve to universal consideration and mutual reciprocation. Americans are just the current titleholders, but human civilizations imbalance is the problem, yet the imposition persists.
You are just jostling over who will continue to lead you, but the question is not America’s direction, it is universal orientation, this is the choice you must now make.
American’s talk of freedom, yet impose your global will. You talk of equality yet you, and your allies by compliance, see yourselves, as more equal then all others.
Mr. Bush it is nice you believe in god but wealth rules America. Will it continue to rule Americans?
Your great constitution lies. Is the idea of democracy not founded in universal balance, communal integrity and unconditional equity?
Your agenda is to maintain global dominance and control, not universal
democracy, as the United States of America portrays. America, and in general its allies are substantially idol when it concerns universal ideal.
Only eight percent of the world’s populations have money in their pocket and in a bank. Only twenty five percent of people have clothes on their back, a roof over their head, food to eat and a place to store it. Is this what the world’s police force enforces?
Your leadership race, is not, split down the universal middle. Don’t talk of peace as you impose. The global issue is not a dead heat; rather it is totally one sided. You are an empire without rival, a self-absorbed ignorance, and seem, as a whole, without conscious or remorse, oblivious.
I do not intent to create animosity or reprisal although neither is of consequence or concern to me. You have twice invaded a sovereign country within underlying and hidden agenda, based on falsified information, while sighting fear for each, and the responsibility to protect all. You have interfered with governance globally hiding behind the communist or socialist threat and now resort to spin doctors to justify.
Then told the United Nations, and your supposed allies, that they, without concurrence to you, are redundant. In the process, offhandedly and arbitrarily rejecting the validity of a presiding global justice court system. Simply commandeering that domain as well. Most of you know about the lies and corruption exhibited by each dominant candidate and in their wake you each hold the smoking gun. Again this is not new for dominant nations, but are each of you big enough and strong enough to stand back, see the bigger picture and concede your compliance, while we all concede ours.
You are collectively Hypocracy, not consensual Democracy and it is obvious to the rest of the world, just more tolerated by your allies. Give your heads a shake, grow up, and step back. Take a long look, at what and who, truly runs your government. Most of you know what it does, and how it deceives every one, and consequently, within your concurrence, manipulates the rest of us. Most of you have sold out, most in every wealthy nation, or those who posses unbalanced wealth have.
The world sees each of you, as responsible, and the facts are, you are. You have voted for one or the other yet maintained the abuses caused by your imbalance. Induced by your resistance to the greater equilibrium.
You claim to act through consensus, while ignoring those who reside outside of your exclusive versions of Equality, Life, Liberty and Happiness. Where are mutual concerns, common considerations, and communal enterprises within your exclusive brand of equality, life, liberty and happiness?
To the rest of the world, most of you make up the body of a beast. Because as a so-called democracy, you decided to dominate, exploit and oppress, by conscious choice, under the guise of spreading good faith, sharing the wealth, freedom and on and on and on… The reality is most of the others if born or emigrated to America would do the same. Canada as a nation has been your neighbor, ally and friend, and as such shared in the spoils. So it is time for us all to acknowledge that there are others out there, in global abundance, that suffer at our uneven hand and they are vast in majority.
You are not the free world’s police force, that is an illusion, a persuasion of intentional deception. The rest of the world is beginning to see you as the darkest of forces. An empire without rival, provocation beyond defense, deception before sincerity, shepherd’s in wolves clothing, you each stand as pawns, perceived by the oppressed as co-enforcers, holding the reigns taut.
The choice between Bush and Kerry is redundancy, while alternative ignored.
Canadians and other dominant or fortunate countries are just as guilty, if we stand by our friends, on either side, and let this continue without speaking commonly, cooperatively, communally and equitably. We also tarnish.
Further, Americans, at say 13% of the world’s population, seem to think the future of a place once called Eden, is your choice, and that the rest don’t matter as much to you. I am suggesting that you think that over. America and American’s in fact human civilization in general are a contradiction; an anomaly, which what ultimately lords over all, does not accept or tolerate further. America’s supreme reign, is simply the last in a long line of earthly kingdoms. Yet, in this position, you can each become an example.
Americans are people just like any, many and perhaps most confused and frustrated by the powers that we as individuals and a species have vested in.
Do not recognize any leader, government, religion or form of exchange as a universal representation of what lords over all, even a president is a civil servant.
I speak for what truly and ultimately lords over all, and advise you, and all others to stand down. I am not satisfied with the conditions imposed on this creation, but the question is, are you? If you are satisfied then there is a problem and we all face it and must come of age and evolve or continue to revolve out of control.
I have used a lot of your precious time, guide yourselves within and through mutual accord while you determine mutual orientation, not just with each other but with every level and dimension of universal conception.
Please pass this on.
Richard Nattress
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada.
905 662 7393

Richard Nattress
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