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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Attacks on Mitie in Bristol

15-04-2013 15:42

Arson and damage against Mitie vehicles in Bristol

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Calais Info Night. Tonight @ Pogo Cafe, Hackney

15-04-2013 12:21

Free Screening & Discussion: “Welcome”. Tonight (Monday) at 7.30pm @ Pogo Cafe, Hackney

After the screening members of Calais Migrant Solidarity will discuss the current situation in Calais, and what can be done to support the struggle.

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International Week Of Solidarity With Jock Palfreeman 22nd-28th April

15-04-2013 09:08

Jock Palfreeman is an Australian whose only crime was to try and defend two Roma boys from a rampaging gang of armed fascist hooligan. In defending them and himself from attack, one of the hooligans died and another was wounded. The two Roma boys escaped safely but Jock ended up sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder and facing a massive fine which he cannot pay and is now being used as a ransom demand by the Bulgarian authorities. An International Week Of Solidarity on 22nd-28th April has been organised. Here's how you can help.

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Not quite the rumoured Anti-Thatcher demo in Brum!

13-04-2013 20:01

I had travelled to Victoria Square in Birmingham for a rumoured gathering to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher.

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Lesvos GR: entry to Uni conference of paramilitary coastguard to 'control ID'

12-04-2013 20:43

University of the Aegean, Lesvos 10 April
Entry of paramilitary coastguards and cops to the international conference ''World Research Day: Political Freedoms, Human Rights and Europe' in the grounds of the University of the Aegean to 'gather details of the organizers' and to 'control ID of visitors'.
Nothing to do with Statewatch, though... surely! It happens regularly.

These fascistic actions were criticized by the central committee of the academics...

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Buckingham Palace, Church & Whitehall getting cold feet over Thatcher funeral

12-04-2013 17:34

Margaret Thatcher worship FAIL - the carnage continues...

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Athens Indymedia "under attack", down

11-04-2013 20:45

TVXS news site quotes that Athens.Indymedia is likely 'under occupation'

Quotes a call for open meeting tomorrow (

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Thatchers state funeral - Warning: scare tactics in use

10-04-2013 08:33

If things run to form, there will be lots of stories in the days to come about pre-emptive arrests, and heavy policing for Thatchers funeral. Intervention and deterrence - otherwise known as scaring people away from protest - is now an established police tactic. But it only works if we get scared.

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Freedom Flotilla West Papua

10-04-2013 01:40

Indigenous Elders from Australia & West Papua are planning a Freedom Flotilla to West Papua in solidarity against the apartheid of colonisation and destruction caused by multinational mining companies on Indigenous land in West Papua & Australia.
They are being actively supported by a coalition of environmental and
human rights activists, artists and musicians from all over Australia.

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Refugee solidarity demonstration in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk (ger)

09-04-2013 22:19

Spontaneous demonstration in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk (Germany), calling attention to armed police raids against refugees/non-citizens in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

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eviction of the famous "Z.A.M"(Autonomy Zone Milano) in Milan

09-04-2013 12:17

here you can find the public notice in English, Spanish, French, Deutsch version

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State Funeral for Margaret Thatcher?

08-04-2013 12:20

Margaret Thatcher + serial-killer General Pinochet
State funeral for the friend and ally of mass-murderer, torturer and war-criminal Margaret Thatcher?
Should tax-payers be forced to pay for such an insult?

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UG#628 - Asking Forbidden Questions (Why Do People Put Up With Capitalism?)

05-04-2013 02:39

This week we learn how much effort has been put to making people assume that the virtues of capitalism are beyond question. We hear three Marxian commentators offering their own angles on the development of capitalism in USA, interspersed with a reprise of Noam Chomsky from episode 29 on the elite's determination to control the public mind lest the democratic state serve the wishes of the majority rather than the privilege of the few.

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Get off your high horse

01-04-2013 07:12

The author team known as `Huppes Kemp` has been writing articles and books about the much needed game change of the Dutch social healthcare sector for a great many years. In the Financieele Dagblad among other publications, Huppes Kemp is fostering the political will to unleash credit jobs.

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Video: Policing in the UK - Brutality, Corruption and Lies?

31-03-2013 22:35

When the police kill someone in their custody, they can use the vast resources at their disposal to create a smoke screen. In the UK, no police officers have ever been held fully responsible for even one of the hundreds of deaths they have caused.

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Video: Policing in the UK - Brutality, Corruption and Lies?

31-03-2013 22:29

When the police kill someone in their custody, they can use the vast resources at their disposal to create a smoke screen. In the UK, no police officers have ever been held fully responsible for even one of the hundreds of deaths they have caused.

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Greek Anarchist Prisoner & Squat Benefit - Nottingham

24-03-2013 15:35

"Let's not give free reign to our jailers, strike the tiger's heart every day, in every way, according to our differences, against the sadness and solitude of our cells of confinement." - Os Cangaceiros

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Leeds Queer Film Festival

23-03-2013 20:33

Leeds Queer Film Festival warmly welcomes you to enjoy a showcase of queer cinema with a focus on independent and diy films.

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Death of a Basque Political Prisoner at 41 highlights abuse of human rights

21-03-2013 15:11

The funeral takes place this week of Basque political prisoner Angel Figueroa who died at the age of 41. His situation showcases the ill-treatment and abuse of human rights of Basque political prisoners (around 500 hundred in Spanish jails, out of a total southern Basque population of around two million).
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