UK Repression Newswire Archive
Bedroom Tax campaign meeting in Irvine
20-03-2013 21:24

Internal deportation in Tower Hamlets
16-03-2013 12:47
Tower Hamlets Council is ranked at the top of the deprivation league. Whoever is counting, the position hardly changes. The borough is deprived. Most people in it are in low income. So why is the Council's own "newspaper" not reporting this?Ugandan asylum seeker & Movement for Justice activist killed by Reliance thugs
14-03-2013 23:38
Jackie Nanyonjo died in Uganda last Friday as a result of the injuries inflicted by the Home Office’s licenced thugs who deported her from Britain on 10th January.What followed is a Movement for Justice statement released ahead of their demo today following Jackie's death.
State Violence Against Women: Soni Sori and other cases from India.
14-03-2013 14:29

Emergency Protest At Current Hunger Strike At Guantanamo Bay
13-03-2013 09:03
Almost all of the 166 prisoners at Guantánamo Bay have been on hunger strike since early February. This protest which has led to force feeding against the human rights of prisoners and some prisoners losing over 15kg in weight was prompted by the confiscation of personal items from cells and the desecration of copies of the Koran. The situation is desperate, according to their lawyers, yet there has been no mainstream media coverage and little outcry from the international human rights NGO community. Come and join our protest on Sunday.Amnesty International Launches Online Campaign for the Angola 3's Albert Woodfox
12-03-2013 19:10

Native squatter refuses to cooperate in court after mansion eviction
11-03-2013 22:57

Activist risks jail,pledges not to answer questions if stopped under Terror laws
11-03-2013 12:46
Tom Woodhead, who is currently being held by Israeli immigration authorities has pledged not to answer questions if British authorities attempt to misuse the Terrorism Act 2000 when he is deported to the UK.Orwellian Secret Courts in the UK: Britain on the Brink of Tyranny
11-03-2013 12:13
Judicial trials to be held in secretBy Global Research News
Global Research, March 10, 2013
Law and Justice, Police State & Civil Rights 114 64 7
Britain is on the brink of tyranny.
The Justice and Security Bill, if it becomes law, will enable judicial trials to be held in secret, and it will even be illegal to tell anyone about them. The bill has now gone through all stages in the House of Commons, and will now go to the House of Lords for consideration. In other words, it’s nearly there (

Alfie Meadows - Unanimous Not-guilty Verdict !!
08-03-2013 18:07

Philippine Gov’t lacks political will to go after the Marcoses
07-03-2013 12:28

[Video] Anarchist intervention at the speech of the Mayor of Athens at the LSE
06-03-2013 02:12

Greek Solidarity Night & Belarus ABC Infotalk this week
05-03-2013 18:18

EDL Numpties Achieve Nothing In Manchester - #edl #nwi @slatedl @misslbuttercup
02-03-2013 17:06

EDL Support Hardcore Anti-Semites in Manchester This Saturday #edl #nwi @slatedl
27-02-2013 23:15

‘Transatlantic Partnership’ seeks to duplicate secret Trans-Pacific Partnership
27-02-2013 20:53
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, an 11-country trade negotiation intended to go well beyond NAFTA, appears to the be model for proposed United States–European Union trade agreement.EDL Leadership Are Attending Manchester #edl @slatedl #NWI @misslbuttercup
26-02-2013 17:54

Anti-fascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman Ends Hungerstrike But Still Needs Support
26-02-2013 17:10
Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, was on hunger strike from the 13th January 2013. The Director of the Central Sofia Prison had ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association. Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him.Open Shuhada Street Action
25-02-2013 16:57

Tell @edfenergy to drop legal action against No Dash for Gas
24-02-2013 19:43
Petition to tell EDF not to persecute peaceful campaigners in the courts. EDF are trying to sue campaigners for £5 million.