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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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West Yorkshire Solidarity With Prisoner John Bowden

19-10-2012 06:23

“The only sure tactic when prisoners resist and fight back is solidarity.”
John Bowden in ‘Tear Down The Walls’

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Amnesty International Denounces Torture in California Prisons

19-10-2012 04:35

Two weeks after the release of Amnesty Intl’s new report on the use of prolonged solitary confinement inside California’s ‘Security Housing Units’ (SHUs), entitled "The Edge of Endurance: Conditions in California’s Security Housing Units," prisoners initiated another hunger strike, with 500 participants statewide. In this new interview, Tessa Murphy speaks about her visit to California SHUs and Amnesty's report based on the visit. Our introduction features key excerpts from Amnesty's report detailing how Amnesty thinks the CA authorities have not done enough in response the the 2011 hunger strike.

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Don’t be on a database

18-10-2012 17:51

Netpol have today launched a campaign to limit the gathering of data by the police on political protest. The campaign, don’t be on a database, gives good reasons why protesters should assert their legal rights to keep their personal details private.

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65yr-old dies during today's protests in Athens

18-10-2012 15:38

65-year old protester Xenophon Lougaris dies during today’s General Strike demonstration in Athens; heart failure following tear gas inhaling flagged as most probable cause of death

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Calais: Manifestation Against Police Harrassment!

18-10-2012 13:28

On Saturday 13th Oct a demonstration of 300 people took over the streets in Calais to denounce the relentless harassment and attacks against ‘exiles’ of Calais; refugees, migrants, people with and without papers.

Starting outside the clothes distribution area we took the roads through town, creating a resounding carnival of drums and shouting through the pouring rain, occupying a main roundabout in town before blaring noise outside the town hall using whatever means – drums, bins, horns, whistles, sirens and bellowing chants. Undocumented kids battled over the megaphone and a make-shift samba band got people bouncing on their feet. Banners in Arabic, Pastu, Farsi, Tigrinya, Polish, Latvian, English, French… decorated amongst the crowd and sprawled across walls and buildings as we passed. The demo ended outside Salam, the food distribution area, with more drumming, shouting and dancing in the street.

News coverage from the day:

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L'pool Census Refuser prosecutions. Sarah Ledsom – case dropped

18-10-2012 09:21

Last week, after a hearing during which Sarah handed over to the Judge and Prosecution a list of arguments for her case to be dropped the CPS wrote to inform her that the case would indeed be discontinued. None of these arguments included Sarah's health, although she did complain about disability discrimination - including the extra court hearings she'd had to attend because legal aid had been refused and which had caused her additional pain. The grounds cited by the CPS for dropping the case - “your significant ill health” - are significantly unconvincing and a more plausible explanation is that the CPS realised that to continue with the case would expose issues to do with the census they would rather keep out of the public domain, and that some of their more questionable behaviour might be revealed in open court. Read on...

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Tomorrow: International Day Of Action In Support Of Prisoner John Bowden

18-10-2012 09:01

Please at least make a few calls/send a few cards.

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L'pool: Support Census Refuser Andy Manifold - court verdict Fri 19 Oct. Join Us.

17-10-2012 16:01

Outside the court on 8 October
The costly and pointless shambles of census prosecutions continue to unfold in Liverpool where one verdict is due on Friday while the CPS has suddenly and for distinctly unconvincing reasons discontinued another case that had yet to reach trial. In a third case, where the defendant lost on appeal, the fine is now being collected weekly from the defendant's benefits against his will. There's a lot of information here, so I'll put it into separate posts. First, Andy Manifold, back in court on Friday. Report about Sarah's case here:

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Greece, Patras: Anarchist solidarity demonstration

16-10-2012 11:34

Slogans heard:
“Solidarity is the peoples’ weapon; war on the bosses’ war”
“The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!”

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"Worldwide Echo in support of the Zapatistas" On The Day Of Indigenous Resistance

16-10-2012 05:39


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Volunteers for homeless shelter

15-10-2012 17:42

Shelter from the storm is a free 7 day a week 12 month a year night shelter which is totally reliable on donations and voluntary staff.

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UK Joins Worldwide Echo In Support Of Zapatistas

14-10-2012 23:36

On Friday (the 12th) a letter was delivered to the Mexican Embassy in London signed by all the UK groups that stand in solidarity with the Zapatistas.

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G4S complicit in torture of children - Protest outside London HQ

14-10-2012 21:58

Palestinian rights activists picketed the entrance of the security firm G4S' headquarters in London on Friday 12th October to protest at the company's complicity in the torture and caging of Palestinian children. Photo report.

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Call out for Submissions: Post-Prison Zine

14-10-2012 19:39

We live in a Prison Society. Last year Her Majesty’s Prison Service incarcerated over 87,000 people in England & Wales alone (not including Scotland and Northern Ireland). Prison has long been used as a tool of oppression against anybody who does not fit in to society’s idea of a “good citizen”. The aim of Prison is to silence those people trapped within it’s walls, they seek to lock them up and throw away the key, effectively removing them from society. Not all Prison sentences are permanent though any many people will eventually return to the outside world.

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Worldwide Declaration Delivered Mexican Embassy

13-10-2012 16:01

The following document was delivered to the Embassy:


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John Bowden Support Meeting

12-10-2012 20:30


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John Bowden: Call-Out For An International Day Of Action On October 19th

12-10-2012 20:23

Only a week to go until the Day of Action in support of prisoner John Bowden. Please organise activities in support of him.

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Higher risk of evictions on the ZAD

12-10-2012 14:28

Several sources let us believe that evictions are imminent. We got wind of a first wave of evictions on Tuesday the 16th of October at dawn. We received precise informations about where troops will be staying, the planned route to access the area, the number of personnel involved (500 gendarmes).

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Today, Friday, October 12th, marks the beginning of “From Trut

12-10-2012 08:53

International Campaign:
“Worldwide Echo in Support of the Zapatistas”

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Speech by Robert H. King at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge

11-10-2012 18:17

Robert King and Professor Michael Thorne, Vice Chancellor of Anglia Ruskin Univ.
On Tuesday Oct. 9, Robert King of the Angola 3 received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England, for his achievements as a civil rights campaigner. The full text of the speech made by King at the ceremony, which moved the audience of over 2,000 to a standing ovation, is below.
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