UK Repression Newswire Archive
Alfie Meadows & Zac King retrial — Day 3
01-11-2012 11:01
Police feared overcrowding in Parliament Square on the day AlfieMeadows nearly died — but kettled protesters who arrived anyway, a
court has heard.
Scotland the corrupt
01-11-2012 00:18
Scotland the CorruptIn the years leading up to the end of the 17th Century, Scotland’s leaders, bankers and landowners had bled and corrupted the nation to such an extent that it was completely bankrupt, driven by greed, fraud and its people subjugated to a life of endless poverty and injustice at the hands of crooked lawyers, judges and the ruling Nobility.
Vigil for Ken Saro-wiwa - 10th November
31-10-2012 14:06

Texas Police Sniper Guns Down Immigrants
31-10-2012 10:49
Welcome to America: Texas Police Sniper Guns Down Immigrants From Helicopter ....... Remember a few months ago how a DEA helicopter was used to gun down two pregnant women and two 14-yr-old boys in Honduras because they were "suspected" of being drug dealers? Well, those same tactics are now being used in America. After being pulled over for having a suspect "covered truck bed," a vehicle which fled from Texas game wardens was shot at by Texas "Department of Public Safety" agents with a sniper rifle from a helicopter.New Worldwide Declaration
29-10-2012 18:43
France: La ZAD prepares for another week of eviction NON A LA AEROPORT
28-10-2012 18:21
In La ZAD, a zone occupied to stop the construction of a new airport for Nantes, the eviction looks set to continue from tomorrow. La Saulce is now evictable and it is possible the police will also target some of the places that require special forces to evict treehouses and such. Callout for solidarity actions against VINCI, the company who will be constructing. Callout for people here to help. All means to increase awareness.Refugee Hunger Strike Berlin
28-10-2012 10:52
A description of the last weeks events in Berlin and Germany from refugee and asylum seekers against the racist system of immigration policy in Europe.They are fighting against deportation, for freedom of movement, for the closure of refugee camps, for the dignity and better living conditions of refugees in Germany.
Demonization of Dissent in the United States
25-10-2012 22:52
On Oct. 3rd, 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.How much do police fear being photographed on demos?
25-10-2012 21:14
Spain’s government is drafting a law that bans photographing and filming the police (interestingly, the ban even extends to a prohibition against recording SOUNDS of the police) -
International Appeal for Delta Squat & anarchist immigrant Gustavo Quiroga
24-10-2012 12:48
Thessaloniki, Greece, urgent appeal for international support with delta squat and imprisoned anarchist immigrant Gustavo QuirogaDeportation charter to Sri Lanka: media repudiation & UK political collusion
23-10-2012 11:31
Protesters are gathered (since 10am), Tuesday 23rd October, Harmondsworth & Colnbrook detention centres near Heathrow, to prevent the departure of vehicles transporting detainees due to be deported back to Sri Lanka today!Updates on:

3 attempts to deport people to Sri Lanka have previously been disrupted by a combination of legal action & direct action at the detention centres, with coaches physically stopped from leaving while lawyers won final-hour injunctions in court. During the last charter on 19th September, a person locked himself to the coach surrounded by supporters, holding it up for hours while 35 people gained injunctions stopping their deportations throughout the afternoon.
Stop G8 Gathering
22-10-2012 12:13

Stop the charter flight of death: action details for tomorrow
22-10-2012 10:49

(Nearest stations West Drayton, Hatton Cross, Uxbridge; call 07512 516926 for directions on the day.)
Census case verdict in Liverpool: Donate to support refusers
20-10-2012 16:50

Andy Manifold was back at Liverpool's Dale Street Magistrates' Court on Friday 19 October to hear the outcome of his trial on a charge of failing to complete the 2011 Census. Six people held a solidarity vigil outside the court beforehand. In the week that the CPS dropped charges against another census refuser in Liverpool, Andy was found guilty, fined and costs were awarded against him.
A number of people are now in the position of having fines taken directly from their benefits. As these aren't enough to live on even before any deductions, please consider making a donation to the solidarity fund if you can afford it, and particularly if you resisted the census but weren't prosecuted. Over 1 in 20 households didn't complete a census return (see this Daily Telegraph article) but only a few hundred people were prosecuted. Donation details below.
Britain 'has worse record on internet freedom than Philippines'
20-10-2012 14:43

Solidarity with John Bowden in Liverpool
19-10-2012 20:27

STOP charter flight to Sri Lanka, Tue 23rd October
19-10-2012 18:30
Stop charters to death!Protest @ 10am, Tuesday 23rd October, Harmondsworth & Colnbrook detention centres near Heathrow
Cardiff Family Brutally Arrested and Face Illegal Deportation
19-10-2012 11:16

A UK Border Agency immigration raid, Dont let them spilt up the El-Attar family!
In the early hours of Yesterday morning, Fariman Saleh and her two children we're brutally dragged from their beds, handcuffed and taken to Heathrow Airport to be deported, All infront of the eyes of her eldest daughter, Shrouk El-Attar.
Video of raid:

The Family were due to appear before a Judge in November to decide on their Asylum Seeker application and status.
The incident has sparked outrage and massive response in the community at the actions of the UK Boarder Agency in Cardiff and other areas, and have spoken out against the families right to a fair trial and to stop a potentially illegal deportation.
Hundreds of people have contacted their MP's, Local News Desks, created Viral videos, Signed Petitions and created a facebook page in a bid to hopefully stop the deportation proceedings
It is a Human Right to stand a fair trial. The events of yesterday morning deprived Mrs Saleh and her children of that right, dignity, and worst of all treated brutally and unremorsefully by the state she sought refuge, safety and Sanctuary in.
If deported tomorrow, The Family may face 'honour-killing',
torture, rape and even death. They are in grave danger.