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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Freedom To Protest Conference 2010 - planning meeting

07-01-2010 16:12

In 2005 the first Freedom To Protest Conference was held. It brought together around 230 people from 80 varied campaign groups, updating them on changes in the law and providing insight and inspiration on how people were successfully defending their interests and resisting repression - whether on the streets, in court, or elsewhere. Most importantly it promoted co-operation and solidarity among all of us at the sharp end! See for more details.

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Demo:8th Anniversary of Guantánamo Bay:11 January:12.30-2pm: US Embassy

07-01-2010 13:56

Demonstration to mark the 8th anniversary of Guantánamo Bay and call for liberty and justice for prisoners held there

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New PFI prison in North Wales

05-01-2010 21:58

The Wrexham County Borough Council is backing government plans to build a 1,500-capacity prison in Wrexham, despite local opposition to the 'development'. The prison will be built with public money, then handed over to a private company to operate, in a part-privatisation process known as the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Once the local authority has made its submission, an independent company employed by the Ministry of Justice will shortlist potential locations. An announcement, due to be made in July 2010, could apparently be delayed due to the general elections in May.

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Gaza Freedom March Marches in Cairo Against Egyptian Blockade

05-01-2010 11:04

Gaza Freedom March marching in Cairo on 31 December 2009
On the first anniversary of the Israeli military assault on Gaza, the Gaza Freedom March, trapped in Cairo, marched not only against the Israeli siege on Gaza, but on the Egyptian blockade as well. On New Year’s Day 2010, GFM delegates ratified the historic Cairo Declaration, launching a globally-unified boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid.

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U.S. to subject foreign air travellers from 14 countries to full body search

05-01-2010 09:20

"The Transportation Security Administration is mandating that every individual flying into the U.S. from anywhere in the world traveling from or through nations that are state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest will be required to go through enhanced screening." (*)

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Crimestoppers article on "MI5 Dirty tactics" in Camden

05-01-2010 03:27

Crimestoppers have written a shock article about the dirty tactics employed by MI5 in Camden. They have encouraged Camden residents including and especially people in gangs or from the Somalian community to report MI5 to crimestoppers following reports of harrasment by MI5 in The Indpendent newspaper. Somalian people in Camden have been subjected to appalling and relentless harrassment.

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1st Anniversary Benefit for Bristol EDO Decommissioners

05-01-2010 00:45

Exactly 1 year on from the decommissioning of the EDI ITT arms factory in Brighton by 6 Bristol anti-militarists (see, supporters of the 6 combine to present a rip snorting fundraiser for the defendants campaign.

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Anti Iranian Regime protests, Iranian Embassy, London - pictures.

04-01-2010 20:51

Pro-democracy protester injured.
As the new year starts, Iranian pro-democracy campaigners gather outside the Iranian embassy in Princes Gate, London, to call for an end to the brutal suppression of those in Iran taking part in opposition rallies against the Mollah regime.

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New Years Eve solidarity at Lewes Prison

04-01-2010 18:33

Around 30 people celebrated New Years Eve outside Lewes prison (near Brighton) with fireworks and a sound system...

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Appeal for Calais and update

04-01-2010 10:09

More people are urgently needed in Calais to do solidarity work with migrants dealing with daily police repression.

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Northwest Airlines Christmas Day Flight: "Al Qaeda Made Me Do It!”

04-01-2010 08:14

There is no better story to confirm the existence of Al Qaida than having an alleged Muslim fundamentalist fumble his attempt to blow up a plane over US soil, then declare to the authorities that Al Qaida instructed him to do it.

As a result of this last Christmas terror incident our Nobel Prize president will continue to expand his low intensity wars in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, maybe Nigeria and for certain Iran to make us safer and to defeat the mythical Al Qaida.

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NYE Solidarity Action at Horfield Prison, Bristol

03-01-2010 23:43

01 Jan 2010
Horfield Prison, Bristol, UK.

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Police do that...We do this!

03-01-2010 15:10

They do that
In light of all the news about police repression, mixed with recent negative press for militants, and the mouthing off of detractors who seek to put down the black bloc and other militant forms of anti-capitalist globalisation, I thought it necessary to publish some pictures I found to remember when people have fought back and in some cases have won and others, lost dearly. Please fight on, lets not come apart now, the struggle must continues. Retaliation Always.

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Lebanon: Rebellious rhymes against post-war misery

03-01-2010 11:25

MC Tamarrod
The hip-hop beats ringing through the muddy, unlit streets of the burnt-out Palestinian refugee camp Nahr al-Bared seem incongruous. But the rhymes are camp-grown - and courageous.

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Los Angeles police beat and detain British activist protesting new war in Yemen

03-01-2010 03:29

A British national from London (who wishes to not have his name revealed) was viciously beaten by LAPD while attempting a one-man protest against the recent escalating threat of a new US-British front for war in Yemen.

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Photos of Gaza lift the siege demonstration; London Sunday December 27th 2009

02-01-2010 19:07

Here is a report by Mathaba reporter Karen Dabrowska along with a number of photos taken by myself.

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Calais: A Resume of Repression

02-01-2010 15:27

The following is a partial summary of incidents of police harassment against migrants in Calais in December alone, all of which are designed to make life unbearable for those seeking entry to the UK.

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Statement From COP15 Prisoners- and how to support them

02-01-2010 13:20

Further below is an edited version of the statement collectively released by the 11 remaining Cop15 Prisoners. Meanwhile, a website has just appeared solely concerned with repression in Copenhagen:

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Iranian-American Columbia Prof. Kian Tajbaksh being tortured

01-01-2010 19:41

Dr. Kian Tajbaksh
His single crime for which he has been sentenced to over 15 years of imprisonment: "e-mailing videos of last summer's public demonstrations following the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad."

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A New Year for the West, a Military State for Iran

01-01-2010 15:32

While news media coverage has thus far focused almost solely on arrests in Tehran, the rest of the country is being ignored. While foreign news media are extremely limited and observed closely observed by VEVAK patrols, the news is beginning to leak.
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