UK Repression Newswire Archive
Calais flyposting to make the invisible more visible
01-11-2009 12:16

(Basque Country) Brian Currin: Detention of basque politicians are horrific.
31-10-2009 13:40
Brian Currin, a South African attorney working as a mediator, said the left-wing nationalist movement should not stop putting forward new initiatives despite the arrest of its top members.Thicko Metropolitan Police can't distinguish real life from fiction!
31-10-2009 12:03
"Scotland Yard has apologised after actors from a film, The Firm, were mistakenly identified as football hooligans being sought after riots at a West Ham game."Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Horsham march in tussle over freedom to protest
31-10-2009 11:39
Yesterday in the Royal Courts of Justice, Mr Justice Sweeney ruled against an application which sought to ban all face masks, animal costumes, "blood" splattered coats, and any banners that used the words "murder", "torture", "kills" & "abuses" on an animal rights demonstration. The application was brought by the pharmaceutical giant Novartis in response to a demonstration being held today by Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty in Horsham town centre. If the case had gone ahead it would have set a very significant precedent.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Stop Deportation Day
31-10-2009 11:36
International blockade in Brugge and Vottem, Belgium. Translation from Dutch Indymedia.2 detention centres belgium blockaded
31-10-2009 10:56
This morning 120 people blockaded 2 detention centres in Belgium.Sussex Students' Union votes to Boycott Israel
30-10-2009 22:47

Read and think
29-10-2009 21:35
This is made public at request of sender and with their consentNew Comic Strip Series re Organized Stalking
29-10-2009 20:05

Work stopped again briefly at Manshill yesterday
29-10-2009 16:41
Work was stopped for just over half an hour yesterday, as people tried to lock-on to the harvesting machine, but people were met with aggression and violence by the Scottish Woodland workers.4 arrests at Astrazeneca in Luton
29-10-2009 13:21
The arrests where made at 3:35 yesterday afternoon during protest against Astrazeneca use of animals. All who where arrest have know been releasedIran Pro-Democracy Rally at the FCO, London - pictures.
28-10-2009 19:50

Seeing the Wood for the Trees
28-10-2009 14:13

Proceeds of Crime Act extended to fare dodgers
28-10-2009 11:47
POCA was designed to be used against crime barons, but like SOCPA and the Terrorist acts this is now going to be used against everyone and anyone. A whole array of minor jobsworths can now seize your all assets without court approval for offences as minor as faredodging or not paying your council tax, and this extension won't even be debated in parliament.Demonstrate against Britain's racist immigration laws! Tuesday 3 November 1-2pm
27-10-2009 20:26
Outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre, Old Street, London, EC1V 9BRUK Police Spying Began With Animal Rights Activists
27-10-2009 15:02

Prison Officers, Police and the Oil Industry
27-10-2009 13:35
"I take it there is no love lost between Moira Harrington and the police?"No, but in prison they are different. I think there is no love lost between the police on the oustide and the police on the inside."
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Unlock the Camps- demonstration for Sri Lanka
26-10-2009 19:14

YouGov defrauded in BNP poll sting
26-10-2009 09:28
YouGov - being conned by the BNP