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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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18th anniversary of Western Sahara ceasefire marked in Downing Street

06-09-2009 23:26

Campaigners in London visit Downing Street whilst campaigners in Western Sahara beaten in prison

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Policing at climate camp

06-09-2009 21:47

Ian Caswell, one of the few regular FIT cops to make an appearance at camp
Climate camp was something of a surreal experience after the aggressive policing and constant stop and searches of previous camps. There can be no denying that the public order cops were on the back foot, unable to do anything but smile and facilitate the camp, no matter what sort of provocation came their way. Even a mass outing to Canary Wharf on Friday did nothing to dampen their spirit of ‘facilitation’, and they left the ‘robust policing’ to the hoards of private security in grey suits.

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GET ACTIVE - Lobby about the Oxford Six

06-09-2009 19:32

The arrest and beating of the Western Saharan students sponsored by the British Council to travel to the UK for a peace conference is an outrage that our government must take some responsibility for. We ask you to appeal to David Miliband and Ivan Lewis as well as your local MP's to petition the Moroccan government to safeguard the security of these you peace campaigners.

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Holding the Police to Account at DSEi

06-09-2009 18:20

After the policing of the Climate Camp, many people are curious about how DSEi will be policed this year.

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Global Systematic Discrimination against the Poor due to be signed by States

06-09-2009 13:46

An Optional Protocol is due to be signed by States which, because of its exclusion of the core minimum obligations of the State, will allow States to systematically discriminate against the poor. In addition, it allows for the creation of a far more dependent people unable to help themselves.

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Solidarity with Camp Ashraf Hunger Strikers, London - pictures

06-09-2009 09:31

Forty five years.
On day 40 of the international hunger strikes taking place around the world in sympathy with the hunger strikers in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, London hunger strikers hold a solidarity vigil for those still arbitrarily detained in custody by Iraqi security forces.

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Police violence in Adana, Turkey

06-09-2009 08:40

Fans waving red flags
Football fans at a match in Adana between the local team and an Italian one opened a banner calling for a political prisoner dying of cancer to be released. They were attacked by the police.

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EVENT - Vigil for the Oxford Six

06-09-2009 07:08

At 9pm this Monday, campaigners will gather at Camden Lock to set adrift six floating candles, one for each of the Western Saharan students arrested and beaten by Moroccan police whilst on their way to a peace conference in Oxford.

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BNP´s Leader to Appear on BBC Question Timel

06-09-2009 04:45

The Fascist British National Party´s leader Nick Griffin may be asked to appear on Question Time, the BBC has said. A spokesman for the broadcaster said it was bound by rules to treat all political parties with "due impartiality".

The BBC has a duty to treat all political parties equally, so it could be said that they are not at fault here, but Griffin´s appearance would pose problems for the Labour Party: they have a long-standing policy of not sharing platforms with Fascists. Will they do a U-Turn here and lend the BNP more legitimacy?

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Statement of Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative on Arrests of their Members

06-09-2009 03:44

On September, 4th 2009 District Court in Belgrade decided that arrested members of ASI will be held for thirty days in detention. Our comrades are accused of an act of international terrorism.

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Opinion: Honduran coup has been far from bloodless

05-09-2009 22:52

"Women protesters can face worse. On Aug. 14, a young mother was grabbed by police while participating nonviolently in a large protest. They separated her from male detainees and drove her out of town, where four officers of the National Police raped her and then raped her again with a baton.
Rapes while in custody, assassinations and disappearances that are terrorizing Hondurans remain largely unreported in the U.S. press. On July 11, for example, Roger Ivan Bados, a longtime trade unionist and activist in the opposition party Union Democrática, was forcibly removed from his home and killed. Others who participate in demonstrations or other activities have been kidnapped, then found dead."

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Vigil for Oxford Six

05-09-2009 20:39

Vigil will show solidarity with the Oxford Six, a group of students arrested and beaten after protesting at the refusal of Moroccan authorities to allow them to travel to England for a British Council sponsored peace workshop in August

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FITWatch Call - Disarm Dsei day of action, Tuesday 8th Sept

05-09-2009 17:48

This is a call out for all those at the DSEi action, plus anyone who has ever thought about engaging in FITwatch tactics, to confront FIT on Tuesday, to kick them off the demo and to shut them down.

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greek embassy in serbia attacked and anarchists arrested

05-09-2009 17:36

A group of six anarchists were arrested in Belgrade at the 3rd of september under suspicion being connected with Black Elijah (Crni Ilija), which took responsibility for the 24th August molotov attack on the Greek embassy in Belgrade.

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Washington Refuses to Call Off Its Dogs in Honduras

05-09-2009 11:40

School of the Americas Graduate General Romeo Vasquez
"While President Obama issues vacuous statements claiming to support the general principle of electoral democracy, his own State Department officials blame President Zelaya for provoking the coup.” Nobody in Latin American believes the U.S. is not complicit.

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A stop in hell: Pagani, a prison for migrants at the gate of Fortress Europe

04-09-2009 23:40

The Greek island of Lesvos is just a short sail from the Turkish coast – you can see Turkey from the island. Here many migrants try crossing into Europe, usually on inflatable boats. Frontex patrols the coast to prevent them from landing; those who land may be detained in one of the most appalling prisons for migrants we have ever seen or heard of.

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Camp Ashraf Hunger Strike, US embassy, London - pictures.

04-09-2009 21:15

Monitoring blood pressure.
On the 39th day of a hunger strike outside the US embassy in London, Iranian pro-democracy campaigners lobby Downing Street to pressure the Iraqi government to release 36 prisoners it has taken prisoner from Camp Ashraf, north of Baghdad.

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Refugees in Italy and throughout the EU

04-09-2009 20:43

"Refugees" by Roberto Malini
Open letter to the institutions of the United Nations and European Union from Everyone Group and representatives of the Roma people and immigrant community in Italy.

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Sinister plans to merge ID database with Criminal Records Bureau checks

04-09-2009 20:29

Last month the Home Office announced that the National Identity Card Scheme would no longer be compulsory and that implementation would be delayed until 2011 or 2012. Online magazine The Register has, however, uncovered proposals to merge the National Identity Register with Criminal Records Bureau background checks, potentially forcing millions of people into ‘applying' for an Identity card that they neither want nor need in order to avoid facing unemployment.

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