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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Protest at HMP Strangeways - Justice for the North West 10 - Sunday 17th May

16-05-2009 13:56

Justice for the North West 10

Free them Now ! No deportations !

Those who are innocent must be released

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Af-Pak is Obama's War

16-05-2009 09:28

President Obama, who campaigned behind a thin veil of peace, dragged two heads of client states into the White House to demand “that both Afghanistan and Pakistan allow their citizens to be murdered and or displaced in the thousands” – or else. Obama read Presidents Zardari and Karzai “the riot act” to let them know who is boss in the military theater called “AfPak.”

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Sri Lanka Gov't capture last Tamil Tiger territory/Blood & Dishonour

16-05-2009 07:12

Whilst a human rights catastrophe has unfolded across the northern region of Sri-Lanka, military forces of the Sri Lankan government are on the verge of seizing the last small patch of rebel held territory on 16/05/09

Tamil solidarity event in North London this Sunday:

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Obama and the denial of genocide.

16-05-2009 03:42

Obama. Genocide. Realpolitik.

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UK Academia Hit By Communications Blockade

15-05-2009 22:41

'Name' Service Providers block receipt of emails from all UK University addresses

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Tamil solidarity event this Sunday

15-05-2009 15:55

Sri Lanka rejects ceasefire (by Latuff)
An evening of film, food, music and discussion on what's happening and how we can help.

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Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Demo & Picket in Nottingham

15-05-2009 13:01

"I've been to a lot of demonstrations against arms companies and normally it's kind of me and about three Quakers and a dog and a couple of crusties. I really hope the campaign can grow and grow and actually get a result here".

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Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Mark Thomas in Nottingham

15-05-2009 12:54

"I've been to a lot of demonstrations against arms companies and normally it's kind of me and about three Quakers and a dog and a couple of crusties. I really hope the campaign can grow and grow and actually get a result here".

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Estimate 1700 Tamil civilians killed 3000 injuried in 48 hrs in Sri Lanka

15-05-2009 09:53

''The local aid workers in Vanni Region estimated 1700 civilians have been killed and over 3000 injured in the last 48 hours due to the persistent use of heavy artillery and mortars by the Sri Lankan armed forces. The catastrophic situation has been made worse by the acute shortage of food and medicine.''

''The ICRC ship carrying emergency supply of food provided by the World Food Organization (WFO) has been prevented from delivering its consignments due to refusal of the Sri Lankan Government to provide security guarantees, even though LTTE has given all clearance and guarantees . And another ship working on medical evacuations also prevented from reaching shores with the same reason''.

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Solidarity action on Bail Day

15-05-2009 08:24

Proposal for solidarity action/media stunt for Nottingham 114

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Calais No Border Camp Call-Out

14-05-2009 22:26

The Calais No Border camp, 23-29 June 2009, is a joint venture between French and Belgian activists and migrant support groups and the UK No Borders Network.

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Civil Disobedience Protest By British Tamils Met With Police Brutality

14-05-2009 21:06

Police resort to the seizure of young children and physical attacks on women and children to break the blockade of Westminster Bridge, eyewitnesses report.

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Open Letter To Susan Gaertner: Dave Mahoney Update

14-05-2009 16:24

Below is an Open letter from the mother of Dave Mahoney (arrested after the RNC protest in the US) to Susan Gaertner State Attorney.

Dave now faces 10 charges which could lead to decades of jail time. Dave grew up in the UK and was involved in many project in Plymouth, Devon including organising benefit gigs and Plymouth Environment Center.

All involved in his support campaign want him home more than anything in the world and we would appreciate any support you can give.

For more information on Dave's case check out

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Members of racist organisations employed within the Home Office

14-05-2009 10:47

At the moment, nothing stops people from far right organisations from working in the Home Office and deal with refugees.

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Video: Parliamentarians interview Nicola Fisher and other key G20 witnesses

14-05-2009 01:01

Select Committees interview Nicola Fisher and other key G20 witnesses

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INDYMEDIA SCOOP - repressing protest - what's next?

13-05-2009 22:27

in secret meetings not recorded in Hansard, our government has formulated a plan to rid parliament square of not only the current tamil protests, but also brian haw's seven and a half year vigil. emergency legislation is expected to pass through parliament unopposed within a matter of weeks.

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Demonstrations in Parliament Square, London.

13-05-2009 11:51

The Speaker of Parliament has just made an announcement.

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Caoimhe Butterly (Quiva) talk on continuing Isreali war crimes in Gaza

13-05-2009 00:50

Caoimhe Butterly (Quiva) has been the Freegaza movement,, coordinator in Gaza since November 2008. She witnessed the devastating consequences of the Israeli Attacks on the Palestinian people. Quiva will share with us her experience during the horrific time which the Palestinian people suffered.

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Tamil blockade of Parliament Monday 11th May

12-05-2009 20:41

2.30pm standoff
Over 3000 innocent people were slaughtered in the so called 'safe zone' in the space of 24 hours by air bombardments between Saturday and Sunday, according to the Tamils in Parliament square; by Monday the number of dead had risen to 4000, which would bring the total of deaths up to 12.000 since January.*

Sunday more people began to gather in Parliament Square, and Monday the numbers had swelled and from 9.30 am people began blocking again the roads around Parliament, the only way for them to get attention to the genocide in their homeland and the UK politicians to intervene with the UN.

It is feared that the Sri Lankan government are determined to kill all of the civilians trapped in the so- called ' safe zone' in the Vanni region by the end of the month, more than 150.000 people are living under bombardments and have no way to get out and no access to food or medication, as the Sri Lankan army has sealed off the zone. The few who have managed to escape to government controlled areas have been put in concentration camps by the SLA.
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