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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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VIGIL CAMBRIDGE, in solidarity with Tristan Anderson & Palestine

19-03-2009 11:26

Posting to let people know about a vigil in Cambridge at 5pm-7.30pm tonight, Thursday, 19th March, outside the Guildhall, Market Square

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Tristan Anderson - CRITICALLY INJURED & KILLED PROTESTORS - Ni’ilin, West Bank

19-03-2009 09:33

This is a news alert sent out to local and national media offices to inform them of Tristan Anderson's injury and of the deaths in Ni'lin of Palestinian demonstrators, including children, killed in the last 6 months by the Israeli military. This also contains some links to footage of the incident (which is really horrible but important and is documents the lack of crowd's or stone throwing at the time of the shooting). Also Gabrielle Silverman, Tristan's girlfriend speaks really powerfully on Democracy Now and would be good to get a link to this up on Indymedia.

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Greek prisoner dies during prisoner transport.

18-03-2009 17:45

Re-posted from

According to various newssite reports,prisoner Katerina Goulioni, prisoner and militant prisoners’ rights activist, has died in police custody this morning.

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Right-wing campaign waged against freed Guantánamo detainee

18-03-2009 16:40

Recently released Guantánamo Bay prisoner Binyam Mohamed has given further details of his ordeal at the hands of his interrogators and torturers in Pakistan, Morocco, Afghanistan and the United States base in Cuba. Mohamed was initially arrested in Pakistan in April 2002 and handed over to the US.

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Indigenous Activist Arrested at Calgary Bush Demo

18-03-2009 15:03

Well known Indigenous activist Splitting-the-Sky, a veteran of struggles including, Attica and Gustafsen Lake, was arrested in Calgary during a speaking engagement by former US President George Bush. STS and others arrested were protesting Canada's refusal to enforce war crimes law which compels suspects be barred from entry or held for trial.

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Shell to Sea campaigner Maura Harrington in prison

18-03-2009 12:33

Support political prisoner Maura Harrington

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Things turn nasty for the Tesco 2

18-03-2009 09:48

The 'Tesco 2' Dee Murphy and Greg Wilkinson began a campaign to boycott Israeli produce by going into their local Tesco store filling up a trolley with dates grown on illegal settlements in the West Bank, walking out without paying, tipping the dates on the ground, smearing them with red dye and then waiting for the police to arrest them. Dee was arrested and is due to appear in court in early April. For reasons best known to themselves the police did not arrest Greg at the time, but things have taken an ominous turn. This is the e mail I received from Greg on March 12th

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Britain’s insane secret terror evidence

18-03-2009 08:17

A month ago, when Britain's Law Lords ruled that three men who have each spent between six and eight years imprisoned without charge or trial, or held without charge or trial under strict bail conditions amounting to house arrest, could be deported to their home countries, even though there was a risk - or, perhaps, even a probability - that they would be tortured or subjected to ill-treatment, the British media briefly woke up to the story. This was almost exclusively because one of the men was Omar Mahmoud Othman (more commonly known as Abu Qatada), a man routinely described as "al-Qaeda's spiritual ambassador in Europe," even though this claim has never been tested in a court of law.

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Vigil at Israeli Embassy Kensington, London, 3-7pm Wednesday

18-03-2009 07:57

Vigil today at the Israeli Embassy in support of the peace activist critically injured while observing a demonstration in the West Bank last Friday.

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G20 in the news

18-03-2009 03:19

Summit police fear attacks on hotels used by the G20 leaders

London police gears up for massive deployment for G20 summit

British police are gearing up for one of the biggest street security deployment for the G20 summit, which will be attended by top leaders from 22 countries, after protesters threatened to bring chaos to London. An estimated 5,000 police force will be deployed for the April 2 G20 summit, with tens of thousands of protesters preparing to descend on the capital and the Excel centre.

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Support Bryan Griffiths - Charged with murder over hunt death

18-03-2009 00:32

Two Hunt Monitors were in a privately owned Gyrocopter. The Gyrocopter landed for fuel and at least one of the hunt suppoters went up to confront the Hunt Monitors. Sadly in doing so the hunt supporter was hit by the gyrocopter and died. Sam Butler, of the Warwickshire Hunt, said it was a "tragic but fatal accident".

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IOM - Complicit in Murder?

17-03-2009 20:48

Adam Osman Mohammed, 32, was gunned down in his home in front of his wife and four-year-old son just days after arriving in his village in south Darfur, having just returned from Britain via the IOM's "voluntary" return scheme.

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Scotland Yard aid in quelling dissent in Greece

17-03-2009 14:44

The Greek mainstream news source Kathimerini announced yesterday that an appeal to Scotland Yard was made by Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis to aid Greek authorities in stamping out dissent in the country.

Greece has seen a wave of politically motivated rioting, occupations and direct action since the killing of a teenage boy by a police officer in December last year. The situation remains tense as protests have continued into 2009.

According to the article key figures from the British police force will be offering advice on dealing with dissent across the spectrum from bombings to low level vandalism.

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Joke of a McDonalds trial continuing on April 1st

16-03-2009 20:15

No this ain’t a April fools day prank, the joke of a trial does continue!

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Turin prison for migrants: searches and ropes to the neck

16-03-2009 17:25

(Latest news from a long series of protests and hunger strikes that started in Lampedusa and spread to other immigration prisons in Italy)

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Migrants in detention complex Schiphol Airport fight brutality, call

16-03-2009 16:23

Protests and hunger strike by migrants detained, who are calling for help.
'Outlawing human beings is not only brutally humiliating, it undermines the core values and the basic rights that any civilized society is held to respect'.

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No2ID's Phil Booth to speak in Worthing

16-03-2009 16:01

PHIL Booth, national co-ordinator of No2ID, will talk on the latest developments in the battle against the police state database in Worthing, West Sussex, on Thursday night, March 19.

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Leader of Landless People’s Movement in South Africa Fears for her LifeCalls for Solidarity

16-03-2009 15:41

The Landless People's Movement in South Africa has suffered years of ongoing state repression. Jo'burg activist Maureen Mnisis has been particularly targeted for intimidation and was tortured in a Soweto police station in 2006.

As the election approaches in South Africa repression of radical movements is being stepped up and there are fears for Maureen's life. Solidarity is urgently required.

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US Govt. War On Animals And Their Protectors.. A Compilation

16-03-2009 15:24

Government Bullies Are Pawns of Blood Bullion Billionaires
animal killing by Military, FBI, USDA, NIH, EPA, Commerce Dept, US Fish and Wildlife Etc
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