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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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The BBC Refuses To Broadcast Gaza Charity Appeal (a letter of concern)

25-01-2009 10:06

Dear Everyone
I am really sorry to be writing with this information to send to any of you about this but I am writing because knowledge of events can help prevent killing and atrocities in countries like Gaza and Sri Lanka. I am writing as just rejecting news black outs (censorship) can help people who are being killed, tortured or suffering from other forms of devastation.

As an example of news black outs used to organise mass killing - The successful news black out of the Nixon (Kissinger led) and Callaghan Governments, who were working in conjunction with the Chinese allowed secret US B52 bombardment on twice the level of Hiroshima in Cambodia. This laid the path for the asian hitler Pol Pot to be born. The people of Cambodia then suffered mass starvation when our own Government along with others including the International Red Cross refused to put together a humanitarian and food aid programme after the torture and destruction of the country's agriculture and civil society by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot. At this time, journalist John Pilger produced an award winning documentary which told us what had happened and this helped the people of Cambodia enormously.

We as citizens of the world can prevent this happening in our time by simply being aware of what is happening to our fellow citizens across the world and telling our friends and refusing to accept news black outs on our own supposedly free news network. Please could everyone read about what the press is not telling us about what is happening in Gaza and Sri Lanka as you will be amazed about the impact this has.

1 The BBC is censoring Gaza aid appeals and selectively broadcasting. UN buildings as well as schools and hospitals have been destoryed and 89% of Gaza’s 1.5 million residents have received no humanitarian aid since Israel began its assault (see media lens news below for further information)
2 The Sri Lankan Government is waging a war of Genocide against Tamil people using cluster bombs. In the last month alone, Tamil groups say that 300,000 people have been displaced through internal continuous bombardment. Furthermore, cluster bombs are being used. Cluster bombs rain down deadly bomblets on an area the size of a football field with six bombs falling in every 1,000 square feet. Similarly to Cambodia bodies of people killed and tortured are being found on the river Jaffna and many other awful atrocities are taking place. I do not have any further information on what is happening in Sri Lanka but I understand this website has been created for those who may want to know more. please see for more information. The black out in Sri Lanka extends to NGOs and even the UN Human Rights Council

I would also be grateful if people would consider passing this information on but understand if you do not feel you can. I am not asking people to donate as I know the Tsunami aid money was not used to help victims and the audit systems have still not told us how this money was administered by the Disaster Emergency Committee. I would not donate to anyone other than Médecins Sans Frontières who refused to accept Tsunami money after the emergency work was concluded. Indeed, Naomi Klein has documented the use of aid money on what she calls the Disaster Economy but

Thank you in advance and sorry for disturbing any of you.

Peace and love

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Met Police issues photos of 'suspects' from recent London Gaza protests

24-01-2009 17:48

The Met Police have issued on their website images of people they are seeking in connection to two demos for Gaza on the 3rd and 10th January 2009. The Met Police webpage has six photos of 'suspects'. Some of these images were also published in various newspapers this week.

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Conchetta Social Centre, Milano: Eviction and mobilisation

24-01-2009 17:28

Milan / Italy - On Jan 22th the historical centro sociale-squatt Conchetta (also called Cox18) was evicted by an action of force organized by the Police as requested by the right-racist-neoliberist municipality of Milan.

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Falmouth activist films night - On the Verge

24-01-2009 15:34

Falmouth People and Planet films and vegan cake night - Wednesday 4 February, 6-8pm
Seminar Room I, Tremough Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, UK, TR10 9EZ

We will be showing 'On the Verge - the film they tried to ban'.

Free cake!

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Guantanamo: "The iguanas have more protection than the human prisoners."

24-01-2009 15:17

The Cageprisoners Tour, which marks the seventh year since Guantanamo Bay was opened, arrived in Liverpool on 22nd January. Of the three speakers, Moazzam Begg and Omar Deghayes were prisoners there. The third, Chris Arendt, was a prison guard.

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3 Days of Action in NYC: Solidarity with SHAC 7 UK

24-01-2009 15:08

01/17/09: Day 1: Targeting HLS Puppy Killing Scum Andrew Baker and Fur Killing Scum Dennis Basso
01/18/09: Day 2: Protests Against HLS Investors Bank of New York Mellon, Wells Fargo & Fur Targets MaxMara & Dennis Basso
01/19/09: Day 3: Pressure Mounting on Huntingdon Life Sciences Investors Bank of New York Mellon & Barclays Global

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Sunday 25 Jan - Protesting the "Extreme" Porn Law in London

24-01-2009 13:41

The Consenting Adult Action Network has organised a protest in London tomorrow against a new law that criminalises possession of "extreme" adult pornography. Sunday 25 January, 2pm-5pm, opposite Parliament.

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The Torygraph 24/1/09.....again

24-01-2009 13:33

Vomiting green bile this time

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Peace Group Demands Shutdown of Israeli Embassy

24-01-2009 12:29


13 January 2008: Carrying a giant eviction order and a mock padlock, the broad anti-war group, Stop the War Coalition-Philippines, went to the Israeli embassy today to symbolically order its closure.

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Why the police riot? - part 2

24-01-2009 11:10

500+ police officers prepare to ban a march in London 17th Jan 2009
The British police public order tactics manual is a secret document establishing a paramilitary third force in the UK, under the control of a private company (ACPO) with permission from the home office.

This is part 2 of a series, for part 1 see:

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Community Public Action Notice !

24-01-2009 06:22

Demonstration Against Judicial Corruption, Unlawful Imprisonments, Human Rights Abuses and Institutional Failures in the UK Every week outside HMP Wormwood Scrubs, Du Cane Road, London W12 0AE.

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South Shields Free Palestine Rally

24-01-2009 04:55

a 70 man protests took place tonight outside south tyneside collage

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Sentence for Life - SHAC 7

24-01-2009 00:39


“Gregg Avery, Natasha Avery, Dan Amos, Heather Nicholson, Gerrah Selby, Gavin Medd-Hall, Dan Wadham and all others accused in this politically motivated witch hunt are guilty of the highest level of compassion. They have given their all to save the lives of others and expose the inbuilt failings of animal experimentation. Prison and the threat of prison will not stop decent people from doing what is right.” - SHAC spokesperson.

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HLS Share Price At All Time Low : $7.41

24-01-2009 00:27

16th-23rd January: Huntingdon Life Sciences (NYSE:LSR) share price drops from $8.99 to $7.41, crashing another 17%, following the loss of 75% after reaching the peak of $36.45 back in September 2008.

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Observer pulls "eco terror" disinformation article

23-01-2009 23:47

Police warn of growing threat from eco-terrorists
Remember the Eco-Terror scare that the Observer ran last year and SchNews wrote about, ?

Well now it seems that this article, has been removed from their web site, however the Yahoo cache still has a copy so here is a screenshot to save it from the memory hole...

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Shactivist/Vegan Prisoners Birthdays

23-01-2009 20:40

Dan Wadham's birthday is on Feb 3rd, so please send birthday cards! His details are on the Current Prisoners page. Also remember Jonny Ablewhite's on 27 Jan and Heather Nicholson's on 30 Jan.

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IMCUK server seizure article in IMB-Barcelona

23-01-2009 19:26

Just to point to a posting about yesterday's server seizure in IMC-Barcelona:

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UK SHAC 7 Solidarity; Gothenburg, Vienna & Hamburg

23-01-2009 16:52


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Betraying the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King

23-01-2009 13:38

Martin Luther King
This inauguration is lauded as the realization of Dr. King's dream. To betray the dream, to profit from the sacrifice is to insult the legacy.

Obama stands silent as his country aids in the genocide of the Palestinians. He will forge peace by sending 30,000 American troops to Afghanistan to intensify the massacre that has left nearly 800,000 of his brothers and sisters dead. He stands silent on the more than 700,000 of his brothers and sisters who have been murdered in Iraq. He threatens War against Iran, Syria and already destroyed Lebanon. He remains silent on the murder of his brother Oscar Grant III by police officer Johannes Mehserle in California.

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Israeli Embassy protest - January 17th 2009 (The Yellow Army)

23-01-2009 12:04

In protest of Israel's atrocities in Gaza and UK sales of arms to Israel, around 300-400 people assembled in front of the Israeli Embassy gates in Kensington, London. The police were far more than prepared for the demonstration in what became a sea of yellow jacketed officers. A diminished crowd of about 150 people were forcefully dispersed and escorted from Kensington by the MET and Transport Police.
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