UK Repression Newswire Archive
The Good Fight
23-01-2009 10:42

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a milltent thursday m&s picket 3rd week running
22-01-2009 23:46
Tonight around 15 angry protestors took part in a noisy and angry picket of Marks and Spencer, Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel. A banner was held across the main entrance and information was distributed to passers-by. Many members of the public took the opportunity to join the picket and express their anger at Israel's actions in Gaza and Britain's continuing complicity.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Siege of LR4 - Birmingham occupation ends
22-01-2009 21:53
The occupation of Arts LR4, University of Birmingham, which began at 9am on Tuesday 20 January, ended at around 9pm on the same day after 12 hours in. West Midlands Police and university security lay siege to the building from 7pm in a bid to isolate the protesters. The occupiers were denied access to water and food (from outside) and had to blockade the lecture theatre as police and security massed outside it...Day of action - Freedom for Natalja! Freedom for all prisoners!
22-01-2009 21:40
we are strong! - no one can tell us we‘re wrongOn Saturday, February 9th 2008 Natalja was arrested during the yearly demonstration against the NATO-Security-Conference in Munich (Germany). They accused her of resisting violently against police measures. A warrant was issued against her and since then she is in Munich behind bars.
Unseen Gaza, tonight on Channel-4
22-01-2009 20:56
Tonight (Thursday 22 January) at 11:05 PM, on Channel 4, a special edition of Dispatches "Unseen Gaza".In this Dispatches special, Jon Snow examines the difficulties that news organisations around the world have faced in reporting the conflict in Gaza. Who is getting the true picture of events as they happen?
Demo about Heckler & Koch weapons activities, Market Square in Nottingham
22-01-2009 20:14

Dukes, Squatters, Travellers and Mortgages
22-01-2009 19:32
Three very different and apparently unrelated housing stories appeared intoday's news: 92% rise in repossessions, parklane squatters and a High Court decision whih woll mean the eviction of Dale Farm, a Irish Traveler Site in Essex.
Activism Labeled "Blackmail" - SHAC UK Sentenced
22-01-2009 14:03

Freedom to Protest in Portsmouth
22-01-2009 11:13
John Molyneux was arrested on the 3rd of January and charged under Section 11 of the Public Order Act (1986) after helping to organise a protest against the massacres in Gaza. His 'crime'? Exercising his freedom to publicly express political dissent in association with others.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Too much security, not enough justice: Stop ID checks at the LSE now!
22-01-2009 10:32
text distributed around lseSHAC solidarity demos at HLS sites, suppliers, Harlan and Sequani!
21-01-2009 23:15

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Leonard Peltier brutalized, life in jeopardy!
21-01-2009 23:11
Following is an extremely urgent letter from Leonard Peltier's sister.Please consider doing anything you can to help stop Leonard Peltier's murder in prison.
Netcu Watch // Steve Pearl and Netcu we know where you work...
21-01-2009 20:09
After some netcu related hilarity during the past few days demonstrations at Harlan, HLS Wooley and HLS Occuld we took PCs Bacon and the officer we know as "Dave" in to the main Cambridgeshire Police Headquaters. And a police officer dropped a real clanger.Full article | 1 addition | 22 comments
Netcu Watch // How you might go to prison for not knowing or knowing someone...
21-01-2009 14:34
"Persons Unknown" (the illusive terrorist group) made a special visit to seal the deal in the latest SHAC trial. Whoever these persons unknown are they sure to drop us in it time and time again. Apparently the defence were part of a group which torched cars, used blackmail and intimidation to further the campaign against HLS.SHAC Sentences anounced
21-01-2009 14:18
Activists found guilty of 'conspiracy with persons unknown to blackmail' Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) were today sentenced to terms from 4 to 11 years.SHAC trial ends - defendants jailed with disproportionate sentences!
21-01-2009 14:16
We expected the worst, so it is no surprise that massively disproportionate sentences were handed down today after the SHAC trial ended.Audio: Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour - Sheffield
21-01-2009 01:37

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6000 march in Birmingham for Gaza but diversity of tactics stifled yet again
21-01-2009 01:30

Notts Anti Military Meeting
20-01-2009 17:47
A meeting hosted by Nottingham Anti Military group will be held at the Sumac Centre, Gladstone Street, Forestfields, on Wednesday 21st January 2009 at 7.30pm.